Wednesday, March 01, 2006


It has come to my attention that I have been exposed to a nasty flu, the kind that makes you want to die. So I am doing tomorrow's posting today if that makes sense, because I feel kind of queasy and fear tomorrow I may be sick. (I hope I am just imagining this, because this will be a huge setback in my triathlon training). If you are germy, stay away. That is my rule. I do not need germs. I have since consumed a good bit of probiotics, vitamin b, c and e and some echinacia to ward off this potential ailment.

I just got back from swimming a brisk mile. Very relaxing. It took me 40 minutes to swim it and I did about 1000 meters in butterfly stroke. This was made possible through the handiwork of my personal trainer, Jason.

Let's talk about Jason for a minute. For some stupid reason, I asked him to measure my fat with this caliper thing- not a very flattering experience. He had to grab a blob of fat on my thigh, stomach and back of my arm with this instrument. Needless to say- I am more like a well-marbled piece of prime rib rather than a lean cut of sirloin. I'm not going to disclose the percentage in this venue- but I was horrified. In fact, I'm going to make him redo this measure because It just can't be possible- I've got more fat than a stick of butter apparently. How horrid.

Well, that's it. I'm off to bed. I am really nervous about getting sick this close to the race. I really hope it doesn't happen. Cross your fingers.


1. actually getting up at 5:00 today
2. a warm sunny day
3. sapphire blue skies
4. good health (please, please)
5. fitting into a very nice little racing bathing suit.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We can double check with the bioimpedance when I find it...just remind me!