Thursday, March 30, 2006

Sore, Tired and Sad

The poor Orange Toaster had it's first contact with a mean metal Saab last night- only a little bit of damage- probably a lot to my insurance rates however. It was my fault- I turned into the right-hand lane right into the little Saab 9006 which was crushed all the way down the driver's side. Luckily no one was hurt, but just another hurdle here I suppose.

The Triathlon is less than 2 weeks away- I am getting very nervous about it, but at the same time I am anxious to accomplish this goal-- I am looking ahead to do another triathlon in September.

My personal trainer Jason has changed up my training a bit making me do many more repetitions with heavy weights and for about two days now I can barely lift my arms and my legs, but and abs are killing me-- He says this too should help me shed more weight, which is a welcomed development!


1. sapphire blue skies
2. biking
3. making it to my goals
4. being strong
5. being hopeful

Sunday, March 26, 2006


Well, I suppose for a race like this you can never feel like you've trained enough. Today I did one lap of the bike course and was pleasantly surprised that the worst hill was only a downward part of the bike course.

HOWEVER, and this is a big however, that is the one part of the race where there is both runners and bikers-- and the running part is UPHILL-- this is on Cedar Lane right by NIH

This would be a great place for spectators-- a: I'll be speeding by when I'm biking and feeling quite confident and b: I'll be dying when I run by and will need your support. Truly, I will need support- this is a huge thing for me and I'm feeling really out of shape right now (I think it's a bit of a confidence thing actually).

ANYWAY-- here's the link for the route maps. Unfortunately I will not be able to be watched when I swim, which is the first leg of the race- at the Bethesda YMCA-- I'm in Wave 2 so my start time is 7:15 am.

For those of you still interested in sponsoring me, it's not too late: here's the URL for that:

I'm very excited but I am now getting very nervous too-- I hope I can do this and I really do need your support at this point.


1. no bad hills on the biking course
2. good weather
3. wearing smaller jeans and having certain people notice those jeans
4. a very long night's sleep, even though I was very bored and wanted to have a night out
5. two more weeks to keep training.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

17 DAYS!

Ok, we are definitely getting down to the wire here. Only 17 days left! I think I'm about as trained as I can be.

It was suggested to me last night that I cut out any alcohol and just focus on drinking a lot of water over the next two and a half weeks. I will endeavor to do this, we shall see. My running has definitely lagged behind for many reasons: a: i like it the least b: I'm really getting into this body building stuff and c: there's a killer machine at the gym- (arc trainer) and I like to do that for an hour. I burn more than 1,000 calories when I do that- very good.

This weekend will be serious training for me- I plan to get up early, regardless of how late I work on Friday night and do a nice long run. Then I will do a nice long ride on my racing bike- should be very intense.

I am going to keep my schedule very light. This week I've had to volunteer at the consignment sale at Jack's nursery school and it has cut into my training time- so this will be the last week for that. I am completely committed to training now.

Ok, confession time, for those of you who don't know- but this 42 year old car is getting a nice overhaul on April 12-- (after the triathlon). I just wrote a huge check to the plastic surgeon yesterday- a number that needed a really long line on the check. I've worked really hard to take off all this weight and I need a little help from the Dr. too. I'll let you know how that goes. I do not plan to be off my feet for long because I have a 3 miler running relay race with some friends at work who are serious runners, and I need to get out and train for that. I also do not want to lose too much muscle mass- liking these biceps.


1. running when I don't even feel like it
2. 17 days left
3. loose and comfy levis
4. not having too many wrinkles
5. this coffee I'm drinking right now.

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Orange Toaster

Go to this link to see what the new triathlon mobile looks like. I'm calling it the Orange Toaster- very boxy, very very orange (tangerine to be specific). Already loaded my racing bike into it- very smooth transaction-- However, we will be getting a roof bike rack installed this week $$$$ but well worth it.

Didn't do a whole lot of working out this weekend-- nice 20 mile ride today but that's about it. I had designs on doing a 4 mile running race on Saturday morning, but I worked rather late and didn't want to do it on only a few hours of sleep.

