Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Sushi for lunch

This is not my actual lunch. I did not take a picture of that- instead I ate it- with pleasure-- lots of sushimi- my favorite.

anyway- it's cold and rainy out. I am looking forward to warm weather.

I finally finished my feature on self-fulfilling prophecies and recessions-- or the "animal spirits" theory in the Keynesian model.-- as you can tell this topic was not that driving for me so I dragged this project out for many many many days- in fact like two weeks I think-- I really have to improve my attitude.

So to celebrate I bought the sushi/sashimi platter at the little place that wants to buy some of my sushi art- (no discount offered for my lunch obviously) and now I am sitting here just enjoying the thought of that lunch. I will be heading out soon to go lift weights and do some cardio. after the sushi is a bit more settled- sushi salad all over the treadmill is not a good thought.

after this weekend's long bike ride I am still suffering a bit- triathlon shorts are not to be worn for long rides- let's just keep it at that--

1. today's lunch
2. finishing that horrible story assignment
3. trips to sunny places
4. diaper rash cream
5. email filters-that direct certain emails into my JUNK EMAIL folder so I don't have to read them.

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