Monday, May 15, 2006


It's supposed to rain all week long. That means no cycling this week. Oh well, I'll survive I suppose. I need to focus on swimming anyway, as the Chesapeake Bay swim nears.

I had a restful weekend. Didn't do anything. I was actually rather sore all weekend long from a personal training session I had on Thursday.

Today I plan to do some running on the treadmill, a bit of time on the arc trainer and then Iron Maidens and my personal training appointment. That may sound like a lot, but it's actually just all in about 2.5 hours. These are the last days I'll be able to work out like this, as I am seeking a full-time job.

I've lost more weight. I'm not really trying, but I haven't had much of an appetite over the last week and a half. Just how it is I suppose. I'm thinner now than I was in my 20s. Kindof a good feeling actually. What it shows is that anything is indeed possible if you commit yourself to it. 42 is the new 22!!


1. fresh hot bagels
2. Italian dark roast coffee
3. a full night's sleep
4. a smile that's been on my face for some time now
5. oh, as always, lovely green eyes.


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Anonymous said...

Great site lots of usefull infomation here.