Benjamin is quite sick with strep throat, so we are all waiting to get sick as well-- hopefully not-- we will be careful.

Had a good night in town at my friend Mary's house- she makes me laugh and she has three of the cutest dogs-- all with very short legs-- It's very hard to concentrate when you have these shortlegged creatures lounging about. very cute-- they like to eat too apparently.


1. good health
2. minuteclinic-- it took 10 minutes for me to get good medical care for ben on a Sunday!
3. dark chocolate
4. spring here tomorrow
5. getting through this weekend.

Friday, March 17, 2006

Very Very Sore

So my personal trainer has me in this very interesting stage of my training-- All of the weights I'm lifting have been dramatically boosted and I'm doing fewer reps-- he's also added a couple of really painful things to mix and I'm totally feeling it today.

I cannot lift my arms, my back muscles are sore (in a good way), my legs, abs, pretty much everything, but mainly my arms-- HOWEVER, Jason is in better standing after re-doing my fat measurement with a much nicer machine. Instead of grabbing blobs of fat with the calipers- he used this digital thing that sends electric charges through my fat (that's about as technical as I can get here). A much better reading and he estimates that I should lose about 20 more pounds, which is about what I had set for my target. Needless to say, I am apparently not a stick of butter anymore. No percentages here. Sorry.

So I'm thinking about throwing this huge party the day of the triathlon-- I've even contacted a couple of bands-- I want to have a reggae band and then get the thing catered so I don't have to do a thing--
here's the one I like the most.

I probably won't be able to move anyway- but I think it will be fun to have friends over after the race. My husband Tom and I are disagreeing over this whole thing but we will see. I'm also afraid I have no friends and the band will be playing to an empty yard. (ok, just a little insecurity there)


1. how my arms felt yesterday
2. ditto

Thursday, March 16, 2006

24 DAYS!

I have 24 days left to train for the triathlon. I'm thinking pretty much that I will stay the course here and hope to do as well as I can. I don't think I'm going to be able to dramatically turn things around at this point, but I'm in pretty good shape. Hoping at a minimum for 9 minute miles when I run and the swimming I believe will be a piece of cake.

The biking part has been a joy with my new ride so that will be fun-- we shall see. I was hoping to also lose 15 more pounds, but I don't think that will happen between now and the race. Weight loss over the past few days has slowed. I'll admit, I've eaten some junk too like cookies and caramel corn yesterday. so I need to really focus on not eating crap from here on out. It will be very difficult, but I will do my best.

It's very hard to not eat crap all the time- fantasy- 7-11 nachos, a hot dog and pepperoni pizza-- every day of my life-- oh and a sub- with lots of hot peppers. I have to be very serious about this from here on out. I am the only one in my household with a somewhat healthy lifestyle so it is very difficult.


1. green eyes (these are a killer)
2. getting a good sleeping in
3. my little blonde Jacky Jack climbing into bed with me
4. my bike (of course)
5. the strength to do the right thing over the next 24 days!

This is it. some serious perspective here is needed. No more kidding around. Wish me luck!

Wednesday, March 15, 2006


by William Wordsworth

I wandered lonely as a cloud
That floats on high o'er vales and hills,
When all at once I saw a crowd,
A host, of golden daffodils;
Beside the lake, beneath the trees,
Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.
Continuous as the stars that shine
And twinkle on the Milky Way,
They stretched in never-ending line
Along the margin of the bay:
Ten thousand saw I at a glance,
Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.
The waves beside them danced, but they
Out-did the sparkling waves in glee:
A poet could not but be gay,
In such a jocund company:
I gazed - and gazed - but little thought
What wealth the show to me had brought:
For oft, when on my couch I lie
In vacant or in pensive mood,
They flash upon that inward eye
Which is the bliss of solitude;
And then my heart with pleasure fills,
And dances with the daffodils.

Very Tired

I just can't get up at 5:00 am lately. I am very tired. I always seem to be be wide awake around 3 a.m. and I think to myself that Ok- only a couple more hours and then I can be at the gym-- then the alarm goes off and I can barely move.

