Tuesday, November 21, 2006


Life was looking very rosy after having the perfect martini. I was waiting for my takeout dinner at this local independent restaurant, which makes a perfect Argentinian-style steak with chimi churi. I met actually a very lovely woman who works for the National Cathedral, sitting there drinking a much more drab glass of white wine.

To offset my gin indulgence I was up at 5:30 and at the gym for a spinning class. It was the first I've taken at the YMCA, as I usually do them downtown at my other gym. I rather enjoyed it and it came at a good time, because I was feeling a bit aimless about what my workout would be this morning. Yesterday I lifted weights and it will come as a relief to know that yes I am indeed still an Iron Maiden, I can bench well in excess of 100 lbs. I have this gorgeous dress I am planning to wear at Christmas time but it is sleeveless so I am keeping up with the weight-lifting.

What else, well my good friend Leslie in Tucson finished a grueling 100 mile bike race. I am so proud of her and she is indeed puttting me to shame with all this.

Please give me a bit of a pat on the back because for more than a week now I have been drinking soy milk in my coffee instead of cream. This may seem like a small thing, but it is a huge thing actually.

1. soy milk in coffee (kind of)
2. finishing spin class
3. a good martini
4. a good friend with whom I can enjoy that martini
5. not eating the dark chocolate/pecan/caramel/shortbread tart I brought in to work today

Tuesday, November 07, 2006


I do not have to stay up all night tallying the mid-term elections. I am actually happy about that. I will be doing a "what does this mean for the middle-class" story probably tomorrow or Thursday if we get a real sense of things.

I did nothing athletic yesterday. (well nothing terribly athletic.) I will run this evening before I vote and get in some weight lifting. Have to keep up my strength even though I am not racing until next year.

What else? Hmm. Nothing much really. I'm sick of eating salads every day from Au Bon Pain. I am going to start packing my lunches I think.

1. this picture
2. not having to tally election returns all night
3. a good long run
4. good strong french roast coffee
5. not having to eat a salad tomorrow for lunch

Sunday, November 05, 2006


I had a very long run on Saturday. It was a very good thing for me. Not only good for my physical well-being but I could clear my thoughts and really focus on what is important.

After singing in the choir and then visiting with my brother, his wife and son here for a couple of hours I then went for a quick three mile run. I am feeling a bit stiff but good. I can't wait to take a nice long shower and then climb into bed for a good read. It's going to be another busy week, particularly with the mid-term elections. I am sure I will be given some stupid writing assignments this week.

I have eaten pretty well this week. I am not going to weigh myself but once a week instead of every day. I tend to fluctuate widely with my weight so I think it's better to weigh in once a week. My clothing and how they fit is always a good barometer of how I'm doing. Also, I'm not going to eat a lot. case closed. no candy, no sugar, no processed carbs. The gorilla girl diet-- fruit, vegetables, lean meats and nuts.

My plans are to run every day. A long run one day and then a shorter one the next with a focus on running at a faster pace. I am pondering, PONDERING, doing a marathon next fall. We will have to see how I do and how things are going. I do indeed like running long distance it is very relaxing to me but I need to be able to pick up my speed a bit. If I could get down to a consistent 8:30 miles, I would consider doing a marathon. I just don't want to make a complete fool of myself.


1. running a very long distance
2. running the very next day
3. feeling these good aches like I had a good workout
4. a good night's sleep
5. walking away from the bad stuff and not feeling too bad about it.

Saturday, November 04, 2006


It's a new day and the sky is as sapphire blue as it could be. I'm setting out for a very long run today and I'm looking forward to it. Today is a new start. I'm sure you are sick of reading that because I've had a lot of "new starts" but that's how it is. I am fortunate enough to have new starts. That's better than a downward spiral I suppose.

So down this road, there are new faces, new places, new hurdles, new joys and new saddnesses to be had. Such is life. So what's a tough triathlete girl to do? Get up, get out there and run. Tomorrow I will ride and the next day I will continue on with something else. That's how it goes.

Sometimes life is hard and you have to just take it in 15 minute segments. That's what I'm doing right now and it's working somewhat. Everything has a purpose.


1. blue skies
2. a deep long sleep
3. new running shoes (badly needed)
4. retail therapy
5. that little bit of strength.

Friday, November 03, 2006


A friend gave me some poinant advice this week. "A car pointed down hill has to be driven a little further down hill before you can turn it around."

This has been a tough week. This road called life is not flat and it is indeed not smooth but progress is made all the while that I travel on it. It was a very busy week at work and also a bit humbling. I did write a very good story about the plight of the middle class and it got wide play but there were some other disappointments this week, both at work and in other areas.

Such is life. What's a tough triathlete gal to do? Well, get up, dust yourself off and keep moving. Happiness is found in strength and persistence and staying on the right path. Sometimes it is hard to keep my feet on the ground. I have the capacity to find such joy in things, perhaps too much and prematurely so, but I do-- To be able to do that is important and I am grateful for the ability to do so even if it is ill-delivered.

This weekend. Well, it didn't start off as I had hoped but it's sure going to get better. I am doing a long run tomorrow morning. The last time I felt this way I managed to run 10 miles! So yes, there is good in everything. I then have a bike racing clinic I'm doing later in the weekend. This will be a good way to see if this whole biking racing (beyond triathlons) is for me. I am looking forward to my long weekend in Florida which is coming up. It is good to find support in one's friends and I am blessed with many of them indeed.


1. strength
2. good friends
3. a path that lies ahead
4. new running shoes
5. me

Friday, October 27, 2006


I made some good progress this week on many fronts. I managed to go to the gym and get some good workouts done, Met some interesting people. In particular, I had a great meeting with a source in Chinatown. I should get lots of stories out of that.

I am working the night shift here at work. I really miss doing this shift. It is very cold lately and the leaves are all turning. Our maple is a blazing red. It's nice to be reminded that everything is a cycle and that when things get difficult, that too is just part of a cycle. Anger, resentment and fear are things that add poison to one's outlook. It is best to fix things or move on from them and not hold a grudge. It is also better to take the high road and not always try to seek justice. This can be very hard to do at times, but I am going to put my best foot forward on this front.

Regarding weight loss. Nada this week. It's a slow process and I am working at it at a comfortable pace. I don't think the dark chocolate bar infused with orange that I ate tonight could have helped on this front but it sure was good. I love dark chocolate. I have a big feature story I am working on regarding the middle class. I am very excited about it and hope to make good progress in writing it tonight although I have indeed been dragging my heels. My hopes tomorrow are to go and get in a nice long run and then perhaps a 20 mile bike ride in. I have my bike racing clinic the weekend of Nov. 5 and I am looking forward to that. It will be on a velodrome track with one of those scary bikes that has no brakes. Totally excited- totally!


1. making peace over the bad stuff
2. orange/dark chocolate bars
3. not eating a punch bowl full of peanut m/m s
4. source lunches in chinatown
5. just getting to this point in one piece with a smile on this face!

Monday, October 23, 2006

Back on the Wagon

Today started out very well. I was at the gym before 6:00 am. I lifted weights, ran on the treadmill then did 30 hard minutes on the ARC trainer. I felt great and it is a wonderful way to start the day. I try to do it this way daily but my job and just being too tired to get out of bed at 5:15 often preclude me from doing so.

I have no more races this year, so my plan is to focus on improving my running and also shaving off 30 pounds for the next season so I can do category four bike racing and be a bit lighter. I could buy a lighter bike but it's been pointed out that making myself lighter would be helpful as well. If I shave off 30 lbs I will be lighter than I was in college. Not too shabby for this 42 yr old.

Today I've been very good on the diet front. I've had about a quart of water so far and for breakfast I had half a whole wheat bagel plain and a plate of berries and melon. For lunch I had field greens with a SMALL amount of dressing, with grilled chicken and tomatoes. That was followed up with a plate of fresh fruit- water for my beverage.

I had a good weekend. I went apple picking with my boys, which was quite fun until I had to pay for the 20 lbs of apples. Now I have no idea what to do with all these apples. They are very good and huge. Perhaps I will make a pie for my neighbors, I can be nice sometimes.

I have been thinking recently about taking up Karate lessons, at a place in Beltsville I think. Should be fun and will probably get my heart rate up and be a good way to stay toned and entertained over the winter months. I need a new change I think. I will look into this more tomorrow.


1.this iced java I'm sucking on right now
2. chilly fall days
3. karate arms
4. more time to put off writing an analysis my editor is expecting
5. these hot new shoes I am wearing right now.

Friday, October 20, 2006


It was a great race, my last for this year and I did it with my friend Leslie, who got me into these crazy races. She flew into D.C. to do my first race this past April with me, so it's only fitting that we finished off the season together.

I will post pictures when I get them. It was also an important race because my parents and my sister drove to see the race from San Diego. I am so pleased they did that. It meant a lot to me.
Leslie and I also rode up Mt. Lemmon, which is a 9000 ft elevation mountain. That was quite a climb but an amazing ride down. Words cannot explain that at all.

