Sunday, March 09, 2014

Sleeping In!!!!!

I slept till 9:00 am (okay it was really 8:00 am if I can't count springing forward). But still, I have not slept this late since October! I hope this is going to be a pattern. I'm watching CBS Sunday Morning. This is the first time I've done this since my husband left. I'm not sad. It's okay. Today is looking to be a good day. I'm busy today preparing for a trip but It's going to be ok.

I had a fun evening with an old friend. It was good to catch up. 

Okay- i've decided to come back to this post-- getting the bike packed up was a total pain- it involved the strong neighbor guy across the street and a trip to the bike shop. 

Five Favorite Things:
1. not being sad
2. sunny skies
3. watching CBS Sunday Morning
4. getting the bike packed up
5. enjoying a good dinner

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