Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Some man unworthy to be possessor
Of old or new love, himself being false or weak,
Thought his pain and shame would be lesser
If on womankind he might his anger wreak,
And thence a law did grow,
One might but one man know;
But are other creatures so?
Are Sun, Moon, or Stars by law forbidden
To smile where they list, or lend away their light?
Are birds divorced, or are they chidden
If they leave their mate, or lie abroad a-night?
Beasts do no jointures lose
Though they new lovers choose,
But we are made worse than those.
Who e'er rigged fair ship to lie in harbours
And not to seek new lands, or not to deal withal?
Or built fair houses, set trees, and arbors,
Only to lock up, or else to let them fall?
Good is not good unless
A thousand it possess,
But dost waste with greediness. John Donne

Can you guess which one is me? (Hint, there were no plasma TVs when I was a kid)
The little trouble maker above is my bike-riding companion- he likes to eat dill pickles like his mother.

Well, I did in fact get up and out by 5:30 A.m., despite enjoying libations last evening. Did not do boot camp because, for those of you who are not yet up, it is pouring outside. Went to the gym and ran 4.5 miles on the treadmill-boring but good workout.

Kind of wiped out right now. Did not sleep well and finally improved that situation at about 3:30 this morning when I realized: A: still in clothes, minus boots and B: Sleeping on my son's wooden drumstick and my laptop. - very bothersome.

Well, going to sign off. I don't really have much else to say today.


1. Deep conditioning
2. Cold water
3. Tyrconnell (but don't want any right now)
4. Sleeping children
5. I don't know.


Monday, January 30, 2006

BEST BEST WEEKEND EVER!! On Saturday ran a few miles on the track at a nice 9 minute pace- I could have kept going, but I wanted to get in a long ride. Immediately after running, drove up to Sligo Creek Parkway (at the beginning) and rode my bike from University to Colesvile and back three times-- each round trip is 5 miles. It was so beautiful on Saturday. It was kind of crowded on the bike path- ran into a lot of people I know. In fact sprayed some friends nicely with muddy, wet, leaf goo. (sorry)

On Sunday, it was chilly and rainy, so I opted out on the running part, but set out for a nice 10 mile ride. However... It was very wet (albeit empty of other trail users) and as I raced onto a wooden bridge that crosses Sligo Creek I completely wiped out-- Bruises up and down my left side and I bent the rim on my rear tire. I'm ok, anyone who has known me for a while will know that it's common for me to have a few bruises here and there-- not really a girly girl type unfortunately. Rode the 2.5 miles back to my car and then called it a day after the wipe out- but back at it today!!! (rim is not too bad- i can re-true it- is that how u spell that?)

My personal trainer today was commenting on my bruises. I look pretty tattered. Oh well. I did NOT buy the car this weekend. I really wanted to, but was held back from doing so by a very sensible husband who thinks we should first file our taxes-- we will be doing that in a few days. (I never get those people who put off and moan about their taxes). Our taxes are pretty complicated compared to most and we always manage to get them out quickly.

I bought a bike trailer today for my little Jack. He's going to go for a long ride with me- It's just so beautiful outside today, sapphire blue sky, in the 60s, love it , love it. Gave my brother a good lecture today about getting out and running more- I think he's quite sick of hearing it from me. I just can't stand this sitting around and watching TV- since New Year's the only thing I've watched on television is the news- this would not be a bad goal for others to take on. Get rid of the recliners, the tvs and the junk food-- be done with it!

Each decade of my life has gotten better and better. I don't know why, I guess I'm aging nicely like a good bottle of red wine.(I don't mean in the looks category- just plain old aging there) Ok, that's all for today- I need to get out there and ride!!!!!!!!


1. sapphire blue skies
2. finishing my session with the personal trainer
3. a good orange (sorry, but this is so true)
4. a good mood
5. getting out there with bruises and all.


Saturday, January 28, 2006

Love: I have been carrying this in my wallet for 26 YEARS. Hope you can still read it. Apparently, being a romantic precedes becoming a cynic.

The Dec 3 birthday note and the Cancer horoscope I've been carrying around since, well, my last birthday. I've been meaning to show that to someone, because I think it is indeed good advice. I should hope I'd have some sort of positive impact on my friends!

I think you can tell a lot about someone by knowing what it is indeed that they carry with them.

