Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Okay, I had a fairly good workout today. Up and at the gym by 5:30 a.m. I still look pretty torn up from the latest bike accident and people are commenting. It reminds me of my rugby-playing days in college. I used this new contraption today "the arc trainer" and it was a pretty rough workout. My personal trainer recommended I use it. At first, I thought it was a wimpy kind of thing until I used it for about 35 minutes. I think I'll be feeling it tomorrow. Later today I plan to do a bit of weight lifting with my fellow Iron Maidens and then I'll pick up Jack and come back to the YMCA for a nice 2 mile swim. I realize I've been neglecting the whole swimming thing.

For those of you planning on sponsoring me in the upcoming triathlon, the deadline approaches. Here is the link if you want to do an online donation.

Well, I don't really have much more to say, except that I really need to find better things to do with my time than harassing my friends. I need more work I suppose, or more difficult work. Working out of Iraq on a temporary posting would have filled that need.


1. This great cup of joe I'm enjoying as we speak
2. spring approaching (stay tuned)
3. the Grateful Dead
4. my husband leaving for work in the next few minutes
5. dark chocolate.

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