Sunday, January 22, 2006

Very Old Picture. I just turned 5 in this picture. Notice the messy hair, stained and ripped pajamas and my new doll Drowsy. That doll would whine various things when you pulled this string on her butt. (you can see it hanging there)
Ok, so "the brick" did not happen today. My plan was to ride 10 miles then immediately run afterwards. It was a beautiful day, ended up hanging out with the boys at home, talking on the phone, writing, etc, so I didn't get out until after noon.

I did ride 10 miles however in the afternoon. It took me longer than I wanted (45 minutes). I really enjoyed it though and I wish I could do that every day. Kathy's mother gave me a good stern lecture about going to Iraq- It would not be a complete day for me without someone giving me a bit of crap about it.(she obviously did not read my previous posting)

I think I will shop at Safeway for now on. The cashier told me today that I look thin! I would say that's an over-statement but keep talking!

Speaking of getting thin, I'm looking forward to going to the gym tomorrow. I am planning to get up at 5:30 am and run a few miles on the treadmill. Then later I'll go to my weight lifting club. At 11:00 am I will have the first session with my personal trainer. I picked a tough one. He's a runner and I think he's just out of college- I hope he's tough on this old gal. I told him I'm training for a triathlon, so I have a feeling he's going to really work me. I'll bring my oxygen tank along for the ride.

Anyway, here are some thoughts aside from the boring triathlon stuff. It is impossible to fix everything. Sometimes there will have to be disappointments and sometimes not. That's just how it is. The most important thing is to be honest and true to yourself. You cannot work from a script in life. It just doesn't happen that way. I actually don't have too much trouble being myself. In fact, for those of you who know me well, you'd probably say my problem is I'm too much myself. (ha). I know I know, much better in small doses right? I only offer this advice, because I know someone who always tries to please everyone and in so doing manages not to make anyone happy. Best of intentions, bad results.

OK- one last thing. For all the complaining I did about the pinewood derby. The car was made with relative ease- took a couple of evenings. And apparently my car-making skills paid off. This shirt-sleeves writer needed no fancy PhD for that thank you!! (JZZTRP would love your feedback on this!) Benjamin won ALL of his races and now will be in some regional race in March. I think I shall go into the pinewood derby car-making business- a new talent. (our car was the best, especially with Ben's art work).


1. Sorry to repeat, but a good orange- just can't get enough of them. (hate bananas)
2. Long bike rides
3. Crab cakes from the Corner Pub!!
4. The end of football season in sight
5. The lady at Safeway who told me I looked thin



Leslie said...

That is fantastic about Benjamin winning his pinewood derby races! And the lady at Safeway sounds like a great person -- certainly perceptive!

Joanne Morrison said...

How can it be a bad thing that TENNIS season is starting?? I've been waiting for the good stuff. Enough with all these fat-necked football players with big butts/guts. Only a Yankee wld appreciate the beginning of tennis season! As far as I'm concerned the only good thing about football is when Penn State loses!!