No weight loss for days! That's just how it is. My friend Dean came to visit with his two young children. Great kids and they were even patient about Jack attacking them. Every time Dean's little 5 yr old daughter came in the room, Jack would point at her and yell "go". A little man of limited but thoughtful words. Yesterday, his class made bird feeders by stringing cereal, grains and seeds together-- Jack then proceeded to eat the entire bird feeder on the way home from school. I guess the birds in our yard will go hungry.

The last time Dean and I actually saw each other in person was about 10 years ago, minus gray hair and children! It was fun and we laughed. I love being with people who just make me laugh. There is just not enough of that!

Anyway, worked last night. Kind of busy in a pain in the butt way-- corrections on other people's stories, getting reactions to crazy stories from other bureaus and chasing down stuff we could have had earlier in the day. Oh well- this is the life of this night shift gal. Working on coming back full-time- looking forward to it. As much as I say I really can't stand most of the people at my job, there are several I do indeed like. Journalists are a strange breed of people and I rather identify with that. I much prefer people being inappropriate and rude over those who are cautious and conforming.

I realize yesterday In this venue I somewhat committed myself to a long run and bike ride. Hmmm we shall see. What I really want to do is buy the car. I've already negotiated the price with the car dealer. Maybe the car will make me look younger? Ha, Ha, ha- this is a mid-life crisis isn't it?

Can I just say. I LOVE E-MAILS. I wish that were the only way I ever had to talk to people. Can we do that?

Alright, I feel like there is no real direction to today's posting so I will sign off. Are you reading this? It's okay if you are not, I'm very comfortable with talking to myself.


1. sapphire blue skies
2. payday
3. the prospect of having something other than a salad for dinner
4. the pot of coffee Tom made this morning
5. not having truly a THING I have to do this weekend.


Friday, January 27, 2006

Jason is going to KILL me. First words yesterday... "So you sore?" (yes) "You're going to probably feel worse after today." I think that was quite an under-statement! I am feeling muscles in places where I didn't even know I had muscles. It hurts when I cough even. (that sounds like something a guy wld say to his doctor!) Hence, today is going to be my day off from exercise. I will go tomorrow morning and run and then some biking/running later in the afternoon.

The next person who says "Ok, 15 more" is going to get it. Jason is very tall and thin . At our first meeting he said he thought I could do the running part of the triathlon at a "moderate" 8:30 minute pace. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha haha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.

Out last night in Georgetown with Mary. Very fun, but out a bit later than expected. Had great Mahi Mahi over balsamic tomatoes and broccoli raabe. (red wine too, of course). Mary tried to have some deep conversation with the bartender about him not being where he really wanted to be. I just wanted him to BE at the bar refilling my wine.

Re diet and health: I think in general, if you stick to fruit, fish, vegetables and water you don't need to eat anything else. Try it. That's pretty much been my pattern and I like it. DARK DARK chocolate, especially with orange, every once in a while.




Thursday, January 26, 2006

For those of you who were not up at 5:00 am, it was 28 degrees today. I really wanted to stay tucked under my down comforter, but alas, I dragged myself out on to the track. With the wind, it felt like it was below zero and even though I ran a few miles (at interval/race pace mind you) I was still cold. My husband felt my legs when I got home and they still felt cold- there's not enough long underwear on this planet for this type of thing!

Oh, and you might appreciate knowing that one of the women marathon runners who does this boot camp, just had a baby TWO WEEKS ago. She ran circles around me!

It's hard to believe that I've committed myself to this triathlon. I'm not expecting to have a great timing for the event, but I will finish the race. I am not a quitter. Next year, maybe I will train for a hike up K2- any joiners? Leslie, I think you are insane enough to consider it. Gail? you've done Peru- this would be a snap? BONUS: After a certain elevation, we would not have wildlife issues to worry about. (I HATE WILDLIFE, PARTICULARLY THE SLITHERY TYPE). My husband was not too keen on that suggesion of doing K2, he points out that the last time we hiked in the rockies, I didn't enjoy a thing because all I could do was look out for wildlife to avoid.

Later today, I have my personal trainer appointment. I've already been beaten to a pulp by my "drill sergeant" at 5:30 am on the track this a.m.- Let it be known, I do NOT like doing pushups. It should be interesting, how much more work Jason can drag out of me.

