Thursday, May 04, 2006



It's great to be back posting after taking a break for a few weeks while I recovered. I started back at my workouts with a three-mile race-- The Capital Challenge. Yesterday I ran (well I'll give more details lower down) with a team of colleagues from Reuters. It was in a park along the Anacostia river. Very nice and I ran into a bunch of people I know.

Okay, that being said-- it's only been three weeks since my surgery, and I did a little bit of running the night before on the treadmill with little incident but I started feeling a good bit of pain when I was running this race on Wednesday, so I slowed down and then eventually had to turn to a walk/run pattern-- i did finish however. I will always finish a race-

I've been getting back into the cycling too-- I really missed riding my bike and I plan to go out this evening for the third ride this week. We are having great weather and I love being outside. I have the Chesapeake Bay swim coming up in June-- I think I will try to add another 5K run to my list sometime this month just to keep the incentive going.

I have posted a link to my colleague Alan Elsner's website- he has two books published so far: One about the U.S. prison system and a book about his father. Please check this out.

I am disappointed that I could not run at least 9 minute miles in the three mile race, but I didn't want to compromise my health- I'm still a little tender from the running, but feel great and got the ok from my Dr. to do whatever working out I want to do-- That means I will be back to the weight room tomorrow.


1. sunny warm weather
2. cycling in the evening
3. buying new clothes
4. finishing races
5. stamina

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