Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Sharing Chocolate

Sharing Chocolate, J.M.
Touched and tender for the first time
in many years.
It is sweet, shortlived and not mine.
The moment calls to grasp.
But never there is the lasting embrace,
or the gaze completely locked.
It is instead a memory easier forgotten
and no longer felt.
Empty, cold, alone and struggling
not to want.
This tender touch I will never own
and must soon forget.

Feeling Sore

So today I'm feeling a bit sore. My personal trainer Jason bumped up all my weights yesterday- we're in this special phase right now where everytime the weights will be increased with fewer reps. He expects that these legs of mine will be able to press 475 pounds! hmm. I guess I am just a human form of a Clydesdale.

I intended to get to the gym today by 5:30 but I just had to turn off that alarm clock and continue with my dreams and good thoughts. That's just how it is sometimes. I will be leaving shortly though for a nice long work-out and Jack will be able to play in the babysitting. On Wednesday, my extreme swimming training will begin. I've been a bit lax with it, but now I'm going to bump that up. I also am going to try and cycle everday. Jack can come along in the bike trailer. It will be fun for both of us.

There are a lot of things going on right now in my life. Some good and some difficult. I guess that's how it goes. I guess for every door that shuts indeed another one opens. Thank goodness for that.


1. seeing a good movie
2. sometimes finding a small opening when you're outside looking in.
3. strength
4. effective self-cheering
5. a good glass of wine

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Mt. Everest

Ships at a distance have every man's wish on board. For some they come in with the tide. For others they sail forever on the horizon, never out of sight, never landing until the Watcher turns his eyes away in resignation, his dreams mocked to death by Time. (Zora Neale Hurston)

Well, nothing worthwhile in life comes without challenges. That's what it's all about right? However, a bumpy and curvy road is far more exciting than the straight flat stretch and that's just how it is.- I choose bumpy and curvy - or well, that's the road on which I somehow ended up.

I have a little more than a month now before the triathlon and I am determined to keep my training on track. Tomorrow I will be up alone at 5:00 am to run very hard, very fast and for a very long time. I think this will be a good thing. Peace can be found in solitude I suppose.

You can see me above- I suppose I can kind of clean up well. I've been away from writing here for a couple of days, I'm sorry for that- I will try and get back on track here despite whatever is going on.


I can't really think of any today. a bit of a sad girl.

Friday, February 24, 2006


Okay, so I can't imagine it would get any better than this. I'm in Kalorama in a historic hotel overlooking Kalorama Circle in this amazing big bed. Cars, buses, horns, sirens -- the first peaceful nght's sleep in years (oh about 6.5 years to be exact!) Yes this is my complaint today that I don't live in my Capitol Hill house anymore.
Last night, accross the street at the "Hinkley" Hilton, I went to the National Press Foundation Awards Dinner. Go to www.Washingtonpost.com to read thearticle about the event. (Front Page of the Style Section)

Speaking of stylish, I will post pictures of this lovely gal in what I thnik was probably the best dress there as soon as they are developed.

I'm going to spend the entire morning in this big bed. I will listen to some music and then write a couple of letters. I've already enjoyed Eggs Benedict and some very strong joe. (my apls for any typos, but It's a strange setup here with this internet/TV- wireless keyboard thing. )

1. Do not disturb signs
2. do I even need to say this? THIS BIG BED
3. the sound of the city, it's in my blood.
4. several more hours of this bliss
5. waking up in this room.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006


Today I was told by my friend Madeline at the gym that I was being very "Barbie-like" with the outfit I was wearing. Hmm. An insult? or a compliment? I did manage to drag my lazy self out of bed this morning at 5:00 to be at the gym by 5:30. I am feeling sooo lazy lately, maybe it's the influence of some of the friends I've been hanging out with lately (just joking)

Tomorrow my little boy Ben will be taking a tour of the White House with his Aunt Gena and his father. I will be here at home with Jack- he's having another video taping session with the Infants and Toddlers people for the Hanan speech therapy class. I am really sick of that Tuesday night class and will be glad when it's over.

