Tuesday, February 21, 2006


Ok, I think many times I've said this path I'm taking is going to be bumpy. It is indeed. And, at times, I feel as if I'm driving way too fast. Invigorating and also scary- It can take my breath away but there is always a need to slow down and take in the view more.

I will just gloat a little. I think about a week and half ago I complained that I hadn't lost any weight- Well since them I'm down 11 lbs and well clear of a very significant weight threshold. I plan to lose about 35 to 40 more pounds, but we shall see.

More gloating- my arms are really starting to look pretty buff- I look at them and question, could these be mine? Hmm. I've worked really hard to get to this place and I am only going to move forward from here. I have family visiting this week and it's very nice. It gets really quiet here at times, and while I enjoy the quiet, it's very nice to have company too.

We've been having cold weather, but the skies are this sapphire blue that I just adore. It could be the arctic circle for all I care, as long as there is sun and blue skies I am happy.

This weekend we had an exciting visitor in our backyard- It was a huge eagle- Immense- kind of scary but beautiful. Ben spotted it (not hard to miss) and then we got out the binoculars and our neighbors came out to look-- it had a tag on one of its feet, so it's definitely being tracked. What a beautiful bird.

I was going to go to the gym today at 5:30, but my sister-in-law is here so I can go later and she can help with the kiddies. I think that's a bit more restful of a plan. Yesterday I ran a brisk 5 miles and it felt great. I then later met with my personal trainer who bumped up all my weights. I'm getting very strong. This is profound because I am getting strong in many ways and it is a good thing.


1. sapphire blue skies
2. having some company
3. brakes when you need them
4. a great run
5. great friends and family


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