Friday, June 16, 2006

Old Friends

I actually tracked down an old friend of mine from college/20s Spencer. He is exactly the same- I have such good taste in friends!! This former bicycle courrier lives in Florida now doing an internet-based business with a friend that is quite successful-- I can't wait to go down and visit-

It's really important to keep in touch with old friends. Sometimes we get away from that and get busy with our own lives and find it difficult to make the effort, but at this stage in my journey I think it is absolutely important to make that effort.

The friends you make and keep know you and understand you and accept you as you are- It's hard to find this in this difficult world. At any rate, I have already checked out flight information and the first weekend I can go down and visit is at the end of July-- I invited myself- he has these two devilishly cute dogs with big heads and very short legs (my weakness when it comes to doggies).

Spencer has a profile out there too online- but he says it hasn't worked too well- I think it's because he is not the best self-promoter. But hey, who likes self promoters? I don't!

I am doing my first century this weekend and am very excited. It's on the eastern shore of Delaware and Maryland and it's supposed to be sunny and hot-- I'll be fine- I love riding. I will be getting up at 4 in the morning to set off for this ride. My friend Mary is braving it with me- I am really looking forward to it-- we will be riding through small towns and hopefully will see some beautiful farmland. Wish us luck!


1. tracking down good friends
2. still being crazy about those friends
3. having some news for a change
4. the book I'm reading right now
5. only a day away from my first Century ride.

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