Sunday, February 05, 2006

OUCH! OUCH! OW ow ow. Another big wipeout on my bike. It's not that I'm an uncoordinated blob- I have been told that I am too aggressive. (can u imagine that?) Apparently there are those who are willing to fall and those who ride with caution to avoid falling, according to my friend Leslie's personal trainer.

You decide which group I fall into.

This is wipeout #3 this week. I crashed on another bridge on Sunday, luckily close to my car. Up until that point, I was clocking a really good time on a nice 10 mile ride. Bruised ribs, throbbing knee and wrist, slashed integument in the shin area. ouch. I tried calling SEVERAL people on my cell phone, hoping someone would come, feel sorry for me, help dust me off, and bring a little ice. No such luck. Managed to shake it off enough to hoist my bike up onto my car and limp home. I'll be back at it tomorrow, ha! I have 13 bruises on my legs, 6 on my arms, a black toe (previous injury) and now bruised ribs. Certainly not going to win any beauty contest at the rate I'm going.

Despite today's crash, it was a good weekend. Not too busy at work on Friday night and then on Saturday emptied out yet more clothes from my closet. Anything with a shoulder pad or a pant with a pleat out! (frankly though since both shoulder pads and pleated pants have been out of style for MANY MANY years, I didn't have too much of that.) So now pretty much I have 4 pairs of levis, 6 pairs of boots (a bit of an addiction for me), running shoes, and a bunch of black shirts/cashmere/silk sweaters (about 2 dozen or so).

I went shopping with Kathy in Columbia, Md. - We gave her mother a ride to a retirement party in the area and for the bulk of that 30 minute drive, Kathy's mother gave me grief about wearing too much black. So here's my reasoning if anyone is wondering. I wear black because I don't have to worry about anything matching, I can get dressed in the dark, and all the crap I've spilled on myself doesn't show up. I think these are indeed good reasons. Oh and buy the way, I AM quite adventurous with color in the world of undergarments!

The goal was to look for an evening gown for an event I'm attending in a couple of weeks. Most of what I tried on made me look like a bell. ( a bell not a belle) or a prostitute, so I'm going to stick with the dress I ordered from Nordstrom. I will probably have to buy some fancy shoes too, because I don't think my grubby cowboy boots will really work.

A miracle. I actually made dinner tonight. I think it's the first time I've done that in about 2 months! Roasted garlic/rosemary chicken, asparagus with hollandaise sauce (yes the real deal not the Knorrs instant stuff) and some nasty cous-cous stuff with porcini mushrooms for tom. I ate my asparagus plain, drank an entire bottle (the big one) of V-8 juice, skipped the chicken and ate some tobasco-laced dill pickles... then a zantac. I'm really not into big dinners any more - I ordered a steak dinner to go from the Corner Pub the other night and it practically sent me into a coma. HOWEVER, I cannot stop thinking about those hot dogs at the Twist O' The Mist. Go to this link to see some pictures and read some commentary about this place.

FOOTBALL: I didn't even know that this weekend was the superbowl. And apparently not being in the know about this makes a person ridiculous. However, I did actually violate my no TV-watching goal to watch Stones/Mick Jagger at half-time. mmm mmm mmmm. Just thinking about him takes my breath away. That man is fabulous.

In case you are wondering, that's me in that picture above. I was in the Netherlands Antilles having a great time. Of course, great face mask to avoid all wildlife. I could really use a vacation. It seems like a good many of my friends have big trips planned. I'm going to trek up to NYC in a couple of weeks for a fun weekend in the city but no plans for anything big. Well, I guess that's not actually correct. We will do our family week at the beach in June. (right after I do the Chesapeake Bay swim) Then in August I'm going to take an alpine training course in Colorado Springs.

I Was initially thinking about 4 or 5 days in the UK by myself over spring break but something's come up that week that I have to do-

Well, this is probably way more information than any of you really wanted to read about so I'll sign off. I'm really smarting all over right now, but I'll be fine in the morning.


1. sleeping till 7:00 am
2. "dare" the new very red lipstick I now own
3. Brookstone for having the ever-essential things a lady can use
4. black clothing
5. a closet emptied of old clothes

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