Sunday, January 19, 2014

Why the Name: Biking to Happiness

I suppose it isn't very clear why this blog has this name. Well, it was started many many years ago when I got heavily into cycling- I have 23 triathlons under my belt, a number of century rides to name a few. That was a very active time in my life and parts of it I don't miss and parts of it (being thinner) I do miss. But I will say, being out on the bike, does bring me peace. Especially when it's something I just want to do rather than an obligation.

This is Sligo Creek. I snapped this today on my ride. It is 30 degrees and pretty chilly, but the air is clean and the sky is bright and getting in 12 miles today was a good thing. A little hard on several days with no food but still a good thing.

As you may know by now, I'm struggling with a lot of things. It is day 5 after my husband left me without giving me a reason. I don't think there is someone else but everyone else now sortof does. So hopefully the truth will come out. In my heart, I don't think that is it. He is too much of a good person to do that, but I seem to be at an entire loss. I just want to be free of all this uncertainty so I can put my life back together. I'm really trying to be strong. It's hard to be left, it's hard to be unloved and its especially hard to be left in the dark.-that is the hardest.

I took a selfie today- day 5- this is right after my ride so I look pretty worn for the wear.

Five Favorite Things:
1. my lucky hat, even though it doesn't fit properly
2. being able to eat a peanut butter cracker
3. getting out on the bike
4. cold, clear air
5. still kicking

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