Thursday, January 26, 2006

For those of you who were not up at 5:00 am, it was 28 degrees today. I really wanted to stay tucked under my down comforter, but alas, I dragged myself out on to the track. With the wind, it felt like it was below zero and even though I ran a few miles (at interval/race pace mind you) I was still cold. My husband felt my legs when I got home and they still felt cold- there's not enough long underwear on this planet for this type of thing!

Oh, and you might appreciate knowing that one of the women marathon runners who does this boot camp, just had a baby TWO WEEKS ago. She ran circles around me!

It's hard to believe that I've committed myself to this triathlon. I'm not expecting to have a great timing for the event, but I will finish the race. I am not a quitter. Next year, maybe I will train for a hike up K2- any joiners? Leslie, I think you are insane enough to consider it. Gail? you've done Peru- this would be a snap? BONUS: After a certain elevation, we would not have wildlife issues to worry about. (I HATE WILDLIFE, PARTICULARLY THE SLITHERY TYPE). My husband was not too keen on that suggesion of doing K2, he points out that the last time we hiked in the rockies, I didn't enjoy a thing because all I could do was look out for wildlife to avoid.

Later today, I have my personal trainer appointment. I've already been beaten to a pulp by my "drill sergeant" at 5:30 am on the track this a.m.- Let it be known, I do NOT like doing pushups. It should be interesting, how much more work Jason can drag out of me.

Well, this is all for today. (maybe) Gotta get the kiddies up and out. (mom stuff) . I may be inspired to do some more old photos. There will be a quiz next week on this blog.


1. The coffee I make in my cowboy coffee pot.
2. Not stopping
3. A really hot shower
4. My down comforter
5. Tom dealing with Jack's diaper blowout this morning.

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