Monday, February 06, 2006

No broken anything, just really hurting. I need to calm down a bit. Naaa. never.
Okay, did in fact make it to the gym today for running, Iron Maidens weight lifting and then HELL with my personal trainer. Deceiving with that baby face but he upped all the weights today in my workout and I thought I was going to die. In addition, I was informed that I was his sweatiest client. How flattering. Anyone want to ask me out on a date today? Let's see, bruises, sore ribs, black toe, gashed leg-and sweaty! Oh yeah, what a catch.

I've since taken care of the sweat issue. Very lovely now.

My intention was to get up at 5:30 and go for a run but when the clock went off today I changed my plans and opted instead for more snoozing under my sea of blankets.

While at the gym today I thought of a really good idea. I think that the "let's buy Joanne a new mp3 player fund" should be started. Mine is on the blink and I need a new one. I want the I-Pod Nano- the one with 2 gb of memory. ($250) I think I am very nice and deserve it so get started on that one okay? Valentine's Day is coming- I'm not really anticipating that I'll receive any valentines so mebbe a new MP3 player eh?

Well, that's about all today.


1. being un-sweaty
2. 8:00 am Tuesday embargoes on stories I shld have written days ago
3. a somewhat clean house
4. sapphire blue skies
5. a new week.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My comment about you being my sweatiest client was meant to illustrate the fact that you are my hardest working client. So, in a traineresque sort of way it really is a compliment!