Sunday, November 05, 2006


I had a very long run on Saturday. It was a very good thing for me. Not only good for my physical well-being but I could clear my thoughts and really focus on what is important.

After singing in the choir and then visiting with my brother, his wife and son here for a couple of hours I then went for a quick three mile run. I am feeling a bit stiff but good. I can't wait to take a nice long shower and then climb into bed for a good read. It's going to be another busy week, particularly with the mid-term elections. I am sure I will be given some stupid writing assignments this week.

I have eaten pretty well this week. I am not going to weigh myself but once a week instead of every day. I tend to fluctuate widely with my weight so I think it's better to weigh in once a week. My clothing and how they fit is always a good barometer of how I'm doing. Also, I'm not going to eat a lot. case closed. no candy, no sugar, no processed carbs. The gorilla girl diet-- fruit, vegetables, lean meats and nuts.

My plans are to run every day. A long run one day and then a shorter one the next with a focus on running at a faster pace. I am pondering, PONDERING, doing a marathon next fall. We will have to see how I do and how things are going. I do indeed like running long distance it is very relaxing to me but I need to be able to pick up my speed a bit. If I could get down to a consistent 8:30 miles, I would consider doing a marathon. I just don't want to make a complete fool of myself.


1. running a very long distance
2. running the very next day
3. feeling these good aches like I had a good workout
4. a good night's sleep
5. walking away from the bad stuff and not feeling too bad about it.

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