Thursday, March 02, 2006


A very good friend just e-mailed me this and frankly I think in the thick of everything, this sums it all up. It's a relief to know that not everyone will misinterpret the things we do to better ourselves.

The following quote taken from Dr. George Sheehan's Running to Win >(Rodale Press Inc., 1992) sums up my main reason for forging on even though I'm likely to do so in tortoise-like fashion:
"Self -esteem results from the progressive development of the self into the heroic self we were meant to be. Wealth, ability, talent, and possessions count for little; of those, we already possess all we need. It's effort that brings us to greatness. My mind and imagination may have limitation, my industry need not. The self-esteem earned through running has liberated me from the ruling opinions. It has freed me from comparison with others. I no longer think of myself as inferior or superior to anyone else, just different. My goal is the perfection of my unique and original self".

Well, I'm not sick. Phfeww. but I won't be too relaxed because I know I'm not out of the woods. Just keep drinking probiotic drinks, eating well and steering clear of things that will lower my resistance like alcohol and smoky places.

I'm such a slouch. I haven't done running boot camp in about three weeks. I did run a few miles on the treadmill this morning at 5:45 am. (yes a bit tardy today). But I at least made it there. I'm just not in the mood for being cold and pressing my face against a dirty race track about 50 times for pushups.


1. not being sick
2. this coffee I'm drinking
3. being strong (hope I can keep this going given my circumstances)
4. running into an old friend
5. having friends and family who like me just as I am.

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