Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Ok, sorry to bore all of you, but going through some stuff and I've been inspired to do another posting today. This is a picture of me the last day of school in 6th grade with Merlin Shorb. I had just kissed him and then proceeded to kiss Brian Elder, who took this picture. (on the cheek for both, my goodness!!) My first taste at being bad- this was behind the "back building" at the Washington Christian Day School- which used to be located on Arcola Avenue. The property is now owned by Yeshiva. Look at me, again twice as tall as this boy- I think I had that whole "Jonan" thing going back then too!

I can also tell you that the shirt I was wearing was my older sister's that I had stolen from her closet. (I'm pretty certain that she beat the crap out of me later that day)

The other picture. (had to do a bit of editing) This is my second dog named Clive. He was named after C.S. Lewis. I took this picture during the great blizzard of 1978-- Recently someone told me about being stranded for days during this storm. I was in 10th grade and I remember we didn't have school for a WEEK. (this was a year before going away to boarding school). So the entire week, we would set up very dangerous obstacle courses for our sled riding with ramps and stuff that would make you go up in the air. You would end up out on the lake, but you had to be careful not to go to the left or you would fall through the ice- which did happen to a friend of mine that week. Instead of helping him, we laughed as he got himself out of the water. Not very nice and I haven't really discussed all the bad things we did that week.

These are not very good quality pictures, I'll look for some better ones over the next few days. Just went through a stack of rejection letters from 1981 when I was applying for summer govt jobs. Carter had gotten the ball rolling on a slew of RIFs Reagan doubled the efforts, so the government wasn't really in a position to hire me, with just lifeguarding as my only work experience. I did end up working at H.H.S. that summer, but in PG county. That was the summer the Washington Star went under. I remember my office took all summer long to write a two paragraph letter to the Secretary's office. Maybe I'll get myself a nice GS-18 job now. None of the folks I know who work for the gov't seem to do all that much hard work.

Anyway, stay tuned. I have some very interesting things about my past to unfold over the next few days. Was getting a little bored with all the triathlon talk.

No favorite things to list- this is more of a retrospective. Wld appreciate your feedback. Many thanks.

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