Thursday, February 06, 2014

Dinner with My Big Brother

I had dinner with my brother tonight. It was nice to talk and actually laugh about a few things. I'm grateful I have a good family. People have been really nice, even strangers have been nice. I had lunch today in the District Tea Lodge and the manager was so welcoming, they invited me to take Yoga there too. It was a great lunch too, kale with sundried tomato slices, mushrooms, a bunch of different types of seeds and a soy ginger dressing. I'm going to have it again next week.

I was able to tell the entire story to my brother about what has transpired over the past few weeks and the nasty stuff that had been going on behind my back since at least November. He was pretty sickened by it, as are many many other people. It's very ugly behavior. While it is heartbreaking to have something like this happen, it is far worse to have to be the person who has to live with this knowing he did this. That is definitely the consensus among a lot of people.

What was nice about the evening is that there really wasn't much focus on what happened, but more discussion about what next. It is all very positive stuff. I have a good story to tell about this journey, all that nasty stuff is behind. I'm lucky to have discovered this now versus several years from now. I can make a clean break and learn from all this and move on. It will be a closed chapter in my book.

I'm feeling a little sore today from my PT visit. I guess that's a good thing right?

anyway. All is well. I'm loved-- by the best people in the world. They accept me for being me and we are all certain that I am going to get up this mountain and see some really wonderful things at the top. I've got a lot of people helping me out, so I can do it.

Five Favorite Things:
1. big brother
2. not having that pain in my gut today
3. being bold enough to have the chef create exactly what I wanted for dinner (roasted kale and portobello mushrooms in a shallot, white wine reduction with browned garlic)
4. my knee feels a little better
5. being just fine with the gal I see in the mirror

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