Well, this is all for today. (maybe) Gotta get the kiddies up and out. (mom stuff) . I may be inspired to do some more old photos. There will be a quiz next week on this blog.


1. The coffee I make in my cowboy coffee pot.
2. Not stopping
3. A really hot shower
4. My down comforter
5. Tom dealing with Jack's diaper blowout this morning.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Ye flowery banks o' bonnie Doon,
How can ye blume sai fair?
How can ye chant, ye little birds,
And I sai fu' o' care?

Thou'll break my heart, thou bonnie bird,
That sings upon the bough;
Thou minds me o' the happy days,
When my fause luve was true.

Thou'll break my heart, thou bonnie bird,
That sings beside thy mate;
For sai I sat, and sai I sang,
And wist na o' my fate.

Aft hai I roved by bonnie Doon,
To see the woodbine twine,
And ilka bird sang o' its luve,
And sai did I o' mine.

Wi' lightsome heart I pu'd a rose
Frae aff its thorny tree;
But my fause luver staw my rose,
And left the thorn wi me.

Wi' lightsome heart I pu'd a rose.
Upon a morn in June;
And sai I flourished on the morn,
And sai was pu'd ere noon.

Today is Robert Burns' birthday. So a glance at Ye Flowery Banks seemed in order in celebration of the great Scottish poet. Go have some Tipsy Laird tonight for dinner in his honor!

It is very windy today and at 5:00 am I decided instead to stay tucked under my sea of blankets. Did make it to my weight lifting club and then back for a quick run and some time on the eliptical machine. Feeling a little draggy today, but that's to be expected every once in a while. I'm still quite sore all over from working with my personal trainer on Monday. I have a running boot camp tomorrow at the track at 5:30 am and then I meet again at 11:00 am with my trainer. Should be an interesting day. I will eat tofu or something tonight for dinner in preparation (no way!!)


1. my book collection
2. the guy at the gym who told me today that my husband is a lucky man (he is!)
3. Twist O' The Mist Hot Dogs, (can't get this out of my mind- i may have to drive up to Niagara Falls NY to get one)
4. forcing myself to keep going
5. an interesting assortment of friends.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Ok, sorry to bore all of you, but going through some stuff and I've been inspired to do another posting today. This is a picture of me the last day of school in 6th grade with Merlin Shorb. I had just kissed him and then proceeded to kiss Brian Elder, who took this picture. (on the cheek for both, my goodness!!) My first taste at being bad- this was behind the "back building" at the Washington Christian Day School- which used to be located on Arcola Avenue. The property is now owned by Yeshiva. Look at me, again twice as tall as this boy- I think I had that whole "Jonan" thing going back then too!

I can also tell you that the shirt I was wearing was my older sister's that I had stolen from her closet. (I'm pretty certain that she beat the crap out of me later that day)

The other picture. (had to do a bit of editing) This is my second dog named Clive. He was named after C.S. Lewis. I took this picture during the great blizzard of 1978-- Recently someone told me about being stranded for days during this storm. I was in 10th grade and I remember we didn't have school for a WEEK. (this was a year before going away to boarding school). So the entire week, we would set up very dangerous obstacle courses for our sled riding with ramps and stuff that would make you go up in the air. You would end up out on the lake, but you had to be careful not to go to the left or you would fall through the ice- which did happen to a friend of mine that week. Instead of helping him, we laughed as he got himself out of the water. Not very nice and I haven't really discussed all the bad things we did that week.

These are not very good quality pictures, I'll look for some better ones over the next few days. Just went through a stack of rejection letters from 1981 when I was applying for summer govt jobs. Carter had gotten the ball rolling on a slew of RIFs Reagan doubled the efforts, so the government wasn't really in a position to hire me, with just lifeguarding as my only work experience. I did end up working at H.H.S. that summer, but in PG county. That was the summer the Washington Star went under. I remember my office took all summer long to write a two paragraph letter to the Secretary's office. Maybe I'll get myself a nice GS-18 job now. None of the folks I know who work for the gov't seem to do all that much hard work.

Anyway, stay tuned. I have some very interesting things about my past to unfold over the next few days. Was getting a little bored with all the triathlon talk.

No favorite things to list- this is more of a retrospective. Wld appreciate your feedback. Many thanks.