Today I am setting out to do more regular postings to this blog and to keep on focus. Since January I set out to share my struggles through weight loss and training for these races. At the time, I didn't really think I could do a triathlon and now with five of these races under my belt, I can tell you there is no turning back. I've come very far and I've been over some big bumps, both physically and emotionally. Nothing is a straight and easy path, but when you achieve your goals through all the hard work, it all seems worth it.

My goal over the next six months is to lose 30 pounds and I will be mapping my progress here on this blog. I welcome suggestions and words of encouragement. I am 100 lbs lighter than I was in April 2005, but I have more to lose.

1. having five triathlons under my belt
2. being able to say I survived the bad stuff
3. still walking forward with all the good stuff
4. a sunny outlook on what lies ahead
5. new commitments toward self improvement.


Wednesday, October 11, 2006


There is nothing worse than watching the clock all day long. That's what I've been doing. I was given an assignment to write up a rather technical analysis piece on the government's latest data estimates and I just can't bring myself together to finish it. I will tomorrow.It will be a fairly good story, but it has been painful to say the least.

I have one more triathlon. It's this weekend and it's in Tucson with my friend Leslie. She helped me kick off my season here doing the Cure Autism Now race with me in April and I can think of no better way to end the 2006 triathlon season than with her. I am excited because some of my family will be there to watch the race. My parents haven't really understood this whole racing thing, so they will get a good view of the excitement. I hope they enjoy the race.

I've been single-parenting this week. No problem. But I fly out on Friday morning for my race and I can't wait. My friend Leslie is planning a Saturday morning warmup ride up Mt. Lemmon. This should be very interesting to say the least-- I am pretty much a light weight compared to her.

After eating and drinking way too much this weekend I am being good this week but it's been very hard. Today for breakfast I had fresh berries, melon and coffee. For lunch I had roasted vegetables and I have no idea what I will have for dinner. Something light I think because I don't want to feel full. HOWEVER, I have been thinking about food all day.

Every 20 minutes or so I keep wandering back to the kitchen at work, hoping that the TV people have dropped off their leftovers -- cookies and other junk. No such luck. Out of desperation I even decided to have hot chocolate, but when I pushed the button on the machine, this cloudy water came out -- Oh well, no junk for me. That's a good thing I suppose.


1. the prospects of finishing this horrible analysis piece
2. leaving here before it gets cold for Tucson
3. coffee every couple of hours to keep me from eating too much
4. skinny pants that fit
5. good weight lifting session

Wednesday, September 27, 2006


I had a fabulous bike ride yesterday. It's getting just cool enough and it's fabulous cycling weather. had a nice 38 mile ride. This was after having to shell out $55 to have my handlebars fixed.

A jerk back in June who is obviously uncoordinated and an idiot with a junky piece of crap bike for no logical reason wiped out onto my racing bike. I've already shelled out money a couple of times now to get the rims fixed from that and yesterday I paid to have the handlebars fixed. Very annoying. People like that need to stay out of the way of the rest of the world. (ok this is a bit negative but the accident was completely avoidable)

I have spinning class in a few minutes. It's so lovely out, I'd rather spin around outside but it's a good class. I haven't weight lifted in almost a week-- but last night I did this water running/aerobics class with a good friend of mine and there was a good bit of pretty tough resistance work with floatable dumbbells in the water. I thought it was a nice workout and I can feel a bit of it today in my shoulders. It was fun to be with my friend too-- I think this will be a regular Tuesday night thing for me.


1. breakfast on top of the Hotel Washington
2. being sleuth when I need to be
3. blue skies
4. these lovely pink roses on my desk
5. having smallest pair of pants fit nicely (ok second to smallest pair)

Monday, September 25, 2006


Today is a new start! I have been in the throws of racing season, working full time and dealing wih some other issues and I feel like I've gotten away from my true focus. It's all about improvement, discipline and feeling better exponentially. I feel like I've been a bit distant from this goal and today I am back on track and feeling wonderful.

I was at the gym this morning at 5:30 for a great run and then some leg strength work on the arc trainer. All in all a great way to start the day, then I rushed back home and made for my colleagues at work raspberry/pistachio scones. I had one, it was great and yes full of butter and cream. Life can be very rewarding this way. You gotta have a scone every once in a while.

Then, because I am recomitted to doing as much as I can to stay on track, I slipped out and went to spinning class at noon at the gym here near my office. It was just two of us in the class, which was strange but the instructor showed up. This attractive, unassuming woman with long blonde hair wearing teva sandals and baggy shorts. I'll admit I was kind of doubtful about her because she never got on the bike. Let me tell you. THAT WAS ONE OF THE HARDEST SPINNING CLASSES I HAVE TAKEN. Why, well, she's a professional bike racer.

She spent the entire time working with us on our form and we did not ease up at all throughout the class-- We had to maintain 90 cycles per minute throughout the entire thing. She gave me some great pointers throughout the class about my form and I feel like I learned so much.

After class, I talked with her and it turns out she lost 170 lbs!!!!!!!! Can you believe it? I was so excited to meet her. She lost it seven years ago when she decided to get into charity bike rides her first century being the Seagull Century (interesting huh???) Anyway, she met up with some professional racers on the Seagull Century ride and they got her into racing and she hasn't stopped.

I have all her information, because she is a personal trainer and I am thinking about taking her on this winter so I can train for the spring bike racing season-- Isn't this great???? I'm totally totally totally into this.


1. getting back on course
2. free salad in the kitchen at work
3. being strong
4. meeting people who are strong
5. a really good outlook!


Sunday, September 24, 2006

Ode to the Muscadine

Oh but to think of you, big, firm, so very sweet
and not here for too long it seems.
One brief taste sits on these lips,
but forever you are on this mind.

A year of dark winter, spring rains, and summer heat
will again bring this sweetness to me.
And yes, all the while
it is indeed worth the wait.

It was a great weekend. I was busy working on Friday night, but it paid off, I have a nice clip today in the New York Times. On Saturday I had some great time with my family, well needed. And then it was a lovely and speedy bike jaunt on Sligo Creek Parkway. The scenery at the beginning of the ride was not so great but as I quickly rode off, it got much better. I hooked up with this young bike racing guy and we were talking and speeding along- It was really nice and yes, I did manage to keep up with him. His last words "How do manage to do all this?" It's easy- I love it and I have a great network of family and friends who make me very happy.


1. Muscadine Grape season
2. $200 dresses being on sale for $99
3. Iced Coffee
4. Fun weekends
5. Perspective

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Scary Ocean Swim

Ok, so I did my FOURTH triathlon this weekend. It was truly a sprint in distance but I have to tell you it was likely the scariest one-- It started with a half mile ocean swim. I don't know what it is about my luck but everytime I've had an open water swim in any kind of salt water, it has always been very rough waters. The Atlantic ocean was incredibly rough on Saturday. In fact, they were considering calling off the swim part of the triathlon and changing it out for a one mile beach run (yuck). They didn't-- we had to swim out about 150 yards past a buoy and then swim due south parallel to the shoreline (but mighty far out there) for half a mile. Getting out there was the hardest part-- many of the triathletes quit at this point or had to be rescued by the coast guard or lifeguards. I even pondered going this route myself but by the grace of God made it through the swimming portion. There was one point during this swim where I really thought I might actually be in danger. I was happy to finish the swimming part. The biking part was very very brief, only seven miles. This is short compared to the typical 19 miles I do on a traditional sprint triathlon-- But they were doing construction on the Indian River Inlet bridge so it was a quick short jaunt. I focussed on keeping my speed up because I knew I'd be slow in the running part.

The running portion, five kilometers, was mostly flat, running through downtown Dewey Beach into Rehobeth. It was fun, spectators lined the streets cheering us on (I was too embarassed to stop running, which was good). I finished the running part, but probably at the speed a 90 year old could do it walking!!!! The running is not my strong point and I have to say I was really a bit shaken up still by that ocean swim.

I will do this race again next year, but I will be much more respectful of that Atlantic Ocean. Oh, and this time I'll remember to bring my wetsuit. 72 degrees is chilly for a distance swim!


1. not drowning
2. completing 4 triathlons
3. sunny skies
4. tan lines
5. caramel popcorn

Friday, September 15, 2006


Geez, I've been terrible at this! Since I've last posted I've done two triathlons and now I'm off to do another.

In Early August I did the Culpepper triathlon. It was great, in the foothills of the Shenandoah mountains-- The lake was beautiful-- steam was rising off of it just minutes before my toes touched the water. The bike ride, 30K, was very very hilly but all the while I was smiling as I looked at farmland and the Shenandoah off in the distance. I was really worried the night before because all these stuffy triathletes were in the town with really fancy bikes. Turns out, just a lot of uppity Bethesda, Md types who just like to spend money-- I passed many of them on the bike ride and a lot folks just didn't know how to use their equipment- snapping chains etc. Hmm. Oh well. I crawled to the finish line for the running part. I hate running.

