Sunday, March 26, 2006


Well, I suppose for a race like this you can never feel like you've trained enough. Today I did one lap of the bike course and was pleasantly surprised that the worst hill was only a downward part of the bike course.

HOWEVER, and this is a big however, that is the one part of the race where there is both runners and bikers-- and the running part is UPHILL-- this is on Cedar Lane right by NIH

This would be a great place for spectators-- a: I'll be speeding by when I'm biking and feeling quite confident and b: I'll be dying when I run by and will need your support. Truly, I will need support- this is a huge thing for me and I'm feeling really out of shape right now (I think it's a bit of a confidence thing actually).

ANYWAY-- here's the link for the route maps. Unfortunately I will not be able to be watched when I swim, which is the first leg of the race- at the Bethesda YMCA-- I'm in Wave 2 so my start time is 7:15 am.

For those of you still interested in sponsoring me, it's not too late: here's the URL for that:

I'm very excited but I am now getting very nervous too-- I hope I can do this and I really do need your support at this point.


1. no bad hills on the biking course
2. good weather
3. wearing smaller jeans and having certain people notice those jeans
4. a very long night's sleep, even though I was very bored and wanted to have a night out
5. two more weeks to keep training.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi! Just want to say what a nice site. Bye, see you soon.