As I am writing this blog right now, Jack is feeding me Robin Eggs-- I have no idea where he got them, how old they are or certainly where they've been, but they taste pretty good and It's hard to turn down candy.

Later today, after sorting music for choir, I will go to my weight lifting club and then who knows. Choir tonight and then bed hopefully- early. I'm really into this snoozing stuff. I hope I'm not getting sick.


1. robin eggs
2. strength to drag my lazy self out of bed
3. the fabulous shrimp I made last night
4. very heavy bench pressing
5. robin eggs

Tuesday, February 21, 2006


Ok, I think many times I've said this path I'm taking is going to be bumpy. It is indeed. And, at times, I feel as if I'm driving way too fast. Invigorating and also scary- It can take my breath away but there is always a need to slow down and take in the view more.

I will just gloat a little. I think about a week and half ago I complained that I hadn't lost any weight- Well since them I'm down 11 lbs and well clear of a very significant weight threshold. I plan to lose about 35 to 40 more pounds, but we shall see.

More gloating- my arms are really starting to look pretty buff- I look at them and question, could these be mine? Hmm. I've worked really hard to get to this place and I am only going to move forward from here. I have family visiting this week and it's very nice. It gets really quiet here at times, and while I enjoy the quiet, it's very nice to have company too.

We've been having cold weather, but the skies are this sapphire blue that I just adore. It could be the arctic circle for all I care, as long as there is sun and blue skies I am happy.

This weekend we had an exciting visitor in our backyard- It was a huge eagle- Immense- kind of scary but beautiful. Ben spotted it (not hard to miss) and then we got out the binoculars and our neighbors came out to look-- it had a tag on one of its feet, so it's definitely being tracked. What a beautiful bird.

I was going to go to the gym today at 5:30, but my sister-in-law is here so I can go later and she can help with the kiddies. I think that's a bit more restful of a plan. Yesterday I ran a brisk 5 miles and it felt great. I then later met with my personal trainer who bumped up all my weights. I'm getting very strong. This is profound because I am getting strong in many ways and it is a good thing.


1. sapphire blue skies
2. having some company
3. brakes when you need them
4. a great run
5. great friends and family


Saturday, February 18, 2006


So here are the latest pictures from our most recent snow storm. This picture of our neighborhood park looks like a Norman Rockwell painting doesn't it? We felt like we were living that. The boys and I had a great time sledding! What a life huh? For you non and former-Eastcoasters, I'm betting these pictures make you very sad- there is really nothing that compares to this.

This week is almost over and in some ways that is a welcomed sight, but also I look back and can say it has been quite an experience. Monday was exhilarating for me. Tearing apart the mountain with 15 inches of fresh powder- I'm not sure it can get any better than that. I've had some interesting interactions with friends and family and all this certainly adds a creative bend in my road through this alleged mid-life crisis.

I will have many things to recount today when I go out for my run. It is a great time for me to think things through when I run and I've come to depend on that. It keeps me going.

I had a somewhat busy night at work and did not get home until 3:00 am. That's ok, being a little tired is certainly tolerable. Well, I wish all of you a great weekend. Be kind to yourself and others-- It's a good investment. I also think just being very straightforward about things, albeit a scary thing to do sometimes, is always the best approach.


1. These pictures
2. A good long run
3. Green eyes
4. Being brave
5. Being strong

Friday, February 17, 2006

Back to Myself Again

Okay, yesterday was a very strange day indeed. For some reason I lost all my energy and could barely make it through my personal training session. Distractions I suppose. I have none of them today and I did nicely in my weight lifting club- (Iron Maidens) I like being strong, It's a very good thing.

Ran a nice 4 miles outside today. Loved it. I will do my long run on Sunday and a bike ride on Saturday.

I have to go into the office tonight, which should be fun. I'm hoping for a tame evening, but I'll take what I get.

