Monday, June 12, 2006


Ouch, just as I set off on a quick sprint of a bike ride something stung my right thigh! It's still burning and it's getting more swollen and red as time progresses (it's been about an hour now since it happened).

I still kept riding-- The days are getting longer for a couple more weeks, then they will gradually get shorter-- this daylight is so valuable for riding- I don't know what I will do when I can't get these evening rides in. I have to keep riding because I've committed myself to a century ride this weekend. Actually, I can't wait-- I'm going to charge up my IPod. I've got some real sad country music I' ve been listening to and I'll continue that on my ride.--

I'm ok, but still sad at times. I'm just going to keep moving, keep racing, keep on keep on-- I am finding and maybe this is just because I am so sensitive to things right now, that strangers are quite nice. I must have this "be nice to me I need it" look. Oh well, school is almost out for the summer-- 1 1/2 more days-- then it's summer-- I will take my boys berry picking, we will make jam and then we will also spend a day at the lake up in the mountains- It should be very fun and relaxing.

I will certainly take pictures of the berry picking-- but you will see pictures from my century ride first-- I'm going to be doing that on very little sleep-- I have to leave from here at about 4:30 to get over to the eastern shore for the ride. It will be well worth it though-- I am grateful to be able to ride. If the weather is rainy I'm not going to do it though because there is NO tread on my racing bike's wheels and I'm just not that brave-- sorry.


1. this starbucks I'm drinking right now
2. the salad I had at lunch--
3. getting back a good pair of bike shorts (they're big but they are nice and padded)
4. a few hours from now when this bug sting won't hurt
5. longer days

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