Ok, imagine yourself standing in front of the meat counter at the grocery store. You see chickens, hams, beef roasts. You look closer and you see these steaks that look like they've been beaten with a spiked hammer, that's me. Cubed. If you read my posting yesterday, you'd know that I got through my first session with my personal trainer. It was very hard, but I left thinking I was in pretty good shape for it.

..........THEN this morning my alarm went off at 5:00 am and when I reached over to turn the alarm off, I could not lift my arm. I had to sort of roll over and just throw the clock hard on the floor, hoping that would at least break it or something. (didn't). I think every muscle, EVERY MUSCLE, in my body hurts, ones I didn't even know I had. Still got out of bed and with great pain assembled an outfit for outside boot camp. For those of you who don't wake up at 5:00 am- it was 31 degrees this morning!

At boot camp, for the first 1/2 hour we did an obstacle course. It's good I never enlisted in the military because I would have been hit with a grenade or something. Then for the FUN PART- interval running UPHILL for about 45 MINUTES! I can't even do interval running on a FLAT SURFACE!-(that is, race pace, then slower race pace, then faster race pace, then heart attack). I did it. I can't quite say I survived, but I did it. I think if you threw me in the oven right now with a little salt and pepper, I'd be a very tenderized cube steak. Crawled to my car and made it home. Tom, my puzzled husband, had to help me out of my outfit because I can't lift my arms.

Today should be very interesting. I think the main source of my pain is this one thing my trainer (Jason) made me do called "The Arnold" --yes the governator created it. This strange twisty thing with dumbbells in each hand. Apparently it is truly the only good shoulder exercise- I think it's a good cube steak maker.

Well, the sun is out. I've decided to spend even more money and buy one of those silly trailer things to bring Jack along for my bike rides. Who cares at this point, shrouds do not have pockets.


1. how my arms felt YESTERDAY
2. how my legs felt YESTERDAY
3. how my neck felt YESTERDAY
4. how my butt felt YESTERDAY
5. how my back felt YESTERDAY


Monday, January 23, 2006

Ok, so here it is. No PhD or anything, but watch out, I'm a strong woman!

Had my first session with my personal trainer today. That man just about killed me in an hour's time. I am getting no dainty treatment.

Did all these insane leg weight exercises too and I feel pretty wiped out right now. Kids are home today and no childcare- Was thinking about doing something fun, like iceskating or something, but I don't think this tired body will let me do that now. Maybe I'll put the tent up in the living room and we can "camp." I need my grandmother's attic right now, they'd love that.

I know everyone is sick of hearing about my training woes. Sorry. I wish I could post a song to this blog, but I don't know how. I may actually send out my favorite Grateful Dead song to some of you- in the mood for sharing that information. George Bush is on the TV right now, and I'm so glad that Jack is now messing with the TV so I don't have to see him. What a total idiot!


1. Surviving through my personal training session

2. A really good orange (sorry, it's just an addiction right now)

3. Good night's sleep

4. George Bush NOT on MY television

5. Really Really great memories.


Sunday, January 22, 2006

Very Old Picture. I just turned 5 in this picture. Notice the messy hair, stained and ripped pajamas and my new doll Drowsy. That doll would whine various things when you pulled this string on her butt. (you can see it hanging there)
Ok, so "the brick" did not happen today. My plan was to ride 10 miles then immediately run afterwards. It was a beautiful day, ended up hanging out with the boys at home, talking on the phone, writing, etc, so I didn't get out until after noon.

I did ride 10 miles however in the afternoon. It took me longer than I wanted (45 minutes). I really enjoyed it though and I wish I could do that every day. Kathy's mother gave me a good stern lecture about going to Iraq- It would not be a complete day for me without someone giving me a bit of crap about it.(she obviously did not read my previous posting)

I think I will shop at Safeway for now on. The cashier told me today that I look thin! I would say that's an over-statement but keep talking!

Speaking of getting thin, I'm looking forward to going to the gym tomorrow. I am planning to get up at 5:30 am and run a few miles on the treadmill. Then later I'll go to my weight lifting club. At 11:00 am I will have the first session with my personal trainer. I picked a tough one. He's a runner and I think he's just out of college- I hope he's tough on this old gal. I told him I'm training for a triathlon, so I have a feeling he's going to really work me. I'll bring my oxygen tank along for the ride.