Finally, Finally, FINALLY! I've lost some weight. It's been more than two weeks and today I was 7 pounds lighter. I guess it was a cumulative thing. Anyway- I'm happy it finally happened because I was getting pretty bummed.

He breathes air into me, J.M

Lungs, once flattened now pink,
puffed and expanding in and out
he breathes air into them.
Now longing, fearing, dreading, hurting
with fury, passion and want
for more.
It is only passing, but it will not leave.
To feel again.
It hurts but it can't be undone,
and it is good.
To have breath, to have hopes, wild and feverish,
they live.
he breathes air into me.

Thursday, February 16, 2006


Okay, well I did not make it to boot camp this morning. I'm feeling a little distracted.

I do plan to go running on the treadmill in about an hour, once I get Ben off to school, then I will finish this boring story I'm working on. Later this afternoon, I have an appointment with my personal trainer, Jason.

I just can't concentrate on writing anything else here. I'm at a loss for words right now.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006


Ok, I have a few things to discuss today, so get a big cup of joe, sit down and relax here. First of all, I can barely live with myself. I violated one of my own rules yesterday and actually sent a friend one of those e-cards. Ugh. I am slipping. Oh well- maybe now I will start playing Dungeons and Dragons and book the next Star Trek convention, thoughts? I guess when the bulk of your communication with someone is via e-mail, an e-card is suitable. Nonetheless, I can barely live with myself- I felt sick as I hit the send button and I'm still kind of ailing over my behavior. It won't become a habit, I promise.

Ok, next subject-- JASON, You've GOT SOME SPLAINING TO DO..... I'm really, really feeling it today. My calves, my biceps, my triceps, my abs. ouch. I hobbled down the steps this morning yelling at you and I can't even say in this venue what I said- but YOU KNOW! Also, it has come to my attention that for more than TWO WEEKS I have lost no weight- exactly the same. Apparently, this is muscle gain. I have lost inches but not pounds. I would really like to lose weight too, but whatever, I can live with being the Viking warrier that I am. (ha). It was suggested to me yesterday by a friend that in a particular situation, I could be pictured wearing a Viking hat and controlling the show. (hmm, I don't think that's a compliment)

Speaking of tough women, I've found a volunteer for Kilimanjaro- my friend Mary- we are going to do some alpine training together this summer in Colorado in preparation for our plans to summit the big one- it's only the beginning too, so watch out! You all think I'm crazy, but when you read about us in Life Magazine you will understand.

With less than a month and half away for the triathlon, I feel like things are moving along nicely. Many of you have been so very generous-- Yesterday I received three donations to my website. I will thank each of you personally, but I can't tell you how much that means to me that you are backing me this way. Thank you so very much and your money is going to a great cause, Cure Autism Now. You are fabulous. Thanks.

Here is the URL for those of you who are still planning to donate, (no obligation of course) and haven't done so yet.


Tuesday, February 14, 2006


ALL NIGHT LONG I had the best dreams.... that I was ripping the mountain. I could feel the crunch of snow under my feet. I'm going to have to start doing some more freelance writing to cover what is inevitably going to become an expensive skiing habit.

It's funny. I've had three horrible wipeouts on my bike, but the skiing thing went ok. I suppose I was being conservative on the slopes (ha, ha, ha)

The day is coming though, when Tom opens up the American Express bill. I'm dreading that- I'll have to sweeten him up somehow. I sense that I will be buying skis in the next day or so and also trying to book a trip out west. hmmm. hmmm. well, as I say shrouds do not have pockets.

Got up at 5:00 and was at the gym by 5:30- ran a nice fast mile on the treadmill next to a rather nice looking and rather tall man. (normally I run 10 minute miles, but I was trying to be impressive given the scenery). After that, spent some time on the elliptical machine, feeling it a bit in a my knees after yesterday's alpine bliss.

I haven't heard from a few of you in a while. I'd love to hear from you, either in this venue or through e-mail, or call too if you want.

That's all for today. Have a great day- mine has been fabulous thus far, but I'm only an hour and half into it. I can tell though, it's going to be a great day. I have an appointment with my personal trainer later today too, that should be good.


