Monday, January 30, 2006

BEST BEST WEEKEND EVER!! On Saturday ran a few miles on the track at a nice 9 minute pace- I could have kept going, but I wanted to get in a long ride. Immediately after running, drove up to Sligo Creek Parkway (at the beginning) and rode my bike from University to Colesvile and back three times-- each round trip is 5 miles. It was so beautiful on Saturday. It was kind of crowded on the bike path- ran into a lot of people I know. In fact sprayed some friends nicely with muddy, wet, leaf goo. (sorry)

On Sunday, it was chilly and rainy, so I opted out on the running part, but set out for a nice 10 mile ride. However... It was very wet (albeit empty of other trail users) and as I raced onto a wooden bridge that crosses Sligo Creek I completely wiped out-- Bruises up and down my left side and I bent the rim on my rear tire. I'm ok, anyone who has known me for a while will know that it's common for me to have a few bruises here and there-- not really a girly girl type unfortunately. Rode the 2.5 miles back to my car and then called it a day after the wipe out- but back at it today!!! (rim is not too bad- i can re-true it- is that how u spell that?)

My personal trainer today was commenting on my bruises. I look pretty tattered. Oh well. I did NOT buy the car this weekend. I really wanted to, but was held back from doing so by a very sensible husband who thinks we should first file our taxes-- we will be doing that in a few days. (I never get those people who put off and moan about their taxes). Our taxes are pretty complicated compared to most and we always manage to get them out quickly.

I bought a bike trailer today for my little Jack. He's going to go for a long ride with me- It's just so beautiful outside today, sapphire blue sky, in the 60s, love it , love it. Gave my brother a good lecture today about getting out and running more- I think he's quite sick of hearing it from me. I just can't stand this sitting around and watching TV- since New Year's the only thing I've watched on television is the news- this would not be a bad goal for others to take on. Get rid of the recliners, the tvs and the junk food-- be done with it!

Each decade of my life has gotten better and better. I don't know why, I guess I'm aging nicely like a good bottle of red wine.(I don't mean in the looks category- just plain old aging there) Ok, that's all for today- I need to get out there and ride!!!!!!!!


1. sapphire blue skies
2. finishing my session with the personal trainer
3. a good orange (sorry, but this is so true)
4. a good mood
5. getting out there with bruises and all.


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