Sunday, February 03, 2008

Sun on my cheeks

I actually have a bit of a little sunburn today from riding on such a sunny day. Ben and Jack were with their father all weekend so I've been keeping myself busy with the things that make me happy when I am not with them, (being with them makes me the happiest).

I know I've said this but I've had a hard hard week, and I made it through and I'm going to be fine. I feel at peace, I am working on forgiving (which is hard when a person isn't even sorry or clearly is not in the know of the damage or hurt he/she has caused)

The art of forgiving is a good one to develop though. I think, ultimately it is better to share your grace then it is to walk around with a grudge and resentment. It is a better exercise for the soul and character and it brings you peace. It's the right thing to do.

Anyway, I got in a nice long ride today. I started out later than expected, but I still managed to race out to the mountains and I felt really strong as the air filled my lungs and made my blood strong as it pumped through every inch of me.

Sometimes we get some bad stuff thrown our way, that happens- What finishes the story is how we handle the bad stuff. Can we look at ourselves in the mirror and be at peace? I also think, together with forgiving those who harm us, is the absolute necessity to be kind to ourselves. I've really tried to be kind to myself this week. I spent a few days not being able to eat or sleep and that was not a good thing. Now I'm sleeping, eating and even have had a couple of laughs with a dear friend.

Life goes on- that's the good part.

Ok- confession- I'm a little sore in the bike seat area- I have a good friend in Arizona who is amazed I don't have to use this stuff called "Chamois Butter" I sure wish i had some now, i'm having a bit of an issue. 70 miles on that bike this weekend has had its toll.


1. family
2. friends
3. foregiving (ok- working on it- i'm not there yet)
4. strong girls on bikes
5. the sun that left it's kiss on my cheeks.

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