Thursday, May 11, 2006

Eye on the prize

So here I am, a few races ahead of me in the next few months and I am going to continue on this self-improvement. I started this blog with the question- is the glass half empty or half full? It is indeed half full, at times though it's hard to remember this.

It has been a hard week for me for a number of reasons, but I am going to pull out of this and get back on focus. I made it to the gym at 5:30 this morning for a quick workout and am glad I did it. Later today I will start back up with my personal trainer- It's a very important investment for me, particularly right now!

My plan is to lose 15 more pounds and then I want to really improve my running speed. I have a hard time running and I think additional weight loss will help. Wish me luck as I tread on. Today I feel like that character in a fight scene who keeps getting knocked down and you just wish the poor soul would just stay down but he keeps standing back up. That's me. I do always get back up.

1. focussing on the important things
2. getting up at 5:00 am even when I'm exhausted
3. being strong, even when it's really hard
4. finding the right path after being on a bad one
5. getting back up repeatedly after being knocked down

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