Monday, March 24, 2014

Longer Days = More Time With the Bike

I overslept the morning and missed my planned swim in the Masters' lane. My alarm went off at 4:45. I hit the snooze button a couple of times and then turned off both my cell alarm and the cheapy alarm clock alarm- (apparently). I woke up at 7:10, well after any swimming. In fact, the folks were probably already at work by that time!

So I am disappointed I missed the swim and to accommodate (somewhat) I did a spin class today. The usual cyclist guy who teaches was not there and it was a young woman who was not as energetic, but it was ok. I'm going to get in a ride tonight when I get home. I know this is humble, but I want to try and get in between 100 and 150 miles a week. I'm going to be doing this on my own, which is kind of lonely, but I'm used to that. Riding has been good to me and it will continue to be good to me. The important thing is to remember that. Another important thing to remember is that I need to keep painting. I only have a few more weeks to finish some pieces.

Five Favorite Things
1. getting out on the bike
2. spending some time with the brush and canvas last night
3. having a good weekend while I recover from the concussion
4. that my bad headache I've had most of today is easing a bit.
5. that I'll be ok, even with disappointments or hopes that go unfilled, I'll be ok.

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