Saturday, January 07, 2006

So the way I see it, when you reach middle age there are two perspectives A: the glass is half empty or B: the glass is half full. I'm going for B! This will be an interesting journey for this 42-yr-old.

I've signed myself up for a triathlon in April. Bought a very tiny pair of bike shorts that I actually squeeze into (not in a flattering way yet). Lost a good deal of weight and more to come off. A very good friend of mine, who is doing her first tri in March is making my day by flying here to do the april triath with me.

Recently, I've come to understand that I can't change anything but myself and that's ok. Hope this log is an inspiration because if I can do this anyone can.

Five favorite things today:
1. a really good orange
2. that smoky roasted smell that wafts from pretzel vendors in Manhattan
3. true friends
4. defying expectations
5. that first drink of cold water in the morning you can feel all the way
down to your toes.

Carpe Diem!

1 comment:

Joanne Morrison said...

Thanks. I totally agree that at any age it is a struggle to accept that the glass is indeed half full when your path in life comes to a "cross roads." It never occurred to me that I'd have to be my own cheerleader like this, but we can only change ourselves and it's pretty empowering the more you do it. Keep running, eat healthy foods, drink lots of water and cherish your friends and family!