Saturday, January 21, 2006

Today was Dorothy's funeral and everyone in the choir sang, including some folks who sing just on a part-time basis.
I will really miss Dorothy, she has been such a big influence in my life, even though we've not known each other long. It will not seem the same in choir without her, but she will indeed be there in spirit.
I did not do any running or anything like that today. I usually take Saturday's off, because I work pretty late on Fridays. Got home at about 2:00 am this morning. This whole business about the kidnapped journalist in Iraq and all the worries from friends and family about going to Baghdad, is really making me rethink this. I want to do the right thing. While I feel there is a lot of good I can do over there, uncovering the truth, I have to consider other issues as well. Perhaps I need to find what mark I can make HERE instead of in a war zone? I'm not wimping out, just rethinking a little here that's all.
About 2 dozen people I know tell me regularly that they are PRAYING, literally Praying, that I will not end up there. I think there's a lot of power in that. I will really think things over here. (although It's not like I'm on the short list to go over). It could be several months before I would get the chance to do so, but maybe I will take myself out of the running for that. Undecided.
Tomorrow, if all goes as planned, I will do the so-called "brick". A race-pace 10-mile bike ride, followed up immediately with a 2.5 mile run at race-pace. I can't really say I'm looking forward to it, but I do think it will be interesting to see how that goes. I haven't really combined all the components of a triathlon, which I suppose I ought to seriously consider doing before the race.
Well, this road is indeed bumpy. Bumpy, bumpy, bumpy! But it puts butterflies in my stomach and I like that. I don't know what else to say, except that I hope one day, when I look back at this entry, I'll remember this day and I will have grabbed at the chances given me and I will have defied expectations. It is important to never stop trying.
1. The sun also rises
2. Peace can be found anywhere
3. Strength to keep going
4. Good sense to know when to stop
5. Good directions, when your path changes

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