In late august, the joy of my life, i did the Iron Girl in Columbia-- wowwee, what a race-- what a killer-- I ranked 1208 out of 1800 racers though-- wld have been better if I were better at running. It was am 850 meter swim in the lake- lovely. 30K bike- the hardest I've ever done-- the first hill was a 1000 ft incline over a mile and a half and then about a 4 mile hilly run around the lake (very mean running course)-- i did it-- I ranked 848 in the biking and 870 in the swimming so I'm a fast average in those areas. I had a great time and Tom Ben, Jack and Kathy were there at the finish line cheering me on-- it was great fun. We then went out and got really big burgers at this place in columbia and decadent decadent onion rings-- good stuff.

Last weekend I ran a 5K race with the Reuters running team. I am very slow but I ran the entire course-- I did about 12 minute miles. but i did not stop! that's the main thing. I kept going- ran down Pennsylvania Ave up to Capitol Hill and then back toward the White House-- great fun!!!!!!! We had a big pancake breakfast at the National Press Club afterwards--

I've been doing a good bit of running lately-- I think I've finally gotten religion on that. I've had some good influences in that area too. My goal at this point is to shave off at least 30 pounds over the winter so I am lean and mean for the spring/summer/fall 2007 racing season. I will intermittently add some 5Ks,10Ks and I'm likely to throw in a 10 miler or a half marathon-- it's all about fun. Obviously the Seagull Century, which is coming up in a few weeks will be a great highlight as well. My friend Dean is doing that with me and we are meeting up with my friend Rob Wells who is a great cyclist and his friend-- forgot his name. That shld be a great day more than 6000 riders for that.

Tomorrow I have the Dewey Beach Triathlon-- it's my only ocean swim race this year and I'm a little nervous about all the critters! It's a short race otherwise, whch is good b/c my training has been a little lax. It's a 1/2 mile ocean swim, only a 7 mile bike ride-- i will sprint this-- and then 5 k run on absolutely flat course-- i will try and boost my speed here as well. This one will be about not drowning and then picking up some speed-- wish me luck!


1. Iced coffee
2. not wearing the uncomfortable pants I wore to work yesterday
3. dark chocolate
4. driving alone
5. email

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Sam and LIbby

It's hard to believe I havn't done a posting since I began working full-time. Or, perhaps it IS believeable. Either way, there's so much to tell but I am choosing to focus on a trip I took this past weekend to visit my old college friend Spencer.

He has two crazy dogs. Sam and Libby- at first greeting I thought it was strange that they didn't bark but rather jumped wildly all over me with their short little legs (about 3 inches long). This is because during the day they have to wear these collars that shock them when they bark. Sam and Libby are half Welsch Corgy and Dachsund. They are about as long as a golden retriever and about as tall as a Dachsund, very interesting-- they also have very huge long snouts- oversized for their stumpy legs.

In Spencer's little Fla. apartment there is a whole range of devices, contraptions and inventions he has used over the past year and a half to control these wild animals.-- a collar with spikes, harnesses etc. To calm them down the first evening I was there, Spencer pulled out two doggy backpacks and loaded them up with bags of beans and full water bottles.-- apparently the extra weight on these dogs is supposed to calm them down-- this after a two hour walk, tongues dragging on the ground-- Did that work? Hmm. well you would expect it to but actually n0-- wild as if it were the first of the day.--

Every morning Spencer wakes up at about 6:30 so he can assemble his bone treats for the dogs-- he took these huge bones-- (must be from the legs of a cow or something) and roasted them for several hours until they hardened-- Each morning he pulls down his blender and purees dry dog food into a mush with water-- these hollowed bones are then stuffed with this epicurian concoction and frozen-. A good invention indeed, because at night when Sam and Libby are at their wildest- these bones, (about twice their size) after a careful spreading out of old blankets and smelly t-shirts give any other inhabitants in the apartment about a half hour of peace. With full attention, both Libby and blue-eyed spotted Sammy will concentrate on extracting all of the tasty frozen dog food mush-- chewing and licking feverishly with a guarded corner-of-the-eye gaze over the room periodically.-- I don't think there is any threat that I would have taken their treats. They didn't seem that tasty to me.

Spencer has spent quite a bit of time reading about animal behavior-- I think he probably has learned enough to become a people psychologist. All of my tendencies to take control and be an Alpha female were certainly curbed for some magical reason. Very good Very good.
It was very hard for me not to make direct eye contact with those ridiculous dogs-- one does not need a television or any other form of entertainment. They are the show- and Spencer's computer is loaded with hundreds of photos of these dogs.


Spencer's parents live nearby in Sarasota. They are exactly the same like characters out of a Woody Allen movie. I love everything about them-- The big event was this juicer and we all sat around it as Spencer shoved pieces of various things into the shoot to be pulverized into a few drops of precious juice. This after debating for quite a while about how to put the juicing contraption together. All the while Herbert in the background with a pensive tone states that he would rather just eat the fruit.
We had a lovely dinner of swordfish and I forget what else. I liked it though. Spencer made it, which a fresh tomato chutney and a balsmic glaze.


It is very hot and many people leave Florida in the summer time, but this indeed is alright with me. We made a nice drive to the beach and swam in the gulf it was warm water and both of us are complete chickens when it comes to critters. So periodically you would see us do the crab dance out of the water. The beach was nice though with lots of sand dollars and beautiful shells. After a couple of hours lazing on the beach we headed back to Tampa and stopped just past the causeway at a shack of a place and had blackened Grouper sandwiches. they were great. The place was decorated with alligator heads and one could also order alligator nuggets or sausage on the menu. What could be better?

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Back to the grind

It's my third day back at work and I'm actually quite happy. I have even managed to work out two of the three days. I hope this is a habit here. Spending can also be an issue here because there are certainly some good stores for shopping-- I've already done a little of that too.

The first day back to work I wore a new brown dress from Ann Taylor, with a Linen/Silk jacket and my Manolo Blahniks!!! I will definitely be needing foot surgery in due time- there was a group of folks here doubtful I'd make it through the day in those killer shoes-- I did.

1. air conditioning
2. my Ipod
3. drinks at the end of this day
4. our nanny
5. adult interaction for a change!

Monday, July 10, 2006


Glory Days, Glory Days!!! Ok, sometimes things pay off-- actually managed today to stuff myself into a pair of 29X30 levis (the size I wore in college)!!!! They didn't look good, I had to nearly lie down to zip them up, but hey- they were on and zipped- Things are looking better and better for this girl in mid-life crisis.

I did a bunch of weight lifting today-- back up to my pre-surgery numbers and then I lounged by the pool for a couple of hours- reading my book, making calls and checking e-mail. I really like having a nanny-- I suppose the working part is something I will have to get used to- drat.

1. 29X30

Last week

This is the last week before I go back to work full-time-- It's going to be a very big change for me. A new chapter in this trip called life!

I have a triathlon less than a month away and I must still keep up my training. I am looking forward to the race and my plans are to just have fun and enjoy staying in the game. No beating myself up or killing myself to be competitive- fun, hard exercise!

That being said, I went out on a delightful ride last night on Sligo. There was a lot of flooding a week ago so the road is closed. Perfect for biking execept in one small part and I had a wonderful ride- cool, deep green and a lovely creek with the sounds of water trickling around the rocks-- Life does not get much better than this!

1. my bike
2. bike rides
3. good health
4. being grounded
5. moving on

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

100 Postings!!!!!

Ok, I've finally reached 100 today! And it's July! I am very sore after running my race yesterday- Yes, I indeed must work on the running part of my regimen. Today our new nanny started and it's very welcomed indeed, although it's kind of strange to see how bad of a parent both Tom and I are and how disorganized we are in comparison-- This is a new chapter and now there will be this great order to our lives- It's a great new beginning!

The race yesterday wore me out. It was stinking hot to say the least and the course was somewhat hilly- there were downhill parts but unfortunately for every downhill there's an uphill. Luckily it was all through residential areas so often times people would have their sprinklers on to cool off the runners-- very welcomed.

After the race-- (still before 9:00 am) they served a bunch of food including pizza- yuck- all I wanted was cold water- the smell of that hot pizza after running a race was appalling. I am very distracted today by something so I will keep this very brief.


1. A good orange
2.Our new nanny (she said she will make some spicy Jamaican food for us!!!!!!!)
3. A somewhat cleaned house
4. E-mails
5. being honest

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Surfing/Beach Pictures

Biking, NOT running to happiness

Okay, well in self-imposed policing of my laziness- I ran a 5K race this morning. Yuck. You will notice that my blog is titled BIKING, not Running to happiness-- there is a reason for this. I HATE RUNNING! It was very hot and I did not sleep well the night before and it was crowded. I did manage to finish although I had a very slow time 42 minutes. Usually I do these short races in about 35 minutes. It was a bit of a hilly course-- as the rule goes for every downhill, there's an uphill.

I did run into my friend Madeline, which was nice. I'm beginning to feel like I do all these races alone. (well, that's not true, Mary did the century with me) At any rate, I've got that triathlon in the Shenandoah mountains coming up-- August 6-- I don't know why I enlist myself for this torture. Although I have to say, finishing a race is fabulous. I have just 1.5 weeks before I go back to work full-time, the first time in 8 years. It should be very interesting. Many of my friends and family members are certain I will not be able to keep up my exercising. I will prove them wrong-- the YMCA opens at 5:30 am and I can also run at lunch.

