Friday, May 05, 2006


Running is definitely my weakest link in the triathlon. I am going to focus over the next several months on improving my running- both for endurance and speed. I plan to lose 40 more pounds. Not for appearance reasons (which wouldn't hurt) but so I can run faster.

I went for a nice bike ride last night. Did not see the strange "Yellow Crested" Herons that I usually see in Sligo creek-- but I think they will show again-- I rode to the Prince Georges county border- I don't know how long the ride is- I should just look down on my Cat's Eye and see. I'm riding still a bit slower but getting back to my racing strength.

Today will be my first day back at Iron Maidens. It's been almost a month and I'm looking forward to it. I doubt I will be benching as much as I did in early April, but I am told I can get my muscle and cardio strength back quickly-- I'm happy that I have a good month and half before the Chesapeake Bay swim. I really want to improve my time for this race and also have fun doing it.

I recently learned that a friend of a friend who is older and not generally athletic is going to do her first marathon this October. I am very happy to hear that and plan to sponsor her once I get the proper link-- I will put that link up here on this blog as well so we can all cheer Susan along in her training. I don't know her, but I completely identify with her goals and hope that she has a great journey.


1. getting back at it.
2. green eyes-- sorry just a huge weakness of mine
3. brisk cycling
4. defying expectations
5. seeing others set really high goals.

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