Thursday, March 16, 2006

24 DAYS!

I have 24 days left to train for the triathlon. I'm thinking pretty much that I will stay the course here and hope to do as well as I can. I don't think I'm going to be able to dramatically turn things around at this point, but I'm in pretty good shape. Hoping at a minimum for 9 minute miles when I run and the swimming I believe will be a piece of cake.

The biking part has been a joy with my new ride so that will be fun-- we shall see. I was hoping to also lose 15 more pounds, but I don't think that will happen between now and the race. Weight loss over the past few days has slowed. I'll admit, I've eaten some junk too like cookies and caramel corn yesterday. so I need to really focus on not eating crap from here on out. It will be very difficult, but I will do my best.

It's very hard to not eat crap all the time- fantasy- 7-11 nachos, a hot dog and pepperoni pizza-- every day of my life-- oh and a sub- with lots of hot peppers. I have to be very serious about this from here on out. I am the only one in my household with a somewhat healthy lifestyle so it is very difficult.


1. green eyes (these are a killer)
2. getting a good sleeping in
3. my little blonde Jacky Jack climbing into bed with me
4. my bike (of course)
5. the strength to do the right thing over the next 24 days!

This is it. some serious perspective here is needed. No more kidding around. Wish me luck!


luvwannabefree25 said...

Good luck!

Anonymous said...

Really amazing! Useful information. All the best.