It is stinking hot here and we are going to have a July 4th bicycle parade here in our neighborhood-- I don't know why I even bothered to take a shower today.


1. self esteem
2. finishing a race
3. Madeline
4. air conditioning
5. this cup of joe I'm drinking right now.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

7/11 Coffee and Lazing Around

We are lucky, the storm moving up the east coast came through here in the middle of the night and we are actually going to have yet another sunny day.

The surf is WAY TO ROUGH for me to go surfing this morning so I decided to laze around drinking a giant 7/11 coffee and reading the newspapers. I am putting off going to the gym, which is inevitable- I have signed myself up for a 5K race and I haven't done any running in weeks, so this should be very interesting.

Last night we went to the boardwalk and got a new hermit crab, one that is a bit more active than last summer's. We also played some ski-ball and took photos in one of those silly photo booths.

ok confession- i did have some caramel corn- it's a total weakness- but only some, not the whole box! We've been pretty good on this trip avoiding all the junk food, but it is hard. If health and weight issues were not a problem, I'd be eating subs and icecream every day, but this is not the case.

I will go surfing this afternoon. Hopefully the surf will be a bit more calm for these tired torn up bones of mine.

NOTE: I'm having technical troubles so I can't post any photos or links on this laptop. I will post photos from this trip next week when I am at home.


1. sunny skies
2. giant coffees
3. little blonde-haired boys who like to stick band aids everywhere
4. waking up to the sound of the surf
5. vacations

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Rip Currents, bruised knees and humble pie

Surfing has been hard this week. The east coast has been plagued by really strong rip currents- it's been on the news and I' ve been getting thrown around and beat up by them. My knees are all bruised from failed attempts at getting up and my shins are all scuffed apart from wipeouts!

Even so, in a few minutes I'm going to get back out there and give it another shot. It's addictive.

We are having unbelievable weather here, but 5 miles inland all the way home there is flooding rains. We haven't had any rain. I think the wind is keeping the rains away from us. Bad weather is inevitable but there are still many things to do.

I havn't thought once about wildlife. I'm in this state of denial that there are no sharks here in this part of the Atlantic ocean-- somehow I believe this is very wrong, but it makes me less frightened. Every morning around 9:00 am, the porpoises run from South to North and then they return at about 5:00 pm every evening. So very predictable.

Ben, Jack and Tom love the beach. We all were out all day yesterday although Tom is too frightened to go swimming, which is very bothersome for a 42 yr old man. The water is a bit chilly I'll admit and most of my swimming has been with a wetsuit-- Even so, I can't wait to get out there again.


1. 7/11 Coffee
2. sunny skies
3. big waves
4. knees that still kindof work
5. that whole surfing attitude- very amusing.

Monday, June 26, 2006

Sound of the Waves

I don't think life could get better than this. I fell asleep early last night to the sound of the waves and that's what woke me up!

The surf is very rough today. I will get even more banged up I suppose when I finish my surfing lesson in about an hour. I've been meddling with this surfing and I rather like it. It is hard but it's very fun. I don't really have the whole attitude thing down though, that's a subject that will probably need it's own blog posting. I can tell you that pretty much surfers think everyone else is uncool-- I don't even get eye contact because a: i'm a newcomber, b: i'm using a rented board and c: i am old.

When they walk past me with their boards, they look the other way. How horrid for them, a surfing mom!

We are having a great time here at the beach. Jack is talking more and more "Mommy I go go down dere agin" he says as he runs to the edge of the water and then quickly retreats. Ben, well once we're out on the beach, we rarely talk to him-- He's out out in the water on his boogy board from morning till dusk-- We have to remind him to come out and get lunch etc. He is at home at the beach.

1. waves
2. big waves
3. this coffee I'm drinking
4. sunny weather
5. little blonde-headed boys on the beach (ben and jack)

Sunday, June 25, 2006


I'm totally addicted. It was really rough out there and I was using this rented board that was big enough for an entire family. As soon as I finish this posting I'm going out to get a better board! This is going to be the best week ever! I plan to surf every morning and every evening!

We are going to try and be healthy this week, dining in mostly. It's hard to find healthy food here at this beach- there are a lot fat people walking around and I can tell you it's because all you can buy is subs, ice cream and pizza.

The water is really cold, thank goodness for wetsuits! I'm going to buy a new wetsuit here this week because mine, which I left at home, is too big. I will sell it on Craigs List. I have to tell you, I wish I lived here. There is nothing better than falling asleep and then waking up to the sound of the waves. We are having a bit of a conflict here about the television, which I think should be off entirely. We will work that out.


1. surf
2. no television
3. wearing a bikini for the first time in 25 years!
4. not being at home, where there is flooding from all the rain
5. kids going to sleep early and great red wine to drink after they do so.

P.S. I will post pictures when I get back. I'm having so much fun!

Friday, June 23, 2006


Well, I'm getting ready for our family's beach trip. Can't wait, we have a good many things planned and I'm going to get in a good bit of surfing all the while. My plans are to ride my bike every morning! Hey, it's flat, why not?

I will try and update this blog from my laptop, but I make no promises-- It's an old unreliable computer and one can never know if it will work.

Getting away will be quite fun and then when we get back, little Jack turns 3, so we will have a little celebration for that. Then it's only a couple of weeks before I go back to work full-time-- I have a 5K race I plan to run on the morning of July 4. I hate running, so this is my way of forcing myself to do it. I have two pretty tricky triathlons in August, one in September and one in October, so I have to keep up the work here.

1. getting away
2. this coffee I'm drinking
3. ever growing tomato plants
4. surfing
5. the new bikini I plan to wear.

Sunday, June 18, 2006


Well very sadly I do not have any pictures from the ride because my digital camera failed, so I will have to paint this great day for you with my words.

After 3.5 hours of sleep, I got up at 4:14 am, bikes in the car all packed and geared up and headed for Georgetown to pick up Mary. It took us about 2.5 hours to get to the race destination in Chesapeake City, Maryland-- along the Maryland/Delaware border.

It was intended to be a Metric Century race for us but unfortunately we are both very map challenged and managed to more than exceed the 100K/63 mile course-- by about 50 miles to be exact!!!!!!!!!!

The map they gave us was six pages long- if that gives you any idea. It was really beautiful. Our ride started out along the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal, lots of boats, historic homes and old towns. Mary rode my Hybrid bike, which I have affectionately called "the Tank" because it is heavy and durable. However, after yesterday's event the tank has a new name "The Egg Beater". For the first seven miles of our race, Mary was barely moving. "I can't figure this out, is it that I'm really out of shape or is it this bike," she asks as she peddles about 20 times for each one pedaling cycle I am doing on my racing bike--

"What gear are you in," I ask as we reach mile 7 and enter a corn field. "I'm in the highest gear," she answers as her legs are spinning faster than any legs would go in an aerobic spinning class.

"No, actually you are in the easiest gear," I say. "Couldn't you notice that?," I ask-- She promptely shifts gears and then begins cycling at a regular pace-- She then informs me on our 100K race that this is the first time she's been on a bike in more than THREE YEARS! And people say I am crazy! So while the computer on my bike clocked 110 miles, Mary gets credit for an additional 10 miles because of the whole egg-beater riding she did for the first 7 miles.

It was a beautiful ride, all through farms, thoroughbreds would run to the fences and look at us. We saw turtles in the road, field after field of wheat, corn and we think soy (neither of us is agricultural, although I think I might be a little more comfortable with the topic). We both sang songs from Oklahoma as we rode past corn fields-- As the waving wheat can sure smell sweet.....

"What is that huge metal thing stretching across that field?" Mary asks as we ride through a corn field. "It's an irrigation system,"I reply.

After about mile 12, we ended up deep into farm country- and funny- hmm. no other bike racers around-- were we riding that fast? surely someone must come along. Then we hear the clip clop, clip clop, clip clop of a trotting horse and look to see that it is an Amish family in a cart- four children sitting on the back with their legs hanging over the side and two very somber parents directing the Clydesdale horse as it trotted on the country road.

OKay-- I have been told that I am quite the competitive spirit. I don't always agree with this, but when a challenge comes before me I can't resist-- and frankly at this point, we were not even on our map-- we didn't even know if we were in Delaware or Maryland at this point-- we were in a field out in the middle of no where, no cell, no idea of where we were, two bikes that's it.

So as the cart passed us, I shifted into competitive Joanne mode and raced ahead and really with little effort passed the cart.-- ask Mary if you do not believe this but I can ride my bike faster than a work horse-- She claims I got some very interesting looks from the Amish family. I don't know if they were complimentary looks or not- I will not ponder this.

Finally we came to a main road and found some other lost bikers who held up the map and then moved their hands about a foot away from it and said "This is where we are right now." So at that point, we figured out how to get back on our map and find some sort of route back to the race.

Mary and I decided to backtrack and do the course backwards unbeknownst to us that this would make what was to be a 63 mile course much much longer! At mile 45 we again were lost and a very fit man on a fancy racing bike (not in the race) stopped and pointed us back to our course and parenthetically mentioned that we would pass the "Alibi Inn". Hmmm. tired, lost several times over and very hot- the word Inn and the prospects of resting seemed wonderful. A quaint historic inn, antiques and little fancy sandwiches.

