Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Still Day 8, but a Cozy Evening

Today was a good day. I accomplished quite a bit at work, I managed to get in a little workout during the day and listened to some great tunes in the process and I'm home and cozy with the bulldog here at my feet.

Tonight I made kale for dinner. It was delicious. I'm glad I bought a huge bag of it pre-washed and cut because I might just have to eat that tomorrow night for dinner as well.

I had a good talk today with someone. It's a new experience for me but I think it will be a good one. Hey, it's day 8 and I'm standing up. I only teared up once today because I was in a doctor's office filling out forms and I didn't know who to put for an emergency contact. Just for a second though.

All of this struggle is going to mean something. Not just for me, but for other people as well. I want to take a difficult thing and make it into something powerful and then pay it forward. I just don't know how quite yet but this will come to me. It's only day 8. I'm setting my alarm early, so I can go swim tomorrow morning.

Five Favorite Things:
1. a brisk walk across town
2. a short, but beneficial workout
3. most of the music on my iphone
4. Kale (maybe)
5. Making progress

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