Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Bad Knee, But Still Riding (hopefully)

Sorry It's been a while since I've posted. I had a great weekend. Perfect weather- I managed to get in 50 miles on Saturday and on Sunday I shot some great photos of some of my racing friends (I will post them once I get permission to do so). My knee is killing me. It's awful. I can't sleep. It hurts to walk, like something is tearing etc. -- this is all because a couple of weeks ago I had the grand idea of wearing high heels. Today I am getting another MRI and then I will find out if I have a torn meniscus-- if so it is likely I will need surgery, which will indeed put riding on hold for a month or so- VERY DISAPPOINTED.

Anyway. I'm doing my best to keep my spirits up. I will turn to swimming for a while.

Five Favorite Things
1. that the boxes of peeps are all gone
2. that my kiddos are back in town
3. my improvement with using photoshop
4. that I finished a painting (kindof) for my art show
5. that the sun is shining today and my apple tree is blooming

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