We indeed found our way there. Where there's a will there's a way, especially when there's food and drink involved! The Alibi Inn, however, was a bit different than we expected. Mind you we don't know still what state we are in Delaware? or Maryland?

We came upon this shack, with a handful of rusty pickup trucks parked out front, all with patriotic stickers and flags on them, gun racks, crap traps etc. Parked our bikes and went in- time: 10:45 am. The place inhabited by retired men very red in the eyes having been sitting at the bar for several hours already. "When things get busy here you folks has got to git ur own drinks, that's just how things is," one customer slurs to us-- as we all swatted at the flies about us.-- One wise customer at the end of the bar, indeed a regular, knew to come with his own fly swatter in hand-- often used as a pointer when he needed to make some valuable comment. Very pleasant company as we sat at a grubby table with mismatched chairs in the cement-floored establishment.

Mary and I ordered haddock sandwiches and crab dip-- regretfully on that dip-- we both felt pretty sick afterward- not a good dish to have when it's hot, you're lost and you've got another 70 miles to go. Mary denies this but I do recall in the 1980s when I first met her, that she pronounced "Athur Treacher's as "Arthur Tretchers" (like stretcher...) she denies this- but it is very true. Also she is the only person I know on this planet who ate at Arthur Treacher's.

It was also discussed at length the meaning behind the name ARBYs.-- apparently I've been told and she vaguely recalls too- that this name somehow means Roast Beef-- there is apparently an entire sentence about this in this name, but I don't quite get this. It also became apparent that it was only in recent years that either of us realized that the farm hands in the Wizard of Oz were indeed also the Tin Man, Scarecrow and Cowardly Lion. "That just shows how good a story that is doesn't it," Mary comments.-- This is at about mile 55-- we are a bit delirious at this point-- no other bikers to be found.

More about the scenery, all over the ride there were these historic homes- places where George Washington slept etc-- stuff from the 1700s -- Also big plantation like farm houses- with grand trees lining the drives-- huge fruit laden trees, cows wisely sleeping in the shade. Then we would come across a bit of red-neck stuff too- like junky houses with things in the yard like rusty refrigerators or hamster cages "4-sale"-- I can't tell you how to get there if any of this stuff appeals to you because I don't know if this was in Maryland or Delaware--

I can tell you that we crossed over that Mason-Dixon line about 12 times during our trip-- winding through all these country roads going back and forth back and forth over that line. So we crossed in and out of each state repeatedly.

We did make it back to our car- had to get directions several times over but we did make it. And I have to tell you-- it took about 5 hours to do the race and we laughed the entire time. I look forward to doing another century-- this time I'm bringing along someone who can read a map though!


1. finishing the race
2. having so many things to laugh about
3. being faster than an Amish horse
4. not having to sit on a bike today
5. maps and people who can read them well!

Friday, June 16, 2006

Old Friends

I actually tracked down an old friend of mine from college/20s Spencer. He is exactly the same- I have such good taste in friends!! This former bicycle courrier lives in Florida now doing an internet-based business with a friend that is quite successful-- I can't wait to go down and visit-

It's really important to keep in touch with old friends. Sometimes we get away from that and get busy with our own lives and find it difficult to make the effort, but at this stage in my journey I think it is absolutely important to make that effort.

The friends you make and keep know you and understand you and accept you as you are- It's hard to find this in this difficult world. At any rate, I have already checked out flight information and the first weekend I can go down and visit is at the end of July-- I invited myself- he has these two devilishly cute dogs with big heads and very short legs (my weakness when it comes to doggies).

Spencer has a profile out there too online- but he says it hasn't worked too well- I think it's because he is not the best self-promoter. But hey, who likes self promoters? I don't!

I am doing my first century this weekend and am very excited. It's on the eastern shore of Delaware and Maryland and it's supposed to be sunny and hot-- I'll be fine- I love riding. I will be getting up at 4 in the morning to set off for this ride. My friend Mary is braving it with me- I am really looking forward to it-- we will be riding through small towns and hopefully will see some beautiful farmland. Wish us luck!


1. tracking down good friends
2. still being crazy about those friends
3. having some news for a change
4. the book I'm reading right now
5. only a day away from my first Century ride.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006


There's no sad country music mood this woman has been living in that can't be undone with endorphins!

I actually got out of bed in time to get to the gym at 5:30 today and run a few miles and then kill myself on the arc trainer-- It was great to get the blood flowing early in the day. We have company coming to our house for a lengthy stay and this is a great way to start the day.

The mornings are so beautiful this time of year, I think I might actually get out and race around a bit on my lovely Red Beauty. It's so quiet and so little traffic-- It would be a great way to get in a ride and not have to worry about racing against the sunlight. Also less likely to run into people, which can sometimes be good.


1. a cold glass of water
2. sunny bright mornings
3. the Dixie Chicks
4. getting out of bed right away


Monday, June 12, 2006


Ouch, just as I set off on a quick sprint of a bike ride something stung my right thigh! It's still burning and it's getting more swollen and red as time progresses (it's been about an hour now since it happened).

I still kept riding-- The days are getting longer for a couple more weeks, then they will gradually get shorter-- this daylight is so valuable for riding- I don't know what I will do when I can't get these evening rides in. I have to keep riding because I've committed myself to a century ride this weekend. Actually, I can't wait-- I'm going to charge up my IPod. I've got some real sad country music I' ve been listening to and I'll continue that on my ride.--

I'm ok, but still sad at times. I'm just going to keep moving, keep racing, keep on keep on-- I am finding and maybe this is just because I am so sensitive to things right now, that strangers are quite nice. I must have this "be nice to me I need it" look. Oh well, school is almost out for the summer-- 1 1/2 more days-- then it's summer-- I will take my boys berry picking, we will make jam and then we will also spend a day at the lake up in the mountains- It should be very fun and relaxing.

I will certainly take pictures of the berry picking-- but you will see pictures from my century ride first-- I'm going to be doing that on very little sleep-- I have to leave from here at about 4:30 to get over to the eastern shore for the ride. It will be well worth it though-- I am grateful to be able to ride. If the weather is rainy I'm not going to do it though because there is NO tread on my racing bike's wheels and I'm just not that brave-- sorry.


1. this starbucks I'm drinking right now
2. the salad I had at lunch--
3. getting back a good pair of bike shorts (they're big but they are nice and padded)
4. a few hours from now when this bug sting won't hurt
5. longer days

Sunday, June 11, 2006


Wow! what a day! I had a great time doing this race- We had a great time hanging out by the Bay before and after-- You can't tell from these pictures but it was a really pretty blustery day.

I know this seems vain but I'm just going to tell you that in picture #3 I am diving in the water-- I am not that chubby person in the foreground on the lower right of the picture! (You can't really tell which person is me diving in during what they call the "cuisinart chop" but that's that.

My official time was 49:46, however, that was the time I crossed the mat- we then waited in the water for a while-- you can see me dancing around in one of the pictures waving and laughing-- the goofy mom racer! According to my stopwatch, which swam with me, my time was 43:37-- not terribly fast but hey-- fast enough to qualify for the 4.4 mile race-- I'm doing that one next year-- what a hoot--

Anyway- I arrived at the race a couple of hours early- alone and I just snoozed in the sun listening to good music. There were sailboats off in the distance and these puffy clouds in the sky.The water was really choppy, which made the race more of a challenge for me. During the first 1/4 of a mile I was tempted to have one of the people in a Kayak pull me out but I didn't-- I kept going and I even managed to encourage some slower swimmers. It's all about having fun!. I am certainly no speedy swimmer, but I had a great time. I will admit that I felt a little ill out at the far buoys because I drank probably more red wine than I should have the night before and bobbing up and over the waves with your face in murky no-visibility water doesn't help the queaziness. At any rate- I loved it.

We had a fabulous time- the boys, my biggest fans as you can see in the one picture, enjoyed hot dogs afterwards. Okay, confession (and I'm sure Jason the personal trainer will lecture me about this) I had a really big fat angus burger- I deserved it-- It was good. This was a good day--

While I was swimming so many thoughts were going through my head, mostly how grateful I am to have the support network of family and friends. Many of you received calls before and/or after my race. You were all there in spirit! Thanks. And I just want to say, the more I swam, the more distance I made from the bad stuff that's been going on in my life-- It became so much smaller!

We tend to get consumed with the wrong things in life. It's so easy and I fell into that trap. Sometimes, and not to sound too much like Faulkner here, the whole world can be found a few feet from you. This is indeed important to remember. The good things don't always knock your socks off, but they are always there and those people who are most important in life will be there and be true. That is so much more important. This is a lesson I am going to pound into myself and unfortunately anyone who reads this blog on a regular basis. Sometimes it's really hard to be happy. It is indeed hard to figure out just what it is that creates happiness in our lives.

I certainly don't know all the answers to this, but I can tell you that the best happiness is the kind you can keep even when your feet are planted firmly on the ground.

This has been a great day! This journey continues for the 42-yr-old. There's many more things to see on my path and I am expecting there will be many more bumps and hurdles too. But, today was the giant vanilla soft-serve cone -- can life get any better than that?????


