Sunday, April 06, 2014

Some Landmarks

It has been 63 days since I stopped counting down when my husband left me. Today is the first day I stopped to think about how long it has been. It has been 82 days since he has left. It has been 100 days since I've eaten any meat and here I am.

I had a killer ride today on the Baltimore and Annapolis trail- then quickly back home- (after Indian food) to drive out to the Sharpsburg area to shoot pictures with my friend. Here are some of my photos. I have not edited any of these.

Today driving back home I had good music on the stereo in the car and I was feeling happy and for a moment I looked over to grab my husband's hand- it's something I always did instinctively when I was happy and we were in the car. And, of course, the seat was empty next to me, and I recalled that over the past few months we were together there wasn't a whole lot of hand holding going on. Made me sad, but not bursting into tears sad, which is how I might have felt 62 days ago, or for that matter. So I feel like I'm moving forward. Sometimes it feels like a really slow crawl. It's hard to be sad all the time, but there are a lot of great things out there and I'll just do what I can.

Five Favorite Things
1. a great ride to start off the day
2. a great afternoon with an old friend
3. laughing over ice cream
4. being okay
5. Day 83

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