Saturday, November 28, 2015

It Happens Every Day, But...

I shot this a few minutes ago, just before the sun actually came up. Stunning.

Everyday the sun comes up. Pretty normal stuff. But when you get the chance to actually see it happening, well, that's pretty special. I woke up and saw a few diehard surfers out there. What an experience for them in that cold November Atlantic. The waves are big today with long breaks. Perfect for East coast surfing.

We've had a nice Thanksgiving here. I've been battling some sort of flu thing, but generally I feel much better today and even with that I still got out on the bike with my two guys. It's great fun to ride with them. I'm happy we can all do this together. We've got a good little family. As I write this, Jack is eating up a plate of leftover Thanksgiving food. (Pretty good breakfast eh?) This will likely be the last year we do this beach Thanksgiving thing, but it sure is a special thing. With change comes new traditions. With each day the sun rises. Pretty hopeful.

Five Favorite Things
1. seeing the most spectacular sky
2. diehard surfers
3. little boys excited to see the sun rise
4. getting up that mountain even more
5. this cup of joe.

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