Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Ok, imagine yourself standing in front of the meat counter at the grocery store. You see chickens, hams, beef roasts. You look closer and you see these steaks that look like they've been beaten with a spiked hammer, that's me. Cubed. If you read my posting yesterday, you'd know that I got through my first session with my personal trainer. It was very hard, but I left thinking I was in pretty good shape for it.

..........THEN this morning my alarm went off at 5:00 am and when I reached over to turn the alarm off, I could not lift my arm. I had to sort of roll over and just throw the clock hard on the floor, hoping that would at least break it or something. (didn't). I think every muscle, EVERY MUSCLE, in my body hurts, ones I didn't even know I had. Still got out of bed and with great pain assembled an outfit for outside boot camp. For those of you who don't wake up at 5:00 am- it was 31 degrees this morning!

At boot camp, for the first 1/2 hour we did an obstacle course. It's good I never enlisted in the military because I would have been hit with a grenade or something. Then for the FUN PART- interval running UPHILL for about 45 MINUTES! I can't even do interval running on a FLAT SURFACE!-(that is, race pace, then slower race pace, then faster race pace, then heart attack). I did it. I can't quite say I survived, but I did it. I think if you threw me in the oven right now with a little salt and pepper, I'd be a very tenderized cube steak. Crawled to my car and made it home. Tom, my puzzled husband, had to help me out of my outfit because I can't lift my arms.

Today should be very interesting. I think the main source of my pain is this one thing my trainer (Jason) made me do called "The Arnold" --yes the governator created it. This strange twisty thing with dumbbells in each hand. Apparently it is truly the only good shoulder exercise- I think it's a good cube steak maker.

Well, the sun is out. I've decided to spend even more money and buy one of those silly trailer things to bring Jack along for my bike rides. Who cares at this point, shrouds do not have pockets.


1. how my arms felt YESTERDAY
2. how my legs felt YESTERDAY
3. how my neck felt YESTERDAY
4. how my butt felt YESTERDAY
5. how my back felt YESTERDAY


1 comment:

Leslie said...

LOL!!! Joanne -- I laughed and laughed when I read your descriptions of how you felt this morning. I understand how you feel -- congratulations on going to boot camp anyway!