Oh well, I don't really need to be at the gym that early- it just makes the day a little easier- I will sort choir music today after I drop off Jack and then I plan to put in about 30 miles on my lovely bike-- I just got clipless pedals so I'm a bit worried I may fall on my butt-- I'll let you know- no secrets here.

I'm getting very nervous about the triathlon-- I think I'm only going to be able to do 9:30 miles- I'm pretty beat after the swimming and biking- so we shall see- I was hoping to do 8:00- 8:30 minute miles but don't see that happening-- u know what-- it's my first triathlon-- I'm going to do my best and it will only get better as I do more of them. the end.

Very encouraged that I will be doing a century bike race in October- I've almost talked a friend into doing it-- I will-- it will be fun- he and his teenage son will be doing it with me-- I think it will be fabulous- on the eastern shore- through all this farmland- it will be a beautiful day and then we can get crabs or something afterward-- doesn't get better than that eh?


1. my bike
2. this coffee i'm drinking
3. stamina
4. focussing on the prize
5. friends.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Down to the Wire

I am getting very nervous. It's been suggested by some that I might actually be over-training- I do feel kind of tired these days. I set my alarm for 5:00 am but then changed my mind and got out of bed at about 7:30 after having Jack and Ben jumped all over me for several minutes. Wild boys in this household.

I am going to go do some running on the treadmill today- I have Jack, and I didn't get up to run this morning so I have to use the treadmill while he is in the babysitting at the gym.

Played tennis last night. It hurt my toe and I didn't do so well, but it was a nice hint of summer- I used to play all the time and I actually used to be better, but that that will come back. Hopefully I can do that w/a bit more regularity now that I've lined up a couple of victims.

Today I'm going to get my new bike modified with clipless pedals. I love that bike!


1. my bike
2. two really good oranges I just consumed
3. the option of hiding under my covers when necessary
4. not quitting, even though I'm tempted to do this all the time
5. overcoming my laziness.

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Fabulous Cycling

Did not make it to the gym once this weekend. HOWEVER, I've put more than 100 miles on my new bike, which I just purchased on Thursday-- so lots and lots of great cycling-- I'm afraid I've become addicted.

It was really warm all weekend long and it is supposed to be warm tomorrow, but then a cold front will come it. I hope it is nice enough to actually drag someone out to play some tennis- I'm feeling like it's that time now-

The triathlon is less than a month away-- I don't feel like my running is up to par, but I will continue with that. I'm not expecting to have a great timing on this first Triathlon- but I am expecting to complete it and that is a big deal for me.

I don't need to tell you again that I love my new bike. I will be riding it as much as I can from here on out. Made some good friends with the bike mechanics at my favorite bike shop. They are interesting and they have a good deal of advice for my training. I am also planning to do a century in the fall- maybe one sooner- I think about every two months I will try and do a cycling race.

Ben, Jack and Tom had a good weekend too- enjoying the good weather. We spent most of the weekend outside- On Saturday a friend came over for dinner. That was nice.


1. great weather
2. my bike
3. good hard training
4. grilled salmon
5. longer days.

Saturday, March 11, 2006


The weather could not be better, so today will be a big training day for me. I will start out with a 4 mile run, then I will lift weights, then I will sprint 10 miles on Red Beauty (of course) and immediately run 3 miles (the brick.)

should be very interesting.

I am now looking for a century bike race to do in early fall and I'm looking for a crazy friend to do it with me. Any volunteers? I have one very unmotivated friend in mind, but the suggestion of a race thus far was not met with any level of enthusiasm-- I will still work on that a bit.

I was very busy last night at work. The American hostage Tom Fox, a quaker and a peace activist, was found dead after being tortured in Iraq. Very sad. Also the FBI issued a warning that some extremist website was suggesting that the NCAA championships would be a great venue for suicide bombings.--great. I also ate two slices of pizza that had been sitting around the newsroom for hours-- made me feel kind of sick.