1. finishing
2. this smile that's making my face tired
3. distance from the bad stuff and strength to keep it that way
4. my fan club
5. this day!

I'm glowing!!!!!! I hope someone else does too after reading this! Life is good! It's hard, but it's good! Keep moving, keep loving and keep smiling. CARPE DIEM!!

Saturday, June 10, 2006


Ok, Aerobars-- I just had them put on my bike-- I have been having this problem with my hands going numb when I ride- probably some very bad form thing on my part, so I got aerobars put on. For those of you who are not familiar they are these strange extended things off of your regular handlbars and your elbows rest in these pads and you extend your grip out in front of you-- it makes you very aerodynamic because you are riding low on your bike, but with some level of comfort.
(like a professional racer)

wow-- they are great BUT I felt like I was going to wipe out with them-- instead of 60 percent of your body weight being on the seat- 60 percent is over the front wheel-- it's a whole different riding experience- but very aerodynamic-- I just rode 35 miles today through rock creek park and at times I was going about 35 mph down hill-- That might not seem fast, but it is to me, especially when I felt like I couldn't steer with those new aerobars.

Anyway-- it was so green in Rock Creek park I could taste it-- deep deep green and lots of friendly bikers out and a few 1980s throwbacks on their roller blades. It was indeed a great ride and I am very excited about doing my first century a week from today-- I need to buy a small camera that will fit in my racing jersey so I can take pictures along the way. I will also have a cell phone for emergencies and to call a few of you and gleam about my lovely riding day-- I am brave and I am okay with doing this by myself-- We can do anything we set our minds to!

Tomorrow I swim in the Chesapeake Bay Swim race- The 1-mile challenge. It is going to be a great time. I am so lucky to have my health back. Losing 100 lbs and being free again like this is so invigorating. It was hard work, but I was inspired to keep going and I thank God for that.

I know, I've said this over and over again, but this road to self-improvement has been bumpy. Very bumpy! But it's been worth it. I hope those who read this are inspired to get out there and make the changes they need in their lives. I'm certainly no fancy person and I have no gimic diets to discuss. It was hard work for this woman. I started this process a couple of years ago weighing nearly 300 lbs.

As the laziest, fattest person on the planet- If I could do it-- anyone can. Please feel free to e-mail me on this if you are interested in weight loss or encouragement of some sort.

Here are some basics: Turn off the TV, drink water, get a good orange and get out there and move! God gave us a great place to live , enjoy it!


1. Not wiping out
2. sunshine- a great disinfectant
3. distance every day from the bad stuff
4. strength to keep going
5. being that person that gets up every time after being knocked down!


Friday, June 09, 2006


When I have mentioned over the past several months that this road to self-improvement is a difficult one, I really never knew the magnitude of that until the last few weeks. But here I am, up for air-- actually more than up for air. I am strong, moving forward, making sense of things and, while a bit sad, I am all-the-while self-improving.

That being said. I have signed myself up for more races! I am going to do my first century bike race on June 17. It is the flatlands race- through eastern shore farmland in Delaware and Maryland-- (flat too!!) I will be doing this alone, (well, there will be many other bikers there) and I am happy for the solitude.-- The race starts at 8:30 am about 100 miles away from home, so I will leave out from here at 4:45 am- big 7-11 coffee in hand and my red beauty racing bike-- it will be a great day. I will have a couple of extra tubes, a pump, lots of water, some tools, a cell phone and some money-- so no worries about the dangers of it.

This Sunday my friend Mary and I will be swimming in the Great Chesapeake Bay Swim. We are doing the 1-mile challenge. I am looking forward to it and will post pictures of me in my Orca suit. The last time a photo of me was taken in that suit I LOOKED like an Orca!

Anyway-- in August I've signed up for two more triathlons. Aug. 7- Culpepper Va. and Aug. 28 in Ellicott City-- both include open water swims. Sept. 16 Dewey Beach triathlon (ocean swim!), Oct. 7 Seagull Century bike race (another great solo ride for me), Oct 14 Tinfoilman triathlon in Tucson, Ariz.

It is a busy season for me as I soon begin back at work full-time-- The guy at the bike shop is encouraging me to join the Artemis women's bike racing team www.artemisracing.org -- I will stick to road racing not that stuff in the velodrome with those bikes that have no brakes-- I am considering it-- I need sponsorship because this cycling has become an expensive habit and I have my eyes on a $7,000 bike. (don't worry I'm not going to buy it right now- I love my red beauty).

Anyway, it has been said to me over and over and over "keep your eye on the prize." That's what I'm doing. I have two lovely boys and I am blessed to be in good shape to have fun with these races, even at the ripe old age of 42. God willing, the rest of this year is going to be a good one. I have a great family, wonderful friends, and I've been given this strength to keep moving ahead- I hope I can continue.

Oh-- final note-- I just got these cool racing aerobars put on my bike so I can be aerodynmic when I race- I am really getting into this stuff!! If you have a bike, dust it off, put some air in the tires, strap on a helmet and get out there and ride- it is a freedom that is so wonderful I can't explain- you just have to experience it!


1. always having a fresh new start
2. friends and family
3. a good orange
4. peace found after making tough and sad choices
5. the strength to keep walking away from the bad stuff

Well, there is it. I

Tuesday, June 06, 2006


Well, the tomatoes are planted! A month late but still planted. We will have a happy August.

I am sore ALL OVER thanks to JASON! I can't move my arms and my abs are killing me! He has this habit of letting me know when there is some other woman he is training who can lift more to push me-- it works but I'm dying today!!!

I start back at work fulltime on July 17. I am very nervous that I will not keep up on my fitness. This will truly be a challenge for me that I must face. I want to lose 20 more pounds- I realize I keep saying this, I need to just do it right? Well thing is, I am slowly losing weight and I keep raising how much I want to lose.

About five months ago Jason did this pinchy thing with these calipers to measure my body/fat makeup-- the number was 42-- astoundingly high and very unhealthy-- it's 31 with the calipers now and 28 with the digital electric charge thing-- (i'm going with that figure) I need to get it down to 25-- so onward onward onward. Lately I've been really wanting to play tennis but I just don't have anyone to play with. I think I will sign up for semi-private lessons.


1. walking away
2. seeing the good through the bad
3. family visiting
4. the beach
5. swimming

Monday, June 05, 2006


Well, Sunday evening I went out for a quick 12 mile ride on Red Beauty on Sligo and happened to get into an impromptu race with two gentlemen on racing bikes (not as nice as mine of course). It was great-- I won. But I loved the competition and really pushing it, getting my heart rate up and I really want to get into bike racing on a regular basis. It is so invigorating to me.

Any way- no words or conversation between us, we just raced against each other- and then went our separate ways. I nearly killed myself on one of these gate things they put across the parkway to block off vehicles and that's a good thing I avoided wiping out, because it would have been a bad one.

I'm feeling so much better. I am confident I avoided the whole pnemonia thing because I got treated quickly. I will hear from my Doctor today and I am sure he will give me the go ahead for the Chesapeake Bay swim. My latest endeavor is to get my brother to do the Hustle up the Hancock Tower race with me in Chicago this February. My nephew will be going to college nearby and it will be a great reason to visit him and have a great Chicago weekend. Wish me luck in convincing him-- I always like to have a victim for these races and he's perfect.


1. feeling so much better
2. sunny days
3. this cup of joe I'm drinking
4. personal trainers
5. moving forward

Sunday, June 04, 2006


As simple as an aging church choir can seem, these things can be a blessing. Sometimes, week after week, people sing the same words over and over and that repetition is comforting. But when you feel like there's been some distance and you've been through some hardship, the words, the music, the spirit,, all of it are so very needed. Every word was meant for me today-- at least that is how it felt. A good thing for this woman who still has a long long path toward self-improvement.

I am still recovering from my illness, but gladly am doing much better. I may even brave a brief bike ride this evening if there is time. I don't plan on over-doing it but I think getting the blood pumping a little faster might not be such a bad thing-- I'm feeling kindof fat right now even though I've not gained any weight.

The Chesapeake Bay swim is a week away from today-- I hope we have good weather and that the water is not as rough as it was the last time I did this race. I will swim a mile and a half every day this week in training for that-- somewhat of a crash course actually.


1. feeling better
2. tomatoes finally planted!!!
3. being able to wear shorts I bought when I was in highschool
4. phad thai
5. dunno.

Saturday, June 03, 2006


Well, for every good idea, there always comes a snag. I am quite ill. I have been infected with "micoplasma" (sp?) which means I have walking Pnemonia-- It was a hard and stressful week for me and I think it just weakened my resistance. I am sad I can't go out and cycle-- my plan was to keep on my fitness schedule, but I am so weak and tired I can barely lift an arm.

I've left my bed for a little while right now to do this blog entry and then I will go back up and sleep for several more hours. I haven't been this sick in years- It is hard to breathe and I can barely even make it up the stairs. I will survive though. I come through everything.

