Saturday, June 10, 2006


Ok, Aerobars-- I just had them put on my bike-- I have been having this problem with my hands going numb when I ride- probably some very bad form thing on my part, so I got aerobars put on. For those of you who are not familiar they are these strange extended things off of your regular handlbars and your elbows rest in these pads and you extend your grip out in front of you-- it makes you very aerodynamic because you are riding low on your bike, but with some level of comfort.
(like a professional racer)

wow-- they are great BUT I felt like I was going to wipe out with them-- instead of 60 percent of your body weight being on the seat- 60 percent is over the front wheel-- it's a whole different riding experience- but very aerodynamic-- I just rode 35 miles today through rock creek park and at times I was going about 35 mph down hill-- That might not seem fast, but it is to me, especially when I felt like I couldn't steer with those new aerobars.

Anyway-- it was so green in Rock Creek park I could taste it-- deep deep green and lots of friendly bikers out and a few 1980s throwbacks on their roller blades. It was indeed a great ride and I am very excited about doing my first century a week from today-- I need to buy a small camera that will fit in my racing jersey so I can take pictures along the way. I will also have a cell phone for emergencies and to call a few of you and gleam about my lovely riding day-- I am brave and I am okay with doing this by myself-- We can do anything we set our minds to!

Tomorrow I swim in the Chesapeake Bay Swim race- The 1-mile challenge. It is going to be a great time. I am so lucky to have my health back. Losing 100 lbs and being free again like this is so invigorating. It was hard work, but I was inspired to keep going and I thank God for that.

I know, I've said this over and over again, but this road to self-improvement has been bumpy. Very bumpy! But it's been worth it. I hope those who read this are inspired to get out there and make the changes they need in their lives. I'm certainly no fancy person and I have no gimic diets to discuss. It was hard work for this woman. I started this process a couple of years ago weighing nearly 300 lbs.

As the laziest, fattest person on the planet- If I could do it-- anyone can. Please feel free to e-mail me on this if you are interested in weight loss or encouragement of some sort.

Here are some basics: Turn off the TV, drink water, get a good orange and get out there and move! God gave us a great place to live , enjoy it!


1. Not wiping out
2. sunshine- a great disinfectant
3. distance every day from the bad stuff
4. strength to keep going
5. being that person that gets up every time after being knocked down!


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