Anyway, here are some thoughts aside from the boring triathlon stuff. It is impossible to fix everything. Sometimes there will have to be disappointments and sometimes not. That's just how it is. The most important thing is to be honest and true to yourself. You cannot work from a script in life. It just doesn't happen that way. I actually don't have too much trouble being myself. In fact, for those of you who know me well, you'd probably say my problem is I'm too much myself. (ha). I know I know, much better in small doses right? I only offer this advice, because I know someone who always tries to please everyone and in so doing manages not to make anyone happy. Best of intentions, bad results.

OK- one last thing. For all the complaining I did about the pinewood derby. The car was made with relative ease- took a couple of evenings. And apparently my car-making skills paid off. This shirt-sleeves writer needed no fancy PhD for that thank you!! (JZZTRP would love your feedback on this!) Benjamin won ALL of his races and now will be in some regional race in March. I think I shall go into the pinewood derby car-making business- a new talent. (our car was the best, especially with Ben's art work).


1. Sorry to repeat, but a good orange- just can't get enough of them. (hate bananas)
2. Long bike rides
3. Crab cakes from the Corner Pub!!
4. The end of football season in sight
5. The lady at Safeway who told me I looked thin


Saturday, January 21, 2006

Today was Dorothy's funeral and everyone in the choir sang, including some folks who sing just on a part-time basis.
I will really miss Dorothy, she has been such a big influence in my life, even though we've not known each other long. It will not seem the same in choir without her, but she will indeed be there in spirit.
I did not do any running or anything like that today. I usually take Saturday's off, because I work pretty late on Fridays. Got home at about 2:00 am this morning. This whole business about the kidnapped journalist in Iraq and all the worries from friends and family about going to Baghdad, is really making me rethink this. I want to do the right thing. While I feel there is a lot of good I can do over there, uncovering the truth, I have to consider other issues as well. Perhaps I need to find what mark I can make HERE instead of in a war zone? I'm not wimping out, just rethinking a little here that's all.
About 2 dozen people I know tell me regularly that they are PRAYING, literally Praying, that I will not end up there. I think there's a lot of power in that. I will really think things over here. (although It's not like I'm on the short list to go over). It could be several months before I would get the chance to do so, but maybe I will take myself out of the running for that. Undecided.
Tomorrow, if all goes as planned, I will do the so-called "brick". A race-pace 10-mile bike ride, followed up immediately with a 2.5 mile run at race-pace. I can't really say I'm looking forward to it, but I do think it will be interesting to see how that goes. I haven't really combined all the components of a triathlon, which I suppose I ought to seriously consider doing before the race.
Well, this road is indeed bumpy. Bumpy, bumpy, bumpy! But it puts butterflies in my stomach and I like that. I don't know what else to say, except that I hope one day, when I look back at this entry, I'll remember this day and I will have grabbed at the chances given me and I will have defied expectations. It is important to never stop trying.
1. The sun also rises
2. Peace can be found anywhere
3. Strength to keep going
4. Good sense to know when to stop
5. Good directions, when your path changes

Friday, January 20, 2006

So the reality of it is we do all have our own leagues and we pretty much need to stay with the folks in our own leagues or aim higher, but you can't aim lower. IT DOES NOT WORK. Those in a league below you do not even think on the same level and it will not work. Believe me, I've exhausted myself on this issue. I don't mean to sound uncharitable, but it's just the harsh reality of it.

That being said- distractions can be a good thing and am I glad I have them, MANY OF THEM.

This southpaw just got back from running 5 miles. In a bit of an edgy mood, so I actually did this in pretty good time today. I'm glad I make the time to do this, even if it means getting up at 5:00 am, because, as I've said earlier, the only improvements we can make are to ourselves. That is the direction I am taking, albeit a bumpy road.




Thursday, January 19, 2006

Ok, so I guess you have to be a little bit insane to be out on the track at 5:30 am for BOOT CAMP. I just got back and I am quite certain that I feel like I am going to die- but in a good way if that's possible. Who would have guessed that my mid-life crisis wld have manifested itself this way- It's been a good thing and you don't see me riding around in a red sportscar. (soon an orange toaster car though!!)

