Monday, March 10, 2014

Waiting for My Luggage, Bike

I'm here at the airport waiting for a suitcase and also my bike. I'm trying to be calm. Trying. No news about my bike's whereabouts or my suitcase. but the expectation is that it's on a flight set to arrive at 6:00 pm. then i have to dash in a cab and get to my destination.

cross your fingers, otherwise- a: heartbroken over a very special bike being lost and b: will be wearing same levis and black t-shirt all week to conference (the suitcase with my pajamas and sneakers i have, but none of my work clothes)

Five Favorite Things
1. that i always try to come up with favorite things
2. that i at least have pajamas for tonight and a toothbrush
3. that it looks really nice outside
4. that i'm hopeful my luggage will be on this next flight
5. oy, i dont know, i guess that I didn't freak out too much.

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