It's gray outside anyway so I am not feeling like I'm missing anything huge. I start my new job, a big one, in July-- So I have a month to find a nanny for the kiddies and to get my act together.-- I don't even think I have work clothes to wear-- can't wear levis everyday I suppose.

Anyway, my bike awaits me. Amish country will still be there and next weekend hopefully I can tackle the Chesapeake Bay-- should be very interesting.


1. the prospect of getting better
2. big cold glasses of water
3. the time periods when I'm not having either the chills or feeling clammy
4. getting a new job
5. ending battles.

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

First Day Back at it

I've pretty much managed to ruin my marriage and some other relationships in my efforts toward self-improvement. I realize this doesn't make much sense, so I have decided today to embark on an entirely different approach.

I am most happy and free when I am riding on my lovely racing bike. I had a recent spill with this bike in an unfortunate situation in more ways that I care to explain, but all is well with me and. I slapped down some bills and got the nice guys at the bike shop to bring her back to her glory.

My goal through all this is to keep my eye on the prize-- what is that? Improving my life. Being happy and loving my family and friends. These things come with hard work. I am back on track off of a bad path and onto the better one. I will soon go back to work full-time- I was just offered a very good job and I accepted, so I will be back in the game again. It's all coming together.

1. strength
2. friends
3. family
4. my boys
5. freedom

Monday, May 15, 2006


It's supposed to rain all week long. That means no cycling this week. Oh well, I'll survive I suppose. I need to focus on swimming anyway, as the Chesapeake Bay swim nears.

I had a restful weekend. Didn't do anything. I was actually rather sore all weekend long from a personal training session I had on Thursday.

Today I plan to do some running on the treadmill, a bit of time on the arc trainer and then Iron Maidens and my personal training appointment. That may sound like a lot, but it's actually just all in about 2.5 hours. These are the last days I'll be able to work out like this, as I am seeking a full-time job.

I've lost more weight. I'm not really trying, but I haven't had much of an appetite over the last week and a half. Just how it is I suppose. I'm thinner now than I was in my 20s. Kindof a good feeling actually. What it shows is that anything is indeed possible if you commit yourself to it. 42 is the new 22!!


1. fresh hot bagels
2. Italian dark roast coffee
3. a full night's sleep
4. a smile that's been on my face for some time now
5. oh, as always, lovely green eyes.

Sunday, May 14, 2006


It's supposed to rain all week long. I hate that. I will be doing most of my working out it seems now at the gym. I will focus on swimming and running on the boring treadmill.

It has been a fun weekend. I bought all of my tomato plants and flowers for the patio. I haven't planted them yet though. That's the worst part.

I really haven't done much in the line of exercise this weekend- I guess I will be more serious about that on Monday-- I am very very sore from my Thursday personal training appointment - I still can't lift my arms up all the way.


1. coffee
2. new clothes
3. coffee
4. a good nap
5. dunno

Friday, May 12, 2006


Well, yesterday was my first day back with my personal trainer, Jason. I haven't had a session with him in a month so it was a killer. I've lost a bit of my strength but I am confident it will return-- I am very sore today. He was not easy on me at all. That being said- I am actually glad to be sore because I want to get back to where I was strengthwise.

It is very beautiful out today after a very rainy day yesterday. I got soaked about three or four times coming and going as I do but I survived.

I am not going to do any working out today because I can barely move. Tomorrow I will do a nice easy 5K run and then some cycling. In fact, it's going to be a big cycling weekend for me. As a mother's day treat, I get the afternoon to myself to do a long lovely bike ride- I'm hoping to go out on the O& D and ride about 60 to 75 miles at a nice fun pace. I am looking forward to it.

Things are going much better. They took a huge turn for the better yesterday and I am very happy about that.


1. My goodness, green eyes.
2. my favorites....
an orange and dark chocolate
3. the aftermath of a good workout
4. feeling much better than I did on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday
5. something else that's a secret.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Eye on the prize

So here I am, a few races ahead of me in the next few months and I am going to continue on this self-improvement. I started this blog with the question- is the glass half empty or half full? It is indeed half full, at times though it's hard to remember this.

It has been a hard week for me for a number of reasons, but I am going to pull out of this and get back on focus. I made it to the gym at 5:30 this morning for a quick workout and am glad I did it. Later today I will start back up with my personal trainer- It's a very important investment for me, particularly right now!

My plan is to lose 15 more pounds and then I want to really improve my running speed. I have a hard time running and I think additional weight loss will help. Wish me luck as I tread on. Today I feel like that character in a fight scene who keeps getting knocked down and you just wish the poor soul would just stay down but he keeps standing back up. That's me. I do always get back up.

1. focussing on the important things
2. getting up at 5:00 am even when I'm exhausted
3. being strong, even when it's really hard
4. finding the right path after being on a bad one
5. getting back up repeatedly after being knocked down

Friday, May 05, 2006


Running is definitely my weakest link in the triathlon. I am going to focus over the next several months on improving my running- both for endurance and speed. I plan to lose 40 more pounds. Not for appearance reasons (which wouldn't hurt) but so I can run faster.

I went for a nice bike ride last night. Did not see the strange "Yellow Crested" Herons that I usually see in Sligo creek-- but I think they will show again-- I rode to the Prince Georges county border- I don't know how long the ride is- I should just look down on my Cat's Eye and see. I'm riding still a bit slower but getting back to my racing strength.

Today will be my first day back at Iron Maidens. It's been almost a month and I'm looking forward to it. I doubt I will be benching as much as I did in early April, but I am told I can get my muscle and cardio strength back quickly-- I'm happy that I have a good month and half before the Chesapeake Bay swim. I really want to improve my time for this race and also have fun doing it.

I recently learned that a friend of a friend who is older and not generally athletic is going to do her first marathon this October. I am very happy to hear that and plan to sponsor her once I get the proper link-- I will put that link up here on this blog as well so we can all cheer Susan along in her training. I don't know her, but I completely identify with her goals and hope that she has a great journey.


1. getting back at it.
2. green eyes-- sorry just a huge weakness of mine
3. brisk cycling
4. defying expectations
5. seeing others set really high goals.

Thursday, May 04, 2006



It's great to be back posting after taking a break for a few weeks while I recovered. I started back at my workouts with a three-mile race-- The Capital Challenge. Yesterday I ran (well I'll give more details lower down) with a team of colleagues from Reuters. It was in a park along the Anacostia river. Very nice and I ran into a bunch of people I know.

Okay, that being said-- it's only been three weeks since my surgery, and I did a little bit of running the night before on the treadmill with little incident but I started feeling a good bit of pain when I was running this race on Wednesday, so I slowed down and then eventually had to turn to a walk/run pattern-- i did finish however. I will always finish a race-

I've been getting back into the cycling too-- I really missed riding my bike and I plan to go out this evening for the third ride this week. We are having great weather and I love being outside. I have the Chesapeake Bay swim coming up in June-- I think I will try to add another 5K run to my list sometime this month just to keep the incentive going.

I have posted a link to my colleague Alan Elsner's website- he has two books published so far: One about the U.S. prison system and a book about his father. Please check this out.

I am disappointed that I could not run at least 9 minute miles in the three mile race, but I didn't want to compromise my health- I'm still a little tender from the running, but feel great and got the ok from my Dr. to do whatever working out I want to do-- That means I will be back to the weight room tomorrow.


1. sunny warm weather
2. cycling in the evening
3. buying new clothes
4. finishing races
5. stamina

Monday, April 10, 2006


Okay, not too bad for my first triathlon. I have another one in Mid September and I'm now going to do another one mid October in Tucson. I'm looking forward to that one because the running course is perfectly flat and it will be warm.

I'm still tired after the race. I did no working out today and It's kind of nice to take a break. I'll be at the gym tomorrow though because it will be my last workout for a few weeks.

I love this racing bike- It served me very well in this race and will do so in many more races ahead. This is a great sport and this triathlete has only just begun.

1. red racing bikes
2. warm weather
3. good health
4. good rides
5. my friends and family.

Sunday, April 09, 2006


Well today was the big race. I was up and out at 4:45 this morning. It was incredibly cold but my friend Leslie and I were really up for the race. This was her second triathlon and she flew in from Arizona. I'm now going to work on flying out there for a triathlon this fall-- it will be warmer than today's which is most appealing!

A lot of time before the race was spent sorting out the logistics of what I'd wear for each event. With swimming first I had to think out how I could strip off as much of the wet stuff before mounting my bike. It all worked out in the end, but I was very cold as it was in the low 30s.

Swimming was a breeze. In fact I was surprised that all those skinny triathlon runners were such horrible swimmers, flailing about doing side-stroke etc. I feel like I really speeded through the swimming part with eaze.

It was really cold transitioning for the bike ride. Try being in a bathing suit in 30 degrees weather. Once I got on that bike course though, I have to say my face started hurting from smiling so much. It was fabulous. I love my racing bike and I was passing a good many people. My boys saw me on each of the three laps I did on the 10 mile bike course- holding up a "GO MOMMY" sign. It was great.

I can't say the running part was nearly as enjoyable. For one thing about 75 percent of the 2.5 mile course was uphill. Very uphill. I slogged through it nonetheless. I think I did that in about 30 mintues, but I will post the final timings when I get them. It may be slower because it also includes the transition time when I was changing my clothes between each event.