1. great dreams all night long
2. clear roads
3. schools being opened
4. being one of the lucky ones to have electricity
5. the hot shower I'm about to jump into

Monday, February 13, 2006


I HAD THE BEST DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Left out early this morning with the kiddies. (No school because of the snow) and we drove to a local ski resort about 60 miles away. I put them in childcare and I had the day to myself- It was FABULOUS. With about 15 inches of new powder, the conditions were great. I haven't been skiing in a while, so I was kind of nervous I'd be bad at it, but I haven't lost my touch at all. In fact, I did really well. I guess all these trips to the gym and with my personal trainer have helped. My son, Benjamin thinks I should be in the olympics (ha, ha, ha)

I'm feeling like I'm going to be a bit stiff tomorrow, but that's just fine. I'm already making plans to go skiing this weekend if possible, but probably to Western Maryland where the snow will be better. You would have been impressed if you saw me out there- Great moguls, lots of good air etc. I am very, very happy today.


1. being good at skiing
2. 12-15 inches of fresh powder
3. American Express cards
4. parabolic skis!!! (FABULOUS, FABULOUS)
5. a nice tan on my cheeks.

Sunday, February 12, 2006


OK, after a few hours of great fun sled-riding, going over ramps etc, I decided to have a better attitude about the snow. We had a great day- great fun. My son Ben is quite the daredevil- where do you suppose he gets that?.

The big news- I am going skiing tomorrow night. Finally. I'm all geared up- I'll be renting the skis though. Going to do some night skiing locally 5-10 pm. It should be quite fun. I hope Tom doesn't check the American Express account online for a few days, because he's going to be shocked when he sees how much I've spent. Oh well. sorry.

I havent' been skiing in a while, but I'm pretty fit and think it should go pretty well. Bought some snow-boarding gear because it was cheaper. I'll let you know how things went.

WE ARE SNOW BOUND! My plans were to get together with a group of friends and go snow boarding or skiing, but many people opted out, worried there would be no way to get back through all this snow. (11 inches) I don't have cross-country skis anymore, so there is nothing for me to do here. What does a future triathlete (ha, ha, ha) do when snowbound? Definitely not shovel the driveway!!

I've already called the YMCA today to see if some crazy person showed up and opened up the place. No such luck. I am stuck here, I've already taken a couple of naps, been downloading music and am thinking up some trouble to get into- very dangerous situation for me- I HATE BEING BORED!

I am going to violate my TV-watching rule and watch some of the olympics- but actually that kind of thing is allowed with my rule. Later, if I get any bit of nice in me, I may actually make some chocolate chip cookies for the boys.

I would appreciate some e-mails or something. Even if they are obnoxious ones. I'm feeling a bit cut off.



Friday, February 10, 2006

With the best of intentions, I set my alarm last night for 5:00 am. At 7:30 am I awoke to an annoyed husband, screaming kids and spilled dog food/water bowl all over the kitchen floor. Hmm. how lovely eh? Well, things quickly improved. Got the kiddies off to school in a somewhat grouchy way then off to the gym. I spent a very strenous 50 minutes on the precor machine and then to Iron Maidens. My weight lifting coach made me do 20 half lifts at 135 lbs. heavy stuff, heavy heavy stuff-- I'm getting very strong, so I would not mess with me!

Well, now after running around doing grocery shopping and over-spending at Target I'm home, showered and I plan to dive under my sea of blankets for about an hour or so before Ben gets home from school. I'm hoping it will be calm tonight at work, I'm really tired.

I HATE SNOW and we are likely to be getting several inches of it. This completely ruins my plans for bike-riding, so I guess it will be a running weekend. Oh well, it's all good. I think I will also get in some good lengthy swims. My husband tells me that we will be going to St. Petersburg in July for the G-8 and then some vacationing (no not florida, RUSSIA). So nonetheless, we will be looking for some serious childcare so we can escape away sans kiddies. It's about time my life starts picking itself up from this surburban purgatory! Looking forward to it- St. Petersburg is so beautiful, greatest of museums, architecture, restaurants etc. I like it, I like it a lot!

