Tuesday, March 04, 2014

Looking Back

It is still such a shock to me that on Saturday I'm going to a funeral for the first boy I loved. I remember back then so vividly and it was a long time ago- decades ago. It seems like he had a really good and full life and I'm happy about that. He was a wonderful person. My heart goes out to his family and his loved ones for this huge loss and the years they all suffered with him. I feel like I lost a part of myself too. You always have a place in your heart for that first love. Saturday is going to be a hard day, but a good day to honor a lovely person.

It gives me good perspective about my own life. I've got to do better. I need to stick with my plan of moving forward. Let those who want to live a lesser life do so and move forward and away from it. There are so many things this world has to offer and love to be found. I can be loved by someone again and my love can be given to someone who will cherish it and not waste it.

Five Favorite Things:
1. perspective
2. having loved some great people
3. recognizing when your love is ill-placed
4. moving forward
5. dinner with a nice person

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