Ran about 2 miles, but it was all this sprinting stuff, which I am not good at. I will definitely keep at this boot camp thing, at least on Thursdays because it will improve my running time. I was pretty humbled by all the marathon runners doing circles around me, but they will be my inspiration!

If I have any energy or oxygen left, I will probably go to the gym and swim a mile or so. On Friday my very very good friend is coming down from New York, so I will be hanging with him instead of the gym- looking forward to it.

I had a busy choir practice last night. We went through music we will sing at Dorothy's funeral- it's so hard to believe that she's gone- I kept looking back for her during practice, because she used to sit behind me and we would always make eye contact and comments during practice. It did not feel the same without her. For the recessional when they carry her casket out of the Mass, we will be singing the Battle Hymn of the Republic, her family requested it and I know she loved it- I hope I can keep it together and really what a triumphant song. I will truly miss Dorothy.

Other very different issues with choir practice too, but they need to be dealt with in a different venue than this- Still scratching my head on that stuff.


1. getting out of bed for 5:30 am boot camp
2. completed and very sporty pinewood derby car
(with much less difficulty than one egghead friend of mine went through)
3. jumping in the shower
4. being straightforward with those who need to be shaken up(and u know who u are)


Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Feeling a little draggy today- might be because I've been rained on about 5 times. Got to the gym at 5:30 am- ran 1.5 miles at 10-12 minute pace then did eliptical for 30 minutes. Came back, showered, got kids dressed and off to school then spent about 1.5 hours sorting out choir music.

Then back to the gym for weight lifting- was very tired at that point- only could bench 110 today, but did do three reps at that weight.

I had an interesting talk with a woman who has done triathlons and she recommends i do a "brick" at least once a week- focussing on the biking/running-- so 10 mile bike ride followed up immediately with 2.5 mile run. I think I will do this on Sunday.

Well that's all for now. hv a good day.


1. being confident
2. friends moving down from NY
3. sunshine after very bad rain
4. not losing power
5. Cashmere sweaters.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Okay, so today is one of those days I'll get a little bit gushy, but here it is. Life is really, really good! Great family, great friends and great health.

I ran five miles today at a moderate pace and that gave me a good bit of time to think things through today. It's important to appreciate the people in life who appreciate us just as we are with our flaws, our strengths etc. I feel like I am blessed in this way and I hope I can always be grateful for this.

Keep running, keep eating healthy foods and cherish your family and friends!

Five favorite things today:

1. being able to run nearly as fast and as far as I could in college
2. sticking with my commitments
3. Ben and Jack
4. pria Mocha crunch bars
5. wearing normal-sized clothes

Monday, January 16, 2006

Today I was officially inducted into the triple digit sorority of Iron Maidens. (women who bench more than 100 lbs). I will get this very unattractive black and silver muscle shirt that I will have to wear (kindof like a uniform) monday/weds/Friday to my weight lifting club. It's a great group of women and I've enjoyed being in the club- I'm also really strong!

Went on a five mile bike ride, did it in 15 minutes at what felt like a leisurely pace. I rode on Sligo Creek parkway- it was really pretty- I forgot how much I love bike riding. When I was in my 20s I would wake up on Saturday mornings and ride to Mt Vernon from Adams Morgan- I used to love that time to myself.

All of this above seems meaningless, when I tell you about my next issue. A friend of mine, a new one I've made in the St. Bernadett's choir, died this weekend. She's been really sick since Thanksgiving and she is at peace now. But I am really sad and I'm really going to miss her. Dorothy was a really strong and kind woman and she made me feel really welcomed into the choir. She and I last Spring worked several hours a week together organizing the music and she gave me the lowdown on everyone in the choir- Not in a gossipy way, but in this motherly way- She thought and prayed about every person in that choir.

I'm happy I had the time I could with her, but I will really miss her. Losses like this are a reminder to me that we are frail and that our time here can end at any moment. We must cherish the time we have with friends and family. I hope I spend the bulk of my time on this earth doing the right thing.

five favorite things today:

1. having had the opportunity to be friends with Dorothy
2. beautiful Sligo Creek parkway
3. being inducted into the Iron Maidens
4. being reminded that our time on this earth is limited
5. gentle reminders to do the right thing.


Friday, January 13, 2006

Felt pretty tired this morning. Was planning on going running at 5:30 am, but I changed my mind. I have to go to work tonight. I'll go to the gym after I drop off Jack. Weight lifting/running.