Well, I suppose that's all for now. I hope we don't get any snow- I hate being house bound.


1. 135 lb half lifts- going strong!!!
2. losing inches in places where I needed to
3. PIMS orange/chocolate cookies (Zonda- you are in big trouble for pointing those out to me! I ate half a pack of them today)
4. wildness in NYC in a couple of weeks
5. A hopefully tame Friday night on the news front.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

It's been a very busy day that began at 5:00 am. I opted for going to the gym and ran on the treadmill rather than boot camp on the track. It was 26 degrees and that's just too, too cold for me.

I've been running around all day. It's my husband Tom's birthday, so the boys and I are putting together a little party and I'm making a very good dinner. I think he will be pleased.

I'm feeling a little tired today. I think it's the week catching up with me. It's been a very busy week and I'll be going into a very busy weekend. Despite this, I am still making time for my friends. I do this because it is important to have balance in my life. No matter how complicated a schedule, where there is a will there is a way. People who make excuses all the time, just don't want to make the effort.

That being said. I hope it does not snow this weekend. I have a good bit of riding I need to do and given my history of wiping out, I really don't need any kind of slippery stuff going on. I had a good session with my personal trainer today. He gets many points for A: reading and posting comments on this blog (even if some of them have to do w/how sweaty I am), and B: telling me today that it looked like I lost some more inches. Jason, you are quite the man, but don't have too much fun this weekend!

Tonight's menu:
Caesar salad
chicken Parmesan/pasta
red velvet cake/ice cream

1. Understanding and respecting the importance of friends
2. Getting through this week
3. Jack taking a very long nap
4. Another great year for Tom
5. A good chance there will be NO SNOW!

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Muere Lentamente, Pablo Neruda

He dies slowly
the one who doesn't travel
the one who doesn't read
the one who doesn't listen to music
the one who seeks and doesn't
find with his eyes

He dies slowly
the one who destroys his dignity
the one who does not accept help.

He dies slowly
the one who becomes a slave of habit
passing daily on the same route.
the one who never changes his performance
does not take the risk of changing
the color of his clothes
who never talks to a stranger.

He dies slowly
the one who avoids passion
and his whirling emotions
that reflect light into his mind
and repair broken hearts

He dies slowly
the one who never changes his cape
when he is sad at work or from love,
the one who doesn't take risks
to realize his dreams
the one who, not once in his life,
runs away from reasonable advice

Take a risk today !

Act right now !

Don't let yourself die slowly !

All I have to say is send a girl a poem and she will be smitten!
Okay, I had a fairly good workout today. Up and at the gym by 5:30 a.m. I still look pretty torn up from the latest bike accident and people are commenting. It reminds me of my rugby-playing days in college. I used this new contraption today "the arc trainer" and it was a pretty rough workout. My personal trainer recommended I use it. At first, I thought it was a wimpy kind of thing until I used it for about 35 minutes. I think I'll be feeling it tomorrow. Later today I plan to do a bit of weight lifting with my fellow Iron Maidens and then I'll pick up Jack and come back to the YMCA for a nice 2 mile swim. I realize I've been neglecting the whole swimming thing.

For those of you planning on sponsoring me in the upcoming triathlon, the deadline approaches. Here is the link if you want to do an online donation.


Well, I don't really have much more to say, except that I really need to find better things to do with my time than harassing my friends. I need more work I suppose, or more difficult work. Working out of Iraq on a temporary posting would have filled that need.


1. This great cup of joe I'm enjoying as we speak
2. spring approaching (stay tuned)
3. the Grateful Dead
4. my husband leaving for work in the next few minutes
5. dark chocolate.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

So procrastination is definitely one of my faults. For about a week now, I've been putting off writing several health stories for my job. Instead I bugged my friends with e-mails, wrote fictitious letters, conducted silly studies etc. Not to mention the fact that a good many of my friends are just sick and tired of me. sorry. So last night I was up until 2:00 am writing a bunch of copy I could have done days earlier. Go to the Reuters wire and check out my stuff. I really need to start taking things a bit more seriously. Why be creative with the stuff you get paid to do though?