Yesterday was the second day in a row that I really had a poor diet- I need to really get back on track or this will affect my training: This is what I ate yesterday: A box of cracker jacks, powerbagel toasted with soy butter, cheese nips, 2 pickles, a small single serving size bag of potato chips, a salad with grilled chicken and balsamic vinaigraite. a stolen half of an old bagel from the refrigerator at work, 2 slices of stale veggie pizza and a hershey's bar. Very Very Bad.

I'm going to really stick to high protein and whole grains from here on out until the race and hopefully thereafter. I want to take off 15 lbs by the race, I'm hopeful I can do it and with more will power I can. I have been really lazy lately so I need to step up the pace. Please try to encourage me to do so if you think of it.- I can't afford to be lazy at this point. No alcohol, sugar or high fat foods any more -- this is it. the serious business time. My husband Tom is a good tool in helping me more disciplined. I am really depending on him for this.


1. sapphire blue skies
2. my new bike
3. a good productive evening at work
4. self discipline
5. being strong and not over-eating.

BTW-- many many thanks again to all for your donations-- I have raised more than $700 so far. You are all so very generous and I can't tell you how much that support means to me.

Friday, March 10, 2006

Red Beauty

Ok, so what was the first thing I saw when I woke up today? I'll give you a hint, It's red, it weighs 16 lbs, if you watched the Tour De France you might have seen a few of these. Yes that's right, red beauty- She is just dying for me to ride her and I am indeed dying to ride her. This is going to be a very long-term lovely relationship we will have-- This Specialized Allez-super pro racing bike- I cannot wait to race all over the place in this-- today I'm going to drive out to sugar loaf mountain area so I can do some steep mountain riding. Looking forward to it on my lovey red beauty.

I have warned some of my friends that I do not plan to shut up about this bike, you will just have to deal with it. I love this bike almost as much as my first road bike The Raleigh Record, a 10-speed i got in 8th grade and had until I was 23- I loved that bike, I wish I still had it.-- Red Beauty is now filling that hole, she and I will ride all over this country-- I'm going to look for a 100 mile race that she and I can do this summer. I am addicted.

Check out my bike at this website-- Mine is Red, of course, not yellow.

ALSO, JASON, MY ABS are KILLING ME. I can barely bend my torso. We did this different ab exercise which involved Jason, my personal trainer, lying across my stomach to weigh me down while I lifted my legs.-- I'm dying today from that. Also, my biceps are very very sore-- I'm going to not lift until tomorrow and then back at it again on Monday.


1. red beauty
2. lots of roads to explore
3. being Friday
4. red beauty
5. red beauty

Thursday, March 09, 2006


DO NOT EVER SCOFF AT THE POWERS OF RETAIL THERAPY! Bought myself a beautiful racing bike today. Weighs 16 lbs and it's absolute bliss. NOTHING COULD BE BETTER. I CANNOT WAIT TO GET OUT AND CYCLE- GOING TO TOMORROW WHEN I DROP OF JACK AT SCHOOL-- If you hear really loud joyful laughing, you will know where it's coming from. I want to ride it around all of you so you can admire it- (I probably will in fact, so be prepared to admire the most fabulous bike on the planet). I am the happiest cyclist on this planet today-- As you know I've been complaining about not having a decent road bike for months now. I am in heaven. I can't stop jumping around right now as we speak-- it does not get any better than this!!! I've decided to celebrate the new lovely fabulous specialty triathlon racing bike, I will do a century this summer. Why not? What else does someone do on a boring hot summer day-- besides I like raising money for good causes-

As for my diet today, well let's just say I've taken a bit of a vacation on that issue.-- 2 waffles for breakfast smothered in butter and maple syrup, Lunch: a cupcake. Dinner: 1/2 of a vanilla milk shake-- oh well- I have to say I feel pretty good all the same. Maybe my body needed a good dose of sugar today. I'll be better tomorrow--

5. MY NEW BIKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, March 08, 2006


Ok, back again. I only needed a day off to feel sorry for myself. I'm back strong and these blue eyes are focused on the prize, self improvement. It's a great feeling to be on top of the things you need to do in life. It's a big world out there and no need to let the bad guys get you down.

