Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Feeling Sore

So today I'm feeling a bit sore. My personal trainer Jason bumped up all my weights yesterday- we're in this special phase right now where everytime the weights will be increased with fewer reps. He expects that these legs of mine will be able to press 475 pounds! hmm. I guess I am just a human form of a Clydesdale.

I intended to get to the gym today by 5:30 but I just had to turn off that alarm clock and continue with my dreams and good thoughts. That's just how it is sometimes. I will be leaving shortly though for a nice long work-out and Jack will be able to play in the babysitting. On Wednesday, my extreme swimming training will begin. I've been a bit lax with it, but now I'm going to bump that up. I also am going to try and cycle everday. Jack can come along in the bike trailer. It will be fun for both of us.

There are a lot of things going on right now in my life. Some good and some difficult. I guess that's how it goes. I guess for every door that shuts indeed another one opens. Thank goodness for that.


1. seeing a good movie
2. sometimes finding a small opening when you're outside looking in.
3. strength
4. effective self-cheering
5. a good glass of wine

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