I can barely move my legs today- my butt and inner thighs are killing me-- I suspect Jason the personal trainer is to blame for this. Nonetheless, I will indeed go to the gym later today. Skipped boot camp this morning-- again, my down comforter was much much more appealing. Besides I need more than three hours sleep for that kind of stuff.

My bike crash injuries are improving. I still look like I've been in a big brawl but that's kind of cool. Don't mess with me!

Well, this is all for today-- but stay tuned because I have some very exciting things coming to this blog.


1. more than three hours of sleep
2. being able to fake my job and actually look good
3. wearing 34 waist levis instead of 36 waist (not 29 waist yet, but getting there)
4. friends who onpass good poems
5. a very very blue sky.


Monday, February 06, 2006

No broken anything, just really hurting. I need to calm down a bit. Naaa. never.
Okay, did in fact make it to the gym today for running, Iron Maidens weight lifting and then HELL with my personal trainer. Deceiving with that baby face but he upped all the weights today in my workout and I thought I was going to die. In addition, I was informed that I was his sweatiest client. How flattering. Anyone want to ask me out on a date today? Let's see, bruises, sore ribs, black toe, gashed leg-and sweaty! Oh yeah, what a catch.

I've since taken care of the sweat issue. Very lovely now.

My intention was to get up at 5:30 and go for a run but when the clock went off today I changed my plans and opted instead for more snoozing under my sea of blankets.

While at the gym today I thought of a really good idea. I think that the "let's buy Joanne a new mp3 player fund" should be started. Mine is on the blink and I need a new one. I want the I-Pod Nano- the one with 2 gb of memory. ($250) I think I am very nice and deserve it so get started on that one okay? Valentine's Day is coming- I'm not really anticipating that I'll receive any valentines so mebbe a new MP3 player eh?

Well, that's about all today.


1. being un-sweaty
2. 8:00 am Tuesday embargoes on stories I shld have written days ago
3. a somewhat clean house
4. sapphire blue skies
5. a new week.


Sunday, February 05, 2006

OUCH! OUCH! OW ow ow. Another big wipeout on my bike. It's not that I'm an uncoordinated blob- I have been told that I am too aggressive. (can u imagine that?) Apparently there are those who are willing to fall and those who ride with caution to avoid falling, according to my friend Leslie's personal trainer.

You decide which group I fall into.

This is wipeout #3 this week. I crashed on another bridge on Sunday, luckily close to my car. Up until that point, I was clocking a really good time on a nice 10 mile ride. Bruised ribs, throbbing knee and wrist, slashed integument in the shin area. ouch. I tried calling SEVERAL people on my cell phone, hoping someone would come, feel sorry for me, help dust me off, and bring a little ice. No such luck. Managed to shake it off enough to hoist my bike up onto my car and limp home. I'll be back at it tomorrow, ha! I have 13 bruises on my legs, 6 on my arms, a black toe (previous injury) and now bruised ribs. Certainly not going to win any beauty contest at the rate I'm going.

Despite today's crash, it was a good weekend. Not too busy at work on Friday night and then on Saturday emptied out yet more clothes from my closet. Anything with a shoulder pad or a pant with a pleat out! (frankly though since both shoulder pads and pleated pants have been out of style for MANY MANY years, I didn't have too much of that.) So now pretty much I have 4 pairs of levis, 6 pairs of boots (a bit of an addiction for me), running shoes, and a bunch of black shirts/cashmere/silk sweaters (about 2 dozen or so).