Every part of my body hurts right now. I have a mild fever from being dehydrated and a splitting headache, but as I rehydrate I am feeling better.

It was so great running past my friends and family-- I would have died if they were not there. When I crossed the finish line I was shocked I finished the race. This has been a great journey and it is only the beginning. This racing will be my thing for as long as I can do it. I will post pictures of the finish line and other shots as I get them.

Thank you so much for all of your support. My friends, Mary, Tom, Leslie, the Iron Maidens. My personal trainer Jason, (at times you have nearly killed me over the past few months!), my family Tom, Ben Jack, my parents, my sister Carol and Chris (we adore you Chris). It was great to have Carol, Chris, Tom and Mary, Jason and Helga standing at the worst part of the race- I really felt at that point like I was going to die. -- I didn't thankfully.

Many of you were able to join us afterwards for a celebratory brunch thing at Hamburger Hamlet, that was good- I only wish I could have stuck with my promise of eating a Bleu Cheese Bacon Cheeseburger- Didn't do it-- I ordered a salad and I've been talking about that burger for days-- oh well. I'll make up for it I'm sure.

All in all, this has been likely one of the best days in my life. It's great to accomplish difficult things you set out to do. I hope I can continue this- I certainly plan to. Best wishes to all of you.

I guess several months after starting this blog I can tell you at Mid-life the glass is most definitely HALF FULL not half empty-- and the more we make our journeys to success that glass gets filled. It's a great time and a great life I'm having and I'm grateful for my family, my friends and the grace of God!

BTW- I raised $1,300 for Cure Autism Now- thanks so much for all of your generous support! It's a great organization and your money will go to a great cause!

1. making it.
2. smiles so strong they hurt my face
3. friends and family being there for me
4. the aches and pains I'm feeling right now because I did a lot to get here
5. heat.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006


Okay, four days left until the race. I'm looking forward to it. I'm actually running a bit faster than usual- I think cutting back a bit on the workouts really helps.

We have a new family member-- his name is Truman Capote. He is very fat and one of his ears is kindof chewed up.

He likes to have his picture taken apparently.

I would like to thank all of you for your support. I've raised nearly $1,000 for Cure Autism Now. I also really appreciate the moral support- this race is a huge deal for me and support from my family and friends has been crucial.


1. sunshine
2. weeping cherry trees
3. pasta on Saturday night (first time in 2 years!!)
4. fitting into a cool new black suit (okay confession TWO new black suits!)
5. Getting an Ipod Nano to replace my fried MP3 Player.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

5 DAYS!!

Ok, so only five days left! I'm toning down my workouts just a bit-- although my personal trainer informs me that on Thursday I should do a heavy workout- the last one before the race. Then on Friday and Saturday easy runs.

Last evening I did a quick 11 mile bike ride- very lovely- It was a really nice evening and now the days are longer and I'm really appreciating the opportunity to end the day with a nice ride. I tried to keep my speed at an average of 22 mph-- On the flat parts I was pretty much 24 to 26 mph and the slight inclines about 16 -18 mph. So I am getting there.

I am very nervous and excited about the race on Sunday- This has been a huge thing for me and It is only the beginning. I'm looking now for a race to do the end of June or early July and then in August I'm doing to do a track racing clinic in Pennsylvania-- I've always been interested in those track bikes (they have no brakes!!)

I did wipe out last night. I forgot to unclip my feet and toppled over. No injuries, just another bruise to the many I have all over my legs. Ragamuffin girl! Well, wish me luck and It's been a great journey, that I plan to continue even after the race.


1. being almost there
2. being strong
3. being committed
4. longer days
5. sapphire blue skies

Monday, April 03, 2006


The race is less than a week away! I'm very excited. While I don't feel like I've trained enough, I think it will be a good race and I am looking forward to it.

I am hoping a couple of my friends will be able to come and cheer me on. But I am not expecting this, because the race is very early in the morning on Sunday. Nonetheless, the support is really welcomed. It's going to be a hard race and having that support would mean a good deal to me.

I've begun to ease back a little in my exercise this week. I plan to do some easy runs, some swiming and a bit of cycling, just to keep the muscles going. I will still do all the weight lifting too, but I'm not going to kill myself this week.

On Sunday I went for a nice leisurely ride. It's very good to have the extended hours to ride. I think I will do some cycling tonight as well if the weather is good. Had a nice swim too, very relaxing.

Here is the link for the race. If you navigate around you can find the course maps, if anyone is choosing to come and cheer me on.



1. having a smaller body
2. having nice tight biceps
3. longer days
4. warmer weather
5. keeping my eye on the prize.

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Sore, Tired and Sad

The poor Orange Toaster had it's first contact with a mean metal Saab last night- only a little bit of damage- probably a lot to my insurance rates however. It was my fault- I turned into the right-hand lane right into the little Saab 9006 which was crushed all the way down the driver's side. Luckily no one was hurt, but just another hurdle here I suppose.

The Triathlon is less than 2 weeks away- I am getting very nervous about it, but at the same time I am anxious to accomplish this goal-- I am looking ahead to do another triathlon in September.

My personal trainer Jason has changed up my training a bit making me do many more repetitions with heavy weights and for about two days now I can barely lift my arms and my legs, but and abs are killing me-- He says this too should help me shed more weight, which is a welcomed development!


1. sapphire blue skies
2. biking
3. making it to my goals
4. being strong
5. being hopeful

Sunday, March 26, 2006


Well, I suppose for a race like this you can never feel like you've trained enough. Today I did one lap of the bike course and was pleasantly surprised that the worst hill was only a downward part of the bike course.

HOWEVER, and this is a big however, that is the one part of the race where there is both runners and bikers-- and the running part is UPHILL-- this is on Cedar Lane right by NIH

This would be a great place for spectators-- a: I'll be speeding by when I'm biking and feeling quite confident and b: I'll be dying when I run by and will need your support. Truly, I will need support- this is a huge thing for me and I'm feeling really out of shape right now (I think it's a bit of a confidence thing actually).

ANYWAY-- here's the link for the route maps. Unfortunately I will not be able to be watched when I swim, which is the first leg of the race- at the Bethesda YMCA-- I'm in Wave 2 so my start time is 7:15 am.


For those of you still interested in sponsoring me, it's not too late: here's the URL for that:


I'm very excited but I am now getting very nervous too-- I hope I can do this and I really do need your support at this point.


1. no bad hills on the biking course
2. good weather
3. wearing smaller jeans and having certain people notice those jeans
4. a very long night's sleep, even though I was very bored and wanted to have a night out
5. two more weeks to keep training.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

17 DAYS!

Ok, we are definitely getting down to the wire here. Only 17 days left! I think I'm about as trained as I can be.

It was suggested to me last night that I cut out any alcohol and just focus on drinking a lot of water over the next two and a half weeks. I will endeavor to do this, we shall see. My running has definitely lagged behind for many reasons: a: i like it the least b: I'm really getting into this body building stuff and c: there's a killer machine at the gym- (arc trainer) and I like to do that for an hour. I burn more than 1,000 calories when I do that- very good.

This weekend will be serious training for me- I plan to get up early, regardless of how late I work on Friday night and do a nice long run. Then I will do a nice long ride on my racing bike- should be very intense.

I am going to keep my schedule very light. This week I've had to volunteer at the consignment sale at Jack's nursery school and it has cut into my training time- so this will be the last week for that. I am completely committed to training now.

Ok, confession time, for those of you who don't know- but this 42 year old car is getting a nice overhaul on April 12-- (after the triathlon). I just wrote a huge check to the plastic surgeon yesterday- a number that needed a really long line on the check. I've worked really hard to take off all this weight and I need a little help from the Dr. too. I'll let you know how that goes. I do not plan to be off my feet for long because I have a 3 miler running relay race with some friends at work who are serious runners, and I need to get out and train for that. I also do not want to lose too much muscle mass- liking these biceps.


1. running when I don't even feel like it
2. 17 days left
3. loose and comfy levis
4. not having too many wrinkles
5. this coffee I'm drinking right now.

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Orange Toaster


Go to this link to see what the new triathlon mobile looks like. I'm calling it the Orange Toaster- very boxy, very very orange (tangerine to be specific). Already loaded my racing bike into it- very smooth transaction-- However, we will be getting a roof bike rack installed this week $$$$ but well worth it.

Didn't do a whole lot of working out this weekend-- nice 20 mile ride today but that's about it. I had designs on doing a 4 mile running race on Saturday morning, but I worked rather late and didn't want to do it on only a few hours of sleep.

Benjamin is quite sick with strep throat, so we are all waiting to get sick as well-- hopefully not-- we will be careful.

Had a good night in town at my friend Mary's house- she makes me laugh and she has three of the cutest dogs-- all with very short legs-- It's very hard to concentrate when you have these shortlegged creatures lounging about. very cute-- they like to eat too apparently.


1. good health
2. minuteclinic-- it took 10 minutes for me to get good medical care for ben on a Sunday!
3. dark chocolate
4. spring here tomorrow
5. getting through this weekend.