Tuesday, March 04, 2014

Enough Already, Just Get it Done

Oy, I'm so sick of dealing with a person who is either a: in a downward spiral or b: in a holding pattern or c: all of the above. None of those two characteristics are fitting to my life. Trying to get a settlement agreement signed and the soon-to-be-ex has been sitting on it for some unknown reason. I just want to move on and get this done. I'm sure you can sense the frustration-- that's only a small part of my day though. Everything else was great.

I started out with a brisk mile swim-- 33.25.04  fastest speed so far this year. Grueling session with my physical therapist, who informs me that skiing is still out for a while. However, running is in the picture soon-- (culpeper sprint tri a possibility). Tomorrow work on upper body and abs. Tonight, well, let's just say I have plans.

I can't wait to get to Florida. I am bringing my bike down and I will sneak in a ride or two while down there. It will be a good break with all the hard work that will be going on.

Five Favorite Things
1. that I am  actually moving forward and getting stuff done
2. that I am not allowing myself to be exposed to anymore bad behavior
3. that there are really nice people out there
4. that I will be in warm weather soon
5. that I ordered some really cute cocktail dresses to wear down in fla.

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