Thursday, February 21, 2008

Will it rub off onto me?

Ok, so this is the question- If I spend time with an avid bike racer- will those skills rub off on me? hmmm.? good question. well either way I am certain I will gain something from the experience.

All week long I've spent time at this desk trying to look busy, but I just can't bring myself to focus on the economy this week- too much asskissing stuff going with people here. Also, I'm just really tired. Oh and how many times can we write that the economy is headed for recession?

So much of my day is filled with heading back to the kitchen with hopes that the tv crew has left some good fruit or leftover lunch stuff. There were some fresh berries in there this morning that i enjoyed for breakfast. Had lunch with my ex today- a salad at the local brewery place near here- it's nice to get out and away from here.

Our family Hamster is nearing his final days. so it's a matter of time- poor thing- he's sick with something and we've tried to nurse him back to health but I think his day is soon here. We are doing our best to make him as comfortable as possible.

So anyway, that's it-- I'm going to take some pics of ben and jack-


1. lots of sunshine, which is very important on cold cold days
2. good scenery in places where you don't expect to see it
3. finally completing all of my laundry
4. not having to get up for an early econmic report on friday morning
5. 4 yr old little boys running around in space man pajamas.

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