Friday, March 17, 2006

Very Very Sore

So my personal trainer has me in this very interesting stage of my training-- All of the weights I'm lifting have been dramatically boosted and I'm doing fewer reps-- he's also added a couple of really painful things to mix and I'm totally feeling it today.

I cannot lift my arms, my back muscles are sore (in a good way), my legs, abs, pretty much everything, but mainly my arms-- HOWEVER, Jason is in better standing after re-doing my fat measurement with a much nicer machine. Instead of grabbing blobs of fat with the calipers- he used this digital thing that sends electric charges through my fat (that's about as technical as I can get here). A much better reading and he estimates that I should lose about 20 more pounds, which is about what I had set for my target. Needless to say, I am apparently not a stick of butter anymore. No percentages here. Sorry.

So I'm thinking about throwing this huge party the day of the triathlon-- I've even contacted a couple of bands-- I want to have a reggae band and then get the thing catered so I don't have to do a thing--
here's the one I like the most.

I probably won't be able to move anyway- but I think it will be fun to have friends over after the race. My husband Tom and I are disagreeing over this whole thing but we will see. I'm also afraid I have no friends and the band will be playing to an empty yard. (ok, just a little insecurity there)


1. how my arms felt yesterday
2. ditto

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great site loved it alot, will come back and visit again.