Saturday, February 23, 2008

Hamster funerals, snow and ice is gone, animal spirits

Wow, if this isn't the dog's breakfast of a posting. Well, we had a loss in our family. Truman has gone on to better things. He (she) was a nice hamster and very good at escaping from the cage, liked to be held, ate a lot of food etc. Ben was a bit more understanding of the concept that Truman ain't coming back but Jack is just full of questions-- It's about 10 degrees outside so we couldn't really have a proper funeral and therefore had to do a little memorial service at the trash can outside.

I tried to explain to Jack that Truman was headed for a happier place, and he just didn't understand- "How will he get there from the trash can?" "Will he climb out?" "The Trash can is the happy place?"

It's all very complicated but we are working on this.

It's been very nasty here. Luckily it the snow and ice are gone. I have a big bike ride planned tomorrow so I'm glad the weather is better.

I had sushi last night with a friend who is a professional bike racer- built like a solid little racing rock- and crazy into cycling. I'm hoping i will learn some technique and be inspired to ride more. I'm certainly inspired so far!

Well, this one is going to be short- I have to head to the gym and then I need to start making Chicken Sate for Ben's Blue and Gold Cub scout banquet tonight.


1. sushi with a bike racer
2. dry bike-riding roads
3. this very warm down comforter
4. emails
5. the coffee I will soon be drinking

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

why the tangerines?