I went shopping with Kathy in Columbia, Md. - We gave her mother a ride to a retirement party in the area and for the bulk of that 30 minute drive, Kathy's mother gave me grief about wearing too much black. So here's my reasoning if anyone is wondering. I wear black because I don't have to worry about anything matching, I can get dressed in the dark, and all the crap I've spilled on myself doesn't show up. I think these are indeed good reasons. Oh and buy the way, I AM quite adventurous with color in the world of undergarments!

The goal was to look for an evening gown for an event I'm attending in a couple of weeks. Most of what I tried on made me look like a bell. ( a bell not a belle) or a prostitute, so I'm going to stick with the dress I ordered from Nordstrom. I will probably have to buy some fancy shoes too, because I don't think my grubby cowboy boots will really work.

A miracle. I actually made dinner tonight. I think it's the first time I've done that in about 2 months! Roasted garlic/rosemary chicken, asparagus with hollandaise sauce (yes the real deal not the Knorrs instant stuff) and some nasty cous-cous stuff with porcini mushrooms for tom. I ate my asparagus plain, drank an entire bottle (the big one) of V-8 juice, skipped the chicken and ate some tobasco-laced dill pickles... then a zantac. I'm really not into big dinners any more - I ordered a steak dinner to go from the Corner Pub the other night and it practically sent me into a coma. HOWEVER, I cannot stop thinking about those hot dogs at the Twist O' The Mist. Go to this link to see some pictures and read some commentary about this place.

FOOTBALL: I didn't even know that this weekend was the superbowl. And apparently not being in the know about this makes a person ridiculous. However, I did actually violate my no TV-watching goal to watch Stones/Mick Jagger at half-time. mmm mmm mmmm. Just thinking about him takes my breath away. That man is fabulous.

In case you are wondering, that's me in that picture above. I was in the Netherlands Antilles having a great time. Of course, great face mask to avoid all wildlife. I could really use a vacation. It seems like a good many of my friends have big trips planned. I'm going to trek up to NYC in a couple of weeks for a fun weekend in the city but no plans for anything big. Well, I guess that's not actually correct. We will do our family week at the beach in June. (right after I do the Chesapeake Bay swim) Then in August I'm going to take an alpine training course in Colorado Springs.

I Was initially thinking about 4 or 5 days in the UK by myself over spring break but something's come up that week that I have to do-

Well, this is probably way more information than any of you really wanted to read about so I'll sign off. I'm really smarting all over right now, but I'll be fine in the morning.


1. sleeping till 7:00 am
2. "dare" the new very red lipstick I now own
3. Brookstone for having the ever-essential things a lady can use
4. black clothing
5. a closet emptied of old clothes

Friday, February 03, 2006

I had a steak dinner last night and then passed out from it. To make up for that I was at the gym at 5:30 this morning for 110 minutes on the elliptical machine (listening to some good music on the MP3 player), then a quick 2 miles on the treadmill followed by a 6 minute warmdown on this stupid arc trainer.

I nearly died on the elliptical because I had to use the machine behind Francesca, this tiny Italian woman who I'm convinced must eat cabbage every day of her life, if you know what I mean. I've gotten a good dose of methane gas in me after that, most unpleasant. My friend Madeline and I nearly push each other down each morning trying to get the machine that is the most distant from Francesa. Needless to say, I was not quick enough this morning.

Have to work tonight and write up a couple of health stories for the Tuesday newspapers- one about whole grains and diabetes and the other about how Europeans are now getting fat from eating American-style food.

Thank you in advance for your blog quiz responses. A number of you have already finished this task and can look forward to your scoring, which has been outsourced.


1. breathing good air
2. getting in a good shower
3. chocolate/caramel power bars
4. the weather
5. benching 110 in multiple reps.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Ok so I managed to get up and out on to the track at 5:30 am for running boot camp. Taped my trick baby toe to roast beef and none and that helped a bit. Nonetheless, I did indeed have a bit of a wardrobe breakdown. About halfway through a 100 meter sprint (intervals-yuck) some very important hardware BROKE-- BOOBS popping out all over the place. It was still dark so I just got in my car, zipped home and strapped on some new hardware and then went to the gym.

