Saturday, November 04, 2006


It's a new day and the sky is as sapphire blue as it could be. I'm setting out for a very long run today and I'm looking forward to it. Today is a new start. I'm sure you are sick of reading that because I've had a lot of "new starts" but that's how it is. I am fortunate enough to have new starts. That's better than a downward spiral I suppose.

So down this road, there are new faces, new places, new hurdles, new joys and new saddnesses to be had. Such is life. So what's a tough triathlete girl to do? Get up, get out there and run. Tomorrow I will ride and the next day I will continue on with something else. That's how it goes.

Sometimes life is hard and you have to just take it in 15 minute segments. That's what I'm doing right now and it's working somewhat. Everything has a purpose.


1. blue skies
2. a deep long sleep
3. new running shoes (badly needed)
4. retail therapy
5. that little bit of strength.

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