Saturday, January 28, 2006

Love: I have been carrying this in my wallet for 26 YEARS. Hope you can still read it. Apparently, being a romantic precedes becoming a cynic.

The Dec 3 birthday note and the Cancer horoscope I've been carrying around since, well, my last birthday. I've been meaning to show that to someone, because I think it is indeed good advice. I should hope I'd have some sort of positive impact on my friends!

I think you can tell a lot about someone by knowing what it is indeed that they carry with them.

No weight loss for days! That's just how it is. My friend Dean came to visit with his two young children. Great kids and they were even patient about Jack attacking them. Every time Dean's little 5 yr old daughter came in the room, Jack would point at her and yell "go". A little man of limited but thoughtful words. Yesterday, his class made bird feeders by stringing cereal, grains and seeds together-- Jack then proceeded to eat the entire bird feeder on the way home from school. I guess the birds in our yard will go hungry.

The last time Dean and I actually saw each other in person was about 10 years ago, minus gray hair and children! It was fun and we laughed. I love being with people who just make me laugh. There is just not enough of that!

Anyway, worked last night. Kind of busy in a pain in the butt way-- corrections on other people's stories, getting reactions to crazy stories from other bureaus and chasing down stuff we could have had earlier in the day. Oh well- this is the life of this night shift gal. Working on coming back full-time- looking forward to it. As much as I say I really can't stand most of the people at my job, there are several I do indeed like. Journalists are a strange breed of people and I rather identify with that. I much prefer people being inappropriate and rude over those who are cautious and conforming.

I realize yesterday In this venue I somewhat committed myself to a long run and bike ride. Hmmm we shall see. What I really want to do is buy the car. I've already negotiated the price with the car dealer. Maybe the car will make me look younger? Ha, Ha, ha- this is a mid-life crisis isn't it?

Can I just say. I LOVE E-MAILS. I wish that were the only way I ever had to talk to people. Can we do that?

Alright, I feel like there is no real direction to today's posting so I will sign off. Are you reading this? It's okay if you are not, I'm very comfortable with talking to myself.


1. sapphire blue skies
2. payday
3. the prospect of having something other than a salad for dinner
4. the pot of coffee Tom made this morning
5. not having truly a THING I have to do this weekend.



Joanne Morrison said...
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