Did 1 hour on the elliptical - burned 800 calories. Watched those silly women in the gymnasium across the hall doing this absurd aerobics class. Little pink outfits dancing around- stupid.

My friend Mary is going to do the Chesapeake Bay swim with me- woo hoo- it shld be great fun -- there's this great place we can go to afterward.

Well, going to sign off- It's very hard for me to actually engage in a conversation with my husband while I'm writing this- I've been doing it for the past 20 minutes and I don't really know what he's even talking to me about, but somehow I've been able to respond.


1. Boobs staying put
2. my trick toe - now kindof a greenish black color (i may actually take a picture of it with my webcam and post it here for your viewing pleasure)
3. not staying mad
4. good hair
5. stamina

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Well, I guess it's all about setbacks. I broke my toe, ouch. My little toe. I've taped up my foot, but it still hurts to run, so I did the elliptical machine this morning and I'll go back to do some weightlifting and then some swimming (which I need to do anyway). I am still sore from my fall this weekend too, so I'm going to have to take it easy for a couple of days.

I've always had this list of goals I was to achieve by a certain age. Many of them I have indeed achieved within the established deadline and some I have not yet accomplished but still plan to do. At 4, my goal was to be able to snap by the time I finished Kindergarten, did that. (I started Kindergarten early because I have a December birthday). At 5, to ride a two-wheel bike w/out training wheels. (with many cuts and bruises I achieved that). My brother, who is six years older taught me how to ride my bike, by promising not to let go and obviously not being honest about that, then yelling at me. It worked.

By 30 I was to finish my first book. I'm still working on that. However, I have had a few long cover magazine articles published over the years and I am published regularly in newspapers, so I haven't been idle on the whole writing thing. Did you know that when I was about 12 years old, I once saw this 60 minutes edition on how the news is generated and they did a big profile of the AP and UPI (when it was in its heyday) and I decided at that point that I wanted to do that- be the real source of news that all the broadcast and papers just steal from. My apols to Vic across the street from my parents, but hey, TV just isn't journalism in my mind.

By 40 I was to run a marathon and I'm still working on that. But I have NOW decided to add some more goals and I feel pretty confident that I will achieve these. I AM going to summit Mt. Kilimanjaro in either late 2006 or more likely spring of 2007. Each year thereafter I want to summit all of the major peaks, McKinley, Everest and yes, ultimately K2. My husband does not want to do this with me.

When I told my mother this latest goal- "You mean in Africa? You're off your rocker, but you're crazy enough to do it." I think in a Morrison family kind of way, that was somewhat of an endorsement. As a baby step, I'm going to do some climbs in the Rockies this late spring and summer. I don't have any fancy equipment, so I'm going to do these hikes with some sort of outfitter. I've only repelled once in my life and I LOVED IT. I'm not really afraid of heights if I don't have to worry about my kids- THEY WILL NOT BE COMING. I just really don't like wildlife if there are no bars separating me from it. So the whole animal thing is going to be a bit of a challenge.

Please, I would welcome any joiners- If you are indeed interested in doing a hike in the states with me (to start) let's get going on that.- I am going to sign up for something in the next couple of weeks.

TODAY, I am registering for the GREAT CHESAPEAKE BAY swim. I'm doing the 1 -mile race this year not the 4.4 mile across the bay race because I have been busy training for the triathlon and don't really have the time to prepare for a 4.4 mile swim. The race is on June 11. I put on my Orca speed suit the other day and I don't LOOK like an Orca in it anymore! Actually kindof curvy. Hmm. watch out, this woman is getting dangerous!

It has indeed been a bouncy road for me, both emotionally and physically. The thing is, the sun always rises and I have a new day to tackle. That's a great thing.


1. another day
2. an impeccable will- in 1980 someone told me I had one (didn't agree with it of course) and to this day I think that is the most significant thing anyone has ever said to me. I read that letter every once in a while for a little perk.
3. a world full of great mountain peaks
4. the way my toe felt BEFORE I broke it
5. strength