It will be quite the challenge today to make this posting sound as upbeat as others for many reasons, mainly because it is very gloomy and foggy today. So, I will be brief.

five favorite things today:

1. about 11 miles between here and the Reuters bureau
2. caller ID
3. getting home when EVERYONE is already asleep
4. determination
5. my imagination.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Ok, second day back to full health. The sun is shining and it's supposed to reach 62 today! Have Jack today, so I can't go for a bike ride (unless I go and spend more money and buy one of those things that trails behind the bike, hmmmm).

Well, even so, planning to go to the gym- Run a few miles on the treadmill and then some time on the eliptical. I've always hated those people who talk too much about working out and I've become one of them. Oh well, change can be good sometimes.

Anyway, just finished my bowl of All Bran and now going to enjoy a mug of coffee. I've really cut down on caffeine, so it's a rarity for me to drink coffee. No weight loss in a few days, but that's to be expected. Haven't heard from a few people in my family- very curious about that.

Five favorite things today:

1. sunshine
2. 62
3. a school bus safely taking my 6 yr old off to school
4. a good orange
5. a strong cup of joe!

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

This happens to be my favorite picture of my little family. Jack was only 2 months old in this photo- we are happiest when we are at the beach. I think we should live there.

Today is the first day everyone in my family is back to full health! Boy do I appreciate that. Ben is at school, Jack will be leaving soon for school and I will be back at the gym.

I've been away from the gym for three days and it feels like a century to me. I guess that's a good thing.

Anyway, plan to run a few miles, do a few miles on the eliptical machine and then finally show my face at my weight lifting club today. My friend Leslie, who will be joining me in the April triathlon, is much more serious about her training than I am. I'm just going to wing it.


1. good health
2. kids in school
3. clean laundry
4. a full night's sleep
5. no snow

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

It seems like for every advancement, one gets knocked back a few steps. But this is how it goes in life.

We've all beenvery ill in my family. I am the last to be plagued with the virus- can barely get out of bed and I havn't been to the gym in THREE days. I hope this is not a huge setback. Regardless of how I feel, I will be working out tomorrow morning.

Five favorite things today:

1. really cold spring water
2. ginger ale
3. Tom Doggett actually getting home on time
4. facing problems head on
5. learning how to tone it down.

Monday, January 09, 2006

I have 10 weeks to train for this triathlon. At this point, I'm not in horrible shape, I have been running and doing cardio machines practically every day and I am in the Iron Maidens weight lifting club, doing free weights. This should all hopefully help.

My bike is all tuned up. The young bicycle mechanic told me my bike pretty much stinks, but this is coming from someone who probably spends thousands and thousands of $$$$ on bikes- The thing about bicycle mechanics is they are would-be plumbers with correct political thought. I was expecting to get a bit of attitude.

Nonetheless, my bike, albeit 13 years old, will do me just fine. It's now working really well and a couple of weeks before the race, I'm going to take it back in and get some special racing wheels put on to help my timing.

Today I am going to go for a long bike ride and I will time myself. My goal is to do the bike portion of the race in less than 30 minutes, so It's going to take some time to get to that point.

Feeling a little tired after the weekend. A lot of things happened, ultimately with good results.

Five Favorite things today:

1. Tom Doggett, my favorite husband
2. a good apology
3. getting in touch with old friends
4. jumping back into the saddle
5. staying on coarse.

Happy Birthday Kathy, things only get better from here!

Saturday, January 07, 2006

So the way I see it, when you reach middle age there are two perspectives A: the glass is half empty or B: the glass is half full. I'm going for B! This will be an interesting journey for this 42-yr-old.

I've signed myself up for a triathlon in April. Bought a very tiny pair of bike shorts that I actually squeeze into (not in a flattering way yet). Lost a good deal of weight and more to come off. A very good friend of mine, who is doing her first tri in March is making my day by flying here to do the april triath with me.

Recently, I've come to understand that I can't change anything but myself and that's ok. Hope this log is an inspiration because if I can do this anyone can.

Five favorite things today:
1. a really good orange
2. that smoky roasted smell that wafts from pretzel vendors in Manhattan
3. true friends
4. defying expectations
5. that first drink of cold water in the morning you can feel all the way
down to your toes.

Carpe Diem!