Tuesday, January 28, 2014

A Quiet Morning

Well, the reality of all the nasty stuff that has happened to me has set in. It was going on behind my back for several months. There were many people who knew about it and, of course, I was the last one to find out. In my hopeful way I even was fighting the fight trying to save something that isn't worth saving. Kindof hard to swallow, but it's an age-old story. It just turns out that I am in it this time.

I've had a couple of weeks to know about it and process it now. I'm disappointed in the lack of integrity of some but I can't fix that. I can only focus on my own integrity. Two weeks seems like a condensed amount of time I know, but in the long-run I'll be happy. A lot of wise people have told me this, but when it comes to matters of the heart it's hard to accept.  I'm ready to put all of this behind me.  I have a meeting with my lawyer this afternoon and then the work will be done to settle all legal issues.  I have a long journey ahead, but I have so many people behind me and that is strength in numbers.  According to my stats, I've got a lot of you out there reading this too. Strength in numbers. Thanks for being behind me. This process of blogging really is a two-way street. You help me and I hope my words bring some value to you.

It is very cold out. It's going to be very hard to get out of this warm bed. I don't need to go down and make coffee this morning because my doctor has taken me off of it. No coffee now for the next few months.  By circumstance, I've also quit TV because I can't concentrate on it and it is generally a waste of time.  Last night I read FDR's famous speech about the four freedoms. That was inspiring. He was convincing a nation during the Great Depression that it was necessary to go to war. Urging people to be strong and also admitting to his challenges. I liked that. It was brave and honest.

I posted this picture of Jack flying a kite because it is one of my favorites. Below the video is of my dear old friend Spencer kayaking with Ben.

I am thinking of heading down South to see Spencer. It's easy to get cheap flights to Atlanta. I need some time with an old friend. It's kindof like heading back to base camp.  Right now he's into roasting coffee (ha) in small batches and also baking bread in this clay oven he built outside. It should be fun to see how all that's done. I love it when people get into exploring new things. I find people like that to be so interesting and full of depth. They are curious, they are not afraid to make mistakes and they know how to do a lot of stuff.

I'm awake early today because I have to edit this newsletter thing that we send out early. A woman who is from Idaho but chooses to live in France compiles the newsletter. She sounds like she has a great life. I just edited it. All the news that matters to the world of financial derivatives. :+) Now I'm back to this.

This is a new journey. I'm moving forward now with some pretty horrible stuff that has happened and been thrown at me. And I haven't handled it as well as I should have at times. This is what you do. You march on. my hardships are nothing compared to what people have endured in poorer countries, or during war or a depression. So I'm in good shape and I will tell you that every step of the way, people have been so kind to me.

Five Favorite Things:
1. having a nice doctor
2. accepting that I am now officially sick of eating butternut squash
3. having all my laundry done
4. a faithful little bulldog
5. stepping into the day


Rachel said...

I roasted butternut squash and mushrooms and liked it so much I bought more @ Costco but it was slimy and I had to throw it out. :( My SIL lives in Atlanta. And my 14-year-old is flunking history and probably getting Cs and Ds in other subjects because she is too anxious to do her homework.

Joanne Morrison said...

How do you mean slimy? the leftovers? or right after you pulled it out of the oven. Did you use kosher salt?

I'll discuss the other issue offline with you. I have some thoughts on that.