That being said. I was up at the gym at 5:30 today- very nice rigorous workout-- The triathlon is a MONTH away now. Scary-- I'm going to be just fine. I've never felt more strong in my entire life! Since May of 2004 I have lost 88 pounds, all through discipline and hard work- no short cuts. The goal in my life over the past couple of years is to purge myself of things that are toxic-- I need to remind myself of this on a regular basis because toxic people and things are all around us. This indeed has been a very difficult journey for me, but over each hill is a new horizon.

After sorting out choir music today, I will then go lift in my Iron Maidens weight lifting club-- I'm feeling very strong today-- I think today I will be benching a higher number. (I'll let you know)

After attacking my neck with his beard, my husband agrees that my arms are indeed looking very muscular today- I have certain fantasies of beating the crap out of a couple of people-- I can visualize them being thrown across the room by this muscular blonde and deservedly so.


1. Weeding out all the crap in my life
2. Keeping my eye on the prize
3. True friends and figuring out early on those who are not.
4. Muscular arms that can be put to very good use
5. Scratchy beard on my neck.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

goodbye for a while

I need to take some time off here. sorry. I'll be back at this when I can.

Monday, March 06, 2006


Today is a great day! We had a fabulous weekend. The whole family went to Benjamin's "Blue and Gold" cub scout banquet and for entertainment there was a reptile guy. Ben and I touched a 26 foot albino python as thick as a telephone pole-- ugh. Pretty neat. Then for Ben's 7th birthday we went to Medieval Times- the boys loved it!! It was expensive, but I think Ben really had a great time-- lots of horses, knights, jousting-- big plates of food we ate with our hands-- fun stuff!!!

Ok-- then..... I went to Ann Taylor to buy some new jeans-- I bought jeans TWO SIZES smaller than I was expecting to fit into. Woo Hoo-- and they are nice low rise-- looking like a hip suburban mother I suppose. Jason, you are quite the personal trainer- I may have to hug you when I see you. Likin this new look quite a bit. I'm meeting an old friend of mine, Suzanne, for dinner/talking- should be fun- We have known each other for 38 years!!

I finally cleaned up my room, so I don't have to wade through clothes, laptops, toys etc. It was about time.


1. buying much smaller jeans!!!!!!!!!!!!
2. two really good workouts today
3. good bike ride
4. ben in his Darth Vader voice changing mask (actually it's kind of annoying)
5. zesty dills

Friday, March 03, 2006


Well, indeed I never made it out of the woods. I am feeling a bit under the weather. I believe I am through the worst of it however. Yesterday and last night were the worst and I still managed to get my training in. I don't think I will be training today although I'm already feeling guilty about it. Last night, feeling very ill and a bit preoccupied I did in fact swim a 35 minute mile-- I want to get the 500 meter swim down to less than 10 minutes for my triathlon, so this is a good thing. I have very strong arms and shoulders now after all the weight training I've been doing, so this should not be a problem. It was very difficult to do, because I am sick- probably shouldn't have done it but part of me thinks I can sweat through this illness. Being sick just doesn't fit with me.

On Saturday morning, (tomorrow-ugh) I have running interval training and then I have arranged for a bike ride with a friend. Looking forward to the biking but not the running, however my running is off track- I really want to get my racing down to a steady 8 minute mile- better if possible but I don't think so at this point.

The Chesapeake Bay swim in June will be a snap- I feel like I need to add another event- can't leave May alone. It is really fun to have goals like this.

BTW- my legs are KILLING ME. My personal trainer keeps boosting the weights- It was hard to walk down the stairs this morning.

Well, I suppose the thing to do is to go back to sleep. Don't want to though- I think I'll get up and test the waters. I went to sleep last night with wet hair, so I look like something from the Exorcist right now. I'll take a picture, hold on. There, now everyone can admire how I feel today.


1. not feeling so crappy at some point
2. not being thought of as an opportunistic infection (very unflattering name)
3. my legs getting very strong
4. the weekend
5. the prospect of an entertaining phone call.

