Monday, October 23, 2006

Back on the Wagon

Today started out very well. I was at the gym before 6:00 am. I lifted weights, ran on the treadmill then did 30 hard minutes on the ARC trainer. I felt great and it is a wonderful way to start the day. I try to do it this way daily but my job and just being too tired to get out of bed at 5:15 often preclude me from doing so.

I have no more races this year, so my plan is to focus on improving my running and also shaving off 30 pounds for the next season so I can do category four bike racing and be a bit lighter. I could buy a lighter bike but it's been pointed out that making myself lighter would be helpful as well. If I shave off 30 lbs I will be lighter than I was in college. Not too shabby for this 42 yr old.

Today I've been very good on the diet front. I've had about a quart of water so far and for breakfast I had half a whole wheat bagel plain and a plate of berries and melon. For lunch I had field greens with a SMALL amount of dressing, with grilled chicken and tomatoes. That was followed up with a plate of fresh fruit- water for my beverage.

I had a good weekend. I went apple picking with my boys, which was quite fun until I had to pay for the 20 lbs of apples. Now I have no idea what to do with all these apples. They are very good and huge. Perhaps I will make a pie for my neighbors, I can be nice sometimes.

I have been thinking recently about taking up Karate lessons, at a place in Beltsville I think. Should be fun and will probably get my heart rate up and be a good way to stay toned and entertained over the winter months. I need a new change I think. I will look into this more tomorrow.


1.this iced java I'm sucking on right now
2. chilly fall days
3. karate arms
4. more time to put off writing an analysis my editor is expecting
5. these hot new shoes I am wearing right now.

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