Thursday, November 26, 2015

The Sun Also Rises

I caught this sunrise today. The sun rises every day indeed, but when you can stop and appreciate it, you realize how special and important it is.

Today, I will focus on the things and people for which I am thankful. I am thankful for Ben and Jack. They are growing into two great young men. I am thankful for my family-- you can be a pain - but you are mine. I am grateful for my friends, you have helped me at times and I can only hope that I can return that aid to you.

I'm thankful for my cameras. I'm thankful I know how to use them. I'm thankful and I get to use them for fun and also for work- both are a joy. I'm thankful for long bike rides on Thanksgiving morning. (this time I was joined by by Ben and Jack)
I am thankful for good coffee, good vision, good feet and good strength.

Five Favorite Things:
1. spinning wheels for about 10 miles with Ben and Jack today
2. clean, wide open beaches
3. sunny days and blue skies and unseasonably warm weather for Thanksgiving day
4. having dinner later
5. being happy

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