Thursday, March 02, 2006


A very good friend just e-mailed me this and frankly I think in the thick of everything, this sums it all up. It's a relief to know that not everyone will misinterpret the things we do to better ourselves.

The following quote taken from Dr. George Sheehan's Running to Win >(Rodale Press Inc., 1992) sums up my main reason for forging on even though I'm likely to do so in tortoise-like fashion:
"Self -esteem results from the progressive development of the self into the heroic self we were meant to be. Wealth, ability, talent, and possessions count for little; of those, we already possess all we need. It's effort that brings us to greatness. My mind and imagination may have limitation, my industry need not. The self-esteem earned through running has liberated me from the ruling opinions. It has freed me from comparison with others. I no longer think of myself as inferior or superior to anyone else, just different. My goal is the perfection of my unique and original self".

Well, I'm not sick. Phfeww. but I won't be too relaxed because I know I'm not out of the woods. Just keep drinking probiotic drinks, eating well and steering clear of things that will lower my resistance like alcohol and smoky places.

I'm such a slouch. I haven't done running boot camp in about three weeks. I did run a few miles on the treadmill this morning at 5:45 am. (yes a bit tardy today). But I at least made it there. I'm just not in the mood for being cold and pressing my face against a dirty race track about 50 times for pushups.


1. not being sick
2. this coffee I'm drinking
3. being strong (hope I can keep this going given my circumstances)
4. running into an old friend
5. having friends and family who like me just as I am.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006


It has come to my attention that I have been exposed to a nasty flu, the kind that makes you want to die. So I am doing tomorrow's posting today if that makes sense, because I feel kind of queasy and fear tomorrow I may be sick. (I hope I am just imagining this, because this will be a huge setback in my triathlon training). If you are germy, stay away. That is my rule. I do not need germs. I have since consumed a good bit of probiotics, vitamin b, c and e and some echinacia to ward off this potential ailment.

I just got back from swimming a brisk mile. Very relaxing. It took me 40 minutes to swim it and I did about 1000 meters in butterfly stroke. This was made possible through the handiwork of my personal trainer, Jason.

Let's talk about Jason for a minute. For some stupid reason, I asked him to measure my fat with this caliper thing- not a very flattering experience. He had to grab a blob of fat on my thigh, stomach and back of my arm with this instrument. Needless to say- I am more like a well-marbled piece of prime rib rather than a lean cut of sirloin. I'm not going to disclose the percentage in this venue- but I was horrified. In fact, I'm going to make him redo this measure because It just can't be possible- I've got more fat than a stick of butter apparently. How horrid.

Well, that's it. I'm off to bed. I am really nervous about getting sick this close to the race. I really hope it doesn't happen. Cross your fingers.


1. actually getting up at 5:00 today
2. a warm sunny day
3. sapphire blue skies
4. good health (please, please)
5. fitting into a very nice little racing bathing suit.

It's Swimming Time!

Okay, I'll admit I've been a bit slack on the whole swimming thing and it is indeed the first of three events in the upcoming triathlon. Today is the first day of extreme swimming training. From here on out, every day I will do at least two of the three events in my triathlon.

I plan to swim later today and then a short bike ride trailing Jack. Should be very fun and I'm looking forward to it. It is very hard to keep my goals in sight sometimes, but I will keep going on this. I dragged myself out of bed and to the gym by 5:30 this morning. I don't seem to have that spring in my step I've had. It is getting very hard to get up so early, I suppose I need more sleep.

No weight loss in a few days, but this is to be expected I suppose. My eating has been on track- lean protein, complex carbohydrates, fruit and vegetables. Oh, I did have a little chocolate a couple of days ago- very good stuff.

I suppose this is all for now. I need to get the boys ready for school. Well, actually if you have not already read this then you won't know that I am indeed editing to add this. What could be better than a little blonde-haired boy with the biggest blue eyes scratching his mother's back as she types? I've trained them well!


1. dragging myself to the gym
2. spring approaching
3. cold cold water
4. a good orange
5. being strong even when you are sad.