Saturday, March 08, 2014

An Interesting Day

I went to a funeral today for my first boyfriend. He had lived such a full life, so many people were there. I think I was the only one there from his youth (besides family of course). It was nice to see his family. I'm not even sure if they remembered me, but they looked pretty worn out. It's been a hard three years for them as Andy battled a terrible disease.

After I returned from the funeral I quickly changed into my bike gear and went out and sprinted 11 miles. A short ride I know but I got down in the drops and rode hard. I'm tired now, but it felt good to do it. I also was thinking as I was pedaling, fuck being sad. So fuck being sad.

Five Favorite Things
1. good memories of a lovely man
2. that I'm a fighter. I get weak, but I am a fighter
3. keeping a youthful outlook on life
4. a sunny day and break from the